Introducing Monolith Darren Adkins & Jack Hill 29 th & 30 th November 2017
Monolith - what is the product concept? • Monolith is our new specialist grass-weed herbicide and is the evolution of Atlantis WG in the spring… - 2.4g iodosulfuron • Iodo is predominantly BLW acting, with some grass activity 22.5g propoxycarbazone + & 3g mesosulfuron Atlantis WG • Mesosulfuron is the major grass-weed 12 g Meso + 2.4g iodo active in Atlantis • Propoxycarbazone - the AI in Attribut – is @ 0.4 Kg/ha also grass-weed acting
How Monolith fits into an integrated weed control program in winter wheat Pre- Monolith can be used from emergence 1 st February treatments It’s important to target weeds like Liberator which are as small as remain the It’s essential possible bedrock of to use all Monolith should be applied chemical cultural as soon as conditions are control controls suitable after February 1 st available to reduce weed The key application window burden will be during March Monolith application window NOV AUG SEP OCT DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY The cut off for Delay drilling Monolith is pre- until after the GS33 major flush of T1 is the latest time black-grass of application
Monolith on black-grass Average of 10% better black-grass control than Atlantis WG 100% 90% 80% % control based on head counts 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Atlantis WG 0.4 kg/ha + Biopower 1.0 L/ha Monolith WG 0.33 kg/ha + Biopower 1.0 L/ha Source: 19 replicated trials in 2012-2017. Average population in untreated = 297 heads/m 2
What does 10% better black-grass control mean to a farmer? 73 heads/ m 2 remained 0.3 t = £42* 0.3 t/ Ha yield benefit vs. Atlantis WG 101 heads/ m 2 remained No post-em applied 2.5 t/ Ha yield benefit vs. UT 297 heads/ m 2 remained Source: AHDB Project Report No. 560 July 2016 Sustaining winter cropping under threat from herbicide resistant black-grass = outlier values due to poor crop establishment *At Gleadell future price Nov 2017 (not included in analysis)
What does 10% better black-grass control mean to a farmer? 10% more Fewer heads Fewer seeds black-grass = at the end of = returned to control the season the seedbank Take the example of the 19 trials shown previously… 28 heads/ m 2 fewer Untreated remained when Monolith was used 297 heads/ m 2 101 heads/ m 2 73 heads/ m 2 rather than Atlantis remained remained remained WG OR 280,000 heads per Ha This means that using Monolith rather than Atlantis WG resulted in 28,000,000 fewer seeds going back into the seed bank* That’s more than the combined population of London, New York, Paris, LA & Sydney! *Moss (2013)
Thanks! Bayer 4:3 Template 2010 • February 2016 Page 7
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