integrating lln and the acsf into our training assessment

Integrating LLN and the ACSF into our Training & Assessment - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Integrating LLN and the ACSF into our Training & Assessment To be effective as trainers/assessors we need to have an understanding of the significance of language, literacy and numeracy (LLN) in learning and assessment processes.

  1. Integrating LLN and the ACSF into our Training & Assessment

  2. To be effective as trainers/assessors we need to have an understanding of the significance of language, literacy and numeracy (LLN) in learning and assessment processes.

  3. Reading Writing LLN Oral communication Numeracy

  4. What do we need to know about LLN? Three intersecting sets of LLN demands The LLN demands of the workplace for which on the learner the learner is being prepared The session will also consider how aspects of the very complex Australian Core Skills Framework can be The LLN demands used by the general we impose through trainer/assessor to The LLN skills of our training and analyse, determine the learner assessment and cater for each of materials and these demands. resources

  5. How do we establish the level of these demands? A complex framework, designed primarily for “LLN specialists” BUT, also a framework that can help the “ordinary” trainer/assessor

  6. ACSF Overview 5 Core Skills The ACSF describes each of the five core skills [ learning, reading, writing, oral communication, numeracy ] across three interactive dimensions.

  7. ACSF ACSF PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Overview Indicator Core skills are colour coded Core Skill Description Number Five levels of Active awareness of self as a learner, planning and management of performance .01 ranging from 1 learning Learning (low level Acquisition and application of practical strategies that facilitate performance) to .02 Indicator learning 5 (high level numbers performance) .03 Audience, purpose and meaning-making are The five levels of Reading .04 Reading strategies performance consistent represent .05 Audience, purpose and meaning-making across core Writing milestones along skill levels .06 The mechanics of writing a continuum of e.g. .07 Speaking performance. Oral Reading Communication .08 Listening 1.03 / 1.04 2.03 / 2.04 Identifying mathematical information and meaning in activities and 3.03 / 3.04 .09 4.03 / 4.04 texts 5.03 / 5.04 Numeracy Using and applying mathematical knowledge and problem solving .10 processes .11 Communicating and representing mathematics

  8. Applying the ACSF What are important reading tasks carried out by an assessor? FOR EXAMPLE Reading and interpreting competency standards Reading attendance sheets Reading and interpreting assessment tools Reading and analysing documents supplied as evidence Reading and analysing evidence presented in different media Reading learner records sheets

  9. Audience, ACSF Reading Levels purpose and Reading meaning strategies making Reading attendance sheets 2.03 Reading learner records sheets 2.03 Reading and interpreting competency standards 3.03 Reading and analysing documents supplied as evidence 3.03 Reading and interpreting assessment tools 3.03 Reading and analysing evidence presented in different media 3.04 • The first Reading Indicator addresses audience, purpose and meaning-making. • The second Reading Indicator addresses reading strategies. • Specific Indicator statements describe exit performance at each level.

  10. Applying the ACSF What are important writing tasks carried out by an assessor? FOR EXAMPLE Completing learner records Filling out previously prepared checklists Writing judgements about evidence provided Using various communication strategies to record outcomes (e.g. text, charts, electronic)

  11. ACSF Writing Levels Completing learner records 1.05 Filling out previously prepared checklists 2.05/2.06 Writing judgements about evidence provided 4.05 Using various communication strategies to record outcomes (e.g. text, charts, electronic) 4.06 The first Writing Indicator addresses audience, purpose and meaning-making. The second Writing Indicator addresses the mechanics of writing. Specific Indicator statements describe exit performance at each level.

  12. Establishing LLN Skill Levels We could do a similar mapping of the learning skills, oral communication skills, and numeracy skills, required in your job.

  13. “Spiky” Profiles Note that we will probably end up with a “spiky profile”. This concept of “spiky profiles” draws our attention to the lack of correspondence between AQF levels and ACSF levels. ACSF AQF

  14. More Profiles We could do an analysis of the LLN demands of the training and assessment materials and processes we provide as part of our training context. Hopefully we would find some match between these “spiky profiles” and the “spiky profile” of the LLN demands of the actual job.

  15. Learner LLN Skills Having established the LLN demands of the work environment and of the training and assessment context, we now need some understanding of the LLN skills of our learner – another “spiky profile”. In particular, we need to be aware of mismatches between the learner “spiky profile” and the workplace and training contexts “spiky profiles”.

  16. Identifying Learner Skills These tools need to better As “non - specialists” in LLN we focused than generalised are not able to carry out a reading, writing and maths fine-grained analysis of each tests. learner. However, we can use Such tests don’t tell us if a LLN assessment tools that will learner will be able to deal with help us make useful the LLN demands of the judgements. workplace and training contexts.

  17. Developing a Better LLN Test Go back to the list of reading tasks we identified as being required by an assessor. Let us assume that one of these was reading a report to gain some required information. How could we establish if someone else would have the necessary reading skill to complete this task? So we could build up a test of reading tasks directly related to the workplace and training contexts.

  18. Developing a Better LLN Test We could do the same thing with writing The outcomes tasks, oral communication tasks, and of these tests numeracy tasks. would identify where the LLN skills of learners We would then have a set of assessment are adequate tasks that would allow us to make and where there judgements of the extent to which our are gaps in learners could cope with these tasks. these skills.

  19. So What? This information might help us make adjustments to our delivery and assessment processes so that we could include the development of some of the “gap” skills, or refer the learner to more specialised help. It might also help us identify where our own training and assessment materials and/or processes do not match the LLN demands of the workplace/unit of competency.

  20. Validated LLN Assessment Tools If these LLN assessment Some of these will work in Fortunately, a tools are to have real value your industry area. If not, considerable amount of it is important that they are existing tools may be able work has already been validated (with our peers to be contextualised to Some of these will exist in