introduction and implementation of


In International l Confer eren ence ce on P Phy hysica ical l Protecti tion on of N Nucle lear Ma Material and Nucle lear Facil ilit itie ies (In Insider Threa hreat & T Trustwo worthiness hiness) INTRODUCTION AND

  1. In International l Confer eren ence ce on P Phy hysica ical l Protecti tion on of N Nucle lear Ma Material and Nucle lear Facil ilit itie ies (In Insider Threa hreat & T Trustwo worthiness hiness) INTRODUCTION AND IMPLEMENTATION OF PHYSICAL PROTECTION MEASURES INCLUDING TRUSTWORTHINESS PROGRAM AT TOKAI REPROCESSING FACILITIES th No 16 th 16 November ember, , 2017 17 T ok okai ai Re Repr process ocessing ing T ec echnolo hnology Dev gy Developmen elopment t Ce Center nter Japa pan n Atomic omic En Ener ergy gy Age genc ncy y (J (JAEA) AEA) Hir iron onob obu NAKAMU KAMURA RA, T akashi KIMURA, Katsuyuki YAMAZAKI, T akahiko KITAO, T akashi TASAKI, T oru IIDA

  2. 1. Introduction After the Great East Japan Earthquake followed by the accident of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station in 2011, Japan learned a lesson that the blackout could cause the event of severe accident. T o develop effective security measures based on the lesson learned from such crisis and to meet the IAEA Nuclear Security Recommendations (INFCIRC/225/Rev.5), Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) in Japan made a partial amendment of the regulations concerning the reprocessing activity in 2012 and 2016, respectively. 1. 1. Stren engt gthe heni ning ng o of sec ecur urit ity mea easu sures es (2012 2012 (enforce ced d by by M March 2014)) )) Following additional security measures were mainly introduced and implemented. Promoting Nuclear Security culture • Introduction of limited access area (LAA) and secondary central alarm station (SAS) • Strengthening of the information control and cyber security measures • Introduction of a new definition of vital area against explosion risk when blackout • Introduction of 2 person rule • 2. Int 2. ntrodu ductio ion o n of trus ustwo worthi hine ness ss pr progr gram (2016 2016 (en enforced in N ced in Novem embe ber 2 2017) 7)) Items with underline include measures for Insider Threat. 1

  3. 2. Strengthening of security measures JAEA T okai reprocessing facilities that have more than 20 facilities including several facilities classified as Category I, II and III implemented all of those security measures except for trustworthiness program by the end of March 2014. Improvement of physical protection information control procedure Establishment of cyber security measures and introduction of security control plan Improvement of emergency response procedure Improvement of education and training Implementation of the activity JAEA T okai Reprocessing Facility of nuclear security culture By engaging the hardware and software of security measures, our security level could be dramatically improved and enhanced. 2

  4. 2. Strengthening of security measures What material is stored in Tokai reprocessing facility Since our T okai reprocessing facility has a large amount of nuclear material (Pu, U) and fission product (FP), through the frequent security assessment, high level of security should be maintained against sabotage and unauthorized removal (UR) for the viewpoint of outsider and insider threat. Storage rage Faci cilitie lities Storage rage Area Physi sical/ cal/ Sabotage tage / U Unauth uthor oriz ized ed ( ): Category Chemi mical cal fo form rm Remo Re moval al (UR) R) SF Pond Spent Fuel Assemblies Sabotage Main Plant (I) T anks Pu nitrate Solution Sabotage / UR T anks U nitrate Solution UR High Active Liquid Waste High Active Liquid Waste Storage (I) T anks Sabotage (FP , Pu and U) U product storage facilities (III) Room Uranium Trioxide Powder (UO 3 ) UR T anks Pu, U nitrate Solution Sabotage / UR Plutonium Conversion Development Gloveboxes, Facility (I) MOX powder (PuO 2 -UO 2 ) UR Canisters UO 3 Powde UO der Pot ot MOX Caniste ster U Nitrat tratio ion n T anks ks Spe pent Fu Fuel Pond Red Character: relatively high safety / security risk. 3

  5. 2. Strengthening of security measures Th The r e rep epres esen entativ ive e se secur urit ity mea easu sures es be before e the he M March ch 2014 Insp spect ction n of f prohibi pr bite ted d items ms (ID, Metal al ch check ck) Fence Fe ce/Came amera ra ・ Se Sens nsor/Fl r/Flus ush h righ ght ・ Cybe ber Secu curity ty Plan an ・ Eme merge genc ncy Proce cedu dure Inner ner Inner ner area area area area App pproach ach- Vital tal preventing pr ting fe fence ce area area CAS Protect tected ed area ea Guard d station on Gate (Acc ccess ss C Contr trol) ol) Uninte terrup rruptibl tible Rando Ra dom m pa patrol ol Power r Supp pply for PP sy fo syst stem There is no limited access area and secondary central alarm station. 4

