intel 8086

Intel 8086 Intel 8086 was launched in 1978. It was the first - PDF document

10/13/2010 Intel 8086 Intel 8086 was launched in 1978. It was the first 16-bit microprocessor. This microprocessor had major improvement over the execution speed of 8085. Gursharan Singh Tatla It is

  1. 10/13/2010 Intel 8086  Intel 8086 was launched in 1978.  It was the first 16-bit microprocessor.  This microprocessor had major improvement over the execution speed of 8085. Gursharan Singh Tatla  It is available as 40-pin Dual-Inline-Package (DIP). Gursharan Singh Tatla 1 Gursharan Singh Tatla 2 Intel 8086 Intel 8086  It has a 16 line data  It is available in three bus. versions:  And 20 line address  8086 (5 MHz) bus.  8086-2 (8 MHz)  It could address up to 1 MB of memory.  8086-1 (10 MHz)  It has more than  It consists of 29,000 20,000 instructions. transistors.  It supports multiplication and division. Gursharan Singh Tatla Gursharan Singh Tatla 3 4 Pin Diagram of Intel 8086 AD 0 – AD 15 Pin 16-2, 39 (Bi-directional)  These lines are multiplexed bi- directional address/data bus.  During T 1 , they carry lower order 16-bit address.  In the remaining clock cycles, they carry 16-bit data.  AD 0 -AD 7 carry lower order byte of data.  AD 8 -AD 15 carry higher order byte of data. Gursharan Singh Tatla 5 Gursharan Singh Tatla 6 1

  2. 10/13/2010 A 19 /S 6 , A 18 /S 5 , A 17 /S 4 , A 16 /S 3 BHE / S 7 Pin 35-38 (Unidirectional) Pin 34 (Output)  BHE stands for Bus High  These lines are Enable. multiplexed unidirectional address and status bus.  BHE signal is used to indicate the transfer of data  During T 1 , they carry over higher order data bus higher order 4-bit address. (D 8 – D 15 ).  8-bit I/O devices use this  In the remaining clock signal. cycles, they carry status signals.  It is multiplexed with status pin S 7 . Gursharan Singh Tatla 7 Gursharan Singh Tatla 8 RD (Read) READY Pin 32 (Output) Pin 22 (Input)  This is an acknowledgement  It is a read signal used for signal from slower I/O read operation. devices or memory.  It is an output signal.  It is an active high signal.  It is an active low signal.  When high, it indicates that the device is ready to transfer data.  When low, then microprocessor is in wait state. Gursharan Singh Tatla Gursharan Singh Tatla 9 10 RESET INTR Pin 21 (Input) Pin 18 (Input)  It is a system reset.  It is an interrupt request signal.  It is an active high signal.  It is active high.  When high, microprocessor enters into  It is level triggered. reset state and terminates the current activity.  It must be active for at least four clock cycles to reset the microprocessor. Gursharan Singh Tatla 11 Gursharan Singh Tatla 12 2

  3. 10/13/2010 NMI TEST Pin 17 (Input) Pin 23 (Input)  It is a non-maskable  It is used to test the interrupt signal. status of math co- processor 8087.  It is an active high.  The BUSY pin of 8087 is  It is an edge triggered connected to this pin of interrupt. 8086.  If low, execution continues else microprocessor is in wait state. Gursharan Singh Tatla 13 Gursharan Singh Tatla 14 CLK V CC and V SS Pin 19 (Input) Pin 40 and Pin 20 (Input)  This clock input provides  V CC is power supply signal. the basic timing for  +5V DC is supplied processor operation. through this pin.  It is symmetric square  V SS is ground signal. wave with 33% duty cycle.  The range of frequency of different versions is 5 MHz, 8 MHz and 10 MHz. Gursharan Singh Tatla Gursharan Singh Tatla 15 16 MN / MX MN / MX Pin 33 (Input) Pin 33 (Input)  8086 works in two modes:  Pins 24 to 31 issue two different sets of signals.  Minimum Mode  One set of signals is issued  Maximum Mode when CPU operates in  If MN/MX is high, it works minimum mode. in minimum mode.  Other set of signals is  If MN/MX is low, it works issued when CPU operates in maximum mode. in maximum mode. Gursharan Singh Tatla 17 Gursharan Singh Tatla 18 3

