interoperability the inside story

Interoperability: the inside story, when a CIO gets sick Louise - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Interoperability: the inside story, when a CIO gets sick Louise Hayes @LouiseHayesCHIA Executive Director Digital Health & Knowledge / CIO Townsville Hospital and Health Service Health care organisations process a huge amount of data

  1. Interoperability: the inside story, when a CIO gets sick Louise Hayes @LouiseHayesCHIA Executive Director Digital Health & Knowledge / CIO Townsville Hospital and Health Service

  2. Health care organisations process a huge amount of data everyday The full value of digital health will only be realised once health information systems are connected and able to be easily accessed, shared and utilised by clinicians Louise Hayes @LouiseHayesCHIA Slide 2

  3. Interoperability ensures different IT Interoperability systems can communicate and share information with each other Systems NEED to communicate and exchange data accurately, effectively and consistently Louise Hayes @LouiseHayesCHIA Slide 3

  4. Interoperability is… Providing better access to  The right information  @ the right time  In the right place Louise Hayes @LouiseHayesCHIA Slide 4

  5. Interoperability Identity management Vision and leadership Authentication and authorisation Regulation and policy Messaging standards components environment Trust in information Provider and service directory Adoption Privacy Data quality Security Louise Hayes @LouiseHayesCHIA Slide 5

  6. Interoperability How it is working for consumers? Louise Hayes @LouiseHayesCHIA Slide 6

  7. My journey Louise Hayes @LouiseHayesCHIA Slide 7

  8. Interoperability Scorecard Health IT view Louise Hayes @LouiseHayesCHIA Slide 8

  9. Interoperability Scorecard My new view Seamless electronic Clinician to clinician transfer of information communication between IT systems Timely Clinician to patient Effortless communication Louise Hayes @LouiseHayesCHIA Slide 9

  10. Interoperability Scorecard Results by type of information Type of information Scorecard findings Score − Gather of information – from all sources electronically GP summary 5 − Fax / sent by snail mail Specialist event summary 0 − Infrequent – pull not push Hospital discharge summary − Uploaded to MyHealthRecord 5 − Not timely − Seamless transfer to GP & Specialist Pathology results 8 − Variable upload to MyHealthRecord − Variable amongst providers Radiology results − Patient portal for images & report – 1 provider 10 − Other provider - “films” still being given out to patient 0 − Variable upload to MyHealthRecord Medications (prescribed) 5 Louise Hayes @LouiseHayesCHIA Slide 10

  11. Revelations and challenges Use smarter ways to The People Consumer voice provide info: Patient Portals Move the data #ditchthefax Louise Hayes @LouiseHayesCHIA Slide 11

  12. Interoperability: the inside story, when a CIO gets sick Louise Hayes @LouiseHayesCHIA Executive Director Digital Health & Knowledge Management / CIO Townsville Hospital and Health Service Slide 12


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