  6. 2. Strengthening of security measures Th The r e rep epres esen entativ ive e se secur urit ity mea easu sures es after er the he Ma March h 2014 (After (A ter intr trodu oduction ction th the security urity me measur sures es based ed on IAEA EA INF NFCIRC IRC 225 25 / Rev.5 .5) RED: ED: Ne New Securi rity ty Me Measur ures Cyber Se Security Measur asures es Insp nspect ction on of prohibi bited New Vital Area ・ Una Unaut uthori horized d access ess items (I (ID, , Metal and nd ID check SAS AS Fence with Raz azor or barbed d wire from external rnal Threat eat 2 person on rule Explos osive ve item check) Camera ra ・ Se Sens nsor or/Sir Siren en/F /Flus lush right ・ Cyber Se Security Plan an (Enha (E nhanced d to a all Security Measur Se asures es compute mputer syst stem) Central al Control room ・ Improv ovement ment of of emergency ncy procedur ure Inner ner area Addition onal Guar uard St Station Approa oach ch- P preventing ng fence CAS Protected Area ea Guard rd stati tion on P P Veh ehic icle le Barri rrier er Gat ate Uninte ninterrup ruptible le No Parking king (Acce (A cess ss Control) Rando andom m patrol Limited Access ess Power Su Supply for except parking ing in each h area Area PP syst stem zone : Effective for the facility operator and security force through our security experience. 5

  7. 3. Overview of Trustworthiness program in Japan In addition to the general security measures, as on s one o e of f cou ountermeasur ntermeasures es fo for in r insid sider er thr hreat eat, trustworthiness program was newly introduced* in 2016, and enforced in 1 st November, 2017 for the following facilities. The screening is basically implemented by business (facility) operator. Sc Scop ope o e of t f the he fa facil cility ity to in o intr trod oduce uce tru rustw stwor orthiness thiness pr prog ogram ram  Nuclear Power Reactors (commercial including R&D stage)  Reprocessing Facilities Sc Scop ope o e of t f the he pe person son wh who en o enter ter to to an and/ d/or or ha hand ndle le wi with th  T o enter inner area (category I and II) o enter CAS (Central Alarm Station) and 2 nd CAS (SAS)  T  T o handle secret information in terms of physical protection. * The amendment of reactor and reprocessing regulation was implemented. 6

  8. 3. Trustworthiness Program Screening flow for Trustworthiness Program Examination Team Judgement of Entry by manager Labor Control At least 2 interviewers Information Documentary Nece cessi ssity ty Examination of Perm rmane anent Alcohol Drug Entry OK The interview Self NG is recorded by -De Decl clarat ratio ion Mental Checker video camera Temporary With offic ficial ial Entry * Personality, Ce Certificat cate Interview No subscription Drug and Alcohol Test Accep eptatio ation Issue of ID card ( Valid for 5 years ) Judging Suspension Jud udge ge Committee Reply in JAEA Claim Deneg egati ation on License to enter inner area (Sample) Informa ormatio ion Co Control * Esc * System (Registered ed and Shared ed with scorted d by by t the acc ccept pted d Japan anese e Other O Operat ator) perso pe son who has a l s a lice cense se. 7

  9. 3. Trustworthiness Program Self-Declaration with official certificate Materials to be prepared 1. Name, Birthday and Nationality (official certificate) 2. Residence (official certificate) 3. Name of company with department 4. Academic background and work experience 5. Work experience and job content at atomic facility Official certificate 6. 6. Over Overseas seas travel avel hi hist story y (Passport) issued from local Self-Declaration 7. Criminal and disciplinary background governments Sheet 8. 8. Gu Guar ardian dian pr presen esence e or abs bsenc ence e (official certificate) 9. 9. Alc lcoho hol, l, Dr Drug, ug, Me Ment ntal l st status us (medical certificate (if necessary)) Passport 10. Pledge of no relation with sabotage by foreign country 11. 11. Ple ledge dge of no no r rel elation ation wi with t h terr erroris orism m and nd a crim ime ri e ring ng in includ ludin ing g ga gang ngst ster ers 12. 12. Ple ledge dge of no no fa fals lse e de decla laratio ration 13. 13. Ple ledge dge of comp mplia lianc nce e and nd conf nfid identi entialit ality Prior to submit a self-declaration with official certificate, following subscriptions are necessary at the viewpoint of privacy protection. ・ Use se of pe perso sona nal l in inform rmat ation ion ・ Inf nform rmation ion sh sharin ing etc. 8

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