  4. 10/13/2010 INTA Pin 24 (Output)  This is an interrupt Pin Description for acknowledge signal.  When microprocessor Minimum Mode receives INTR signal, it acknowledges the interrupt by generating this signal.  It is an active low signal. Gursharan Singh Tatla 19 Gursharan Singh Tatla 20 ALE DEN Pin 25 (Output) Pin 26 (Output)  This is an Address Latch  This is a Data Enable Enable signal. signal.  It indicates that valid  This signal is used to address is available on bus enable the transceiver AD 0 – AD 15 . 8286.  It is an active high signal  Transceiver is used to and remains high during T 1 separate the data from the state. address/data bus.  It is connected to enable pin  It is an active low signal. of latch 8282. Gursharan Singh Tatla Gursharan Singh Tatla 21 22 DT / R M / IO Pin 27 (Output) Pin 28 (Output)  This is a Data  This signal is issued by the Transmit/Receive signal. microprocessor to distinguish memory access  It decides the direction of from I/O access. data flow through the transceiver.  When it is high, memory is  When it is high, data is accessed. transmitted out.  When it is low, I/O devices  When it is low, data is are accessed. received in. Gursharan Singh Tatla 23 Gursharan Singh Tatla 24 4

  5. 10/13/2010 WR HLDA Pin 29 (Output) Pin 30 (Output)  It is a Write signal.  It is a Hold Acknowledge signal.  It is used to write data in memory or output device  It is issued after receiving depending on the status of the HOLD signal. M/IO signal.  It is an active high signal.  It is an active low signal. Gursharan Singh Tatla 25 Gursharan Singh Tatla 26 HOLD Pin 31 (Input)  When DMA controller Pin Description for needs to use address/data bus, it sends a request to Maximum Mode the CPU through this pin.  It is an active high signal.  When microprocessor receives HOLD signal, it issues HLDA signal to the DMA controller. Gursharan Singh Tatla Gursharan Singh Tatla 27 28 QS 1 and QS 0 S 0 , S 1 , S 2 Pin 24 and 25 (Output) Pin 26, 27, 28 (Output)  These status signals  These pins provide the indicate the operation status of instruction being done by the queue. microprocessor. QS 1 QS 0 Status  This information is 0 0 No operation required by the Bus 1 st byte of opcode from queue 0 1 Controller 8288. 1 0 Empty queue 1 1 Subsequent byte from queue  Bus controller 8288 generates all memory and I/O control signals. Gursharan Singh Tatla 29 Gursharan Singh Tatla 30 5

  6. 10/13/2010 S 0 , S 1 , S 2 LOCK Pin 26, 27, 28 (Output) Pin 29 (Output)  This signal indicates that S 2 S 1 S 0 Status other processors should not 0 0 0 Interrupt Acknowledge ask CPU to relinquish the system bus. 0 0 1 I/O Read 0 1 0 I/O Write  When it goes low, all 0 1 1 Halt interrupts are masked and 1 0 0 Opcode Fetch HOLD request is not 1 0 1 Memory Read granted. 1 1 0 Memory Write 1 1 1 Passive  This pin is activated by using LOCK prefix on any instruction. Gursharan Singh Tatla 31 Gursharan Singh Tatla 32 RQ/GT 1 and RQ/GT 0 Pin 30 and 31 (Bi-directional)  These are Request/Grant pins.  Other processors request the CPU through these lines to release the system bus.  After receiving the request, CPU sends acknowledge signal on the same lines.  RQ/GT 0 has higher priority than RQ/GT 1 . Gursharan Singh Tatla Gursharan Singh Tatla 33 34 6

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