Introduction In Highland hland Rese esear arch ch and and Developm elopmen ent t Ins Institut titute e (P (Publi ublic c Organiz anization), tion), HRD RDI I was established by the Government of Thailand to support and strengthen the Royal Project Foundation’s research and development activities and extend its success in sustainable highland development to other highland areas throughout the country. Th The e focus ocus of of HRD RDI I lies es on on sus sustainable ainable ec econo onomic, c, soci social al and and envir en vironm onmen ental al de developm elopmen ent t of of Th Thai ai high highlands ands. According to the Royal Decree on the establishment s ( grad 75% ). Thailand of HRDI, Thai highland refers to an area with altitude altitude over er 500 meter ers adien ient 16 16 – 75 ely 62.22 million has appr approxim ximately on rais ais of highland or 53 pe percen cent t of total areas of 20 pr provinces vinces cover ered ed 3,829 clu clusters in n 14 main ain riv river basins er basins and 1 and 128 dis distribut tributar ary riv river basins er basins. Most of highland communities situated in the areas of water source forest which about 88 percent of them confront with difficulty accessibility, thus it cause governmental authorities cannot monitor these communities inclusively. Moreover, shi shifti fting ng cul cultiv tivation, tion, con ontinui tinuing ng of of de defor ores estation, tion, ag agric ricultur ultural al metho thod d with th inapp nappropr opriate e use of use of chem chemical, al, surf surface ace soil soil er erosion, osion, de decade adent t ag agric ricultur ultural al land and and contaminant caused by livelihood of local people surrounding natural resources are still the major problems of highland development. Therefore , HRD RDI I gives ves prec reced eden ence e to highland prob roblem em solving solving with th ri river ver basi sin managem emen ent t system em in ord rder er to impro rove ve liveli velihood of f highland peo eople as s well ell as s reh rehabilitate e and conser serve ab ve abundant wa t watershed ershed fores rest.
Achievements and Benefits Generated from Vetiver Grass Extension in Highland According to fertility analysis of soil from maize cultivation with legume cropping system S o il A n a ly s is R e s u lts o r g a n ic E x p e r im e n t n itr o g e n p h o s p h o r u s p o ta s s iu m p H m a tte r (P ,p p m ) (K ,p p m ) (N ,% ) (O M ,% ) M a iz e c u ltiv a tio n s o le ly 5 .7 0 3 .6 0 0 .1 8 1 3 .6 7 1 2 0 .2 5 T 1 : M a iz e c u ltiv a tio n w ith r e d T 2 : b e a n a n d la b la b b e a n c r o p p in g 5 .6 2 4 .3 6 0 .2 1 3 4 .3 3 7 9 .0 0 s y s te m M a iz e c u ltiv a tio n w ith r e d T 3 : b e a n c r o p p in g s y s te m a n d 6 .0 0 4 .1 3 0 .2 1 2 4 .0 0 2 7 1 .5 0 v e tiv e r g r a s s c u ltiv a tio n fo r s o il c o n s e r v a tio n M a iz e c u ltiv a tio n w ith r e d T 4 : b e a n c r o p p in g s y s te m a n d 5 .8 8 5 .1 8 0 .2 6 1 4 .5 0 1 4 1 .2 5 v e tiv e r g r a s s a n d p in e a p p le c u ltiv a tio n fo r s o il c o n s e r v a tio n
Achievements and Benefits Generated from Vetiver Grass Extension in Highland Analysis result of general water chemical quality test during 2011 – 2014 at the Royal Project Extension Project Pang Dang Nai
Achievements and Benefits Generated from Vetiver Grass Extension in Highland farmers of the Royal Project Extension Project Huay Pao received blood test for find out chemical remaining in blood L e v e l o f H u a y P a o F a rm e rs ’ B lo o d T e s t in 2 0 0 9 -2 0 1 1 ( p t ) O p e ra tio n a l Y e a r e rc e n N o rm a l S a fe R is k D a n g e ro u s 9 2 1 .5 3 6 .5 3 4 2 0 0 9 2 5 3 6 .5 3 0 .5 8 2 0 1 0 5 2 .5 3 1 .5 1 2 3 2 0 1 1 Local communities gather into natural resources and environmental conservation group operating conversation activities by using participatory approach in order to strengthen their own societies and communities and also realize the significance of natural resources and environmental conservation on their livelihood.
Achievements and Benefits Generated from Vetiver Grass Extension in Highland community gained many awards from various agencies which brought self proud to all villagers 1. . Overcome community capacity evaluation standard of f air ir pollution and smog management and outdoor burning ( Standard Community and No burning Vil illage Project Award 2012) 2. . Honorable Mention Award in in Provincial Level of “Green Community Award” for Smog Crisis Solving Project in in Upper Northern Provinces Group 1 in in 2012 3. Honorable Mention Award from “The Royal Project Extension Project Award 2012” 4. . Network community as le learning ce center for smog cr crisis solv lving by Community Capacity Building for Solving Smog Crisis Project fr from Faculty of f Poli litical Sci cience and Public Administration, Chiang Mai University 5. Winner of “Clean Village and Strength Community Award” fr from th the Royal Project Foundation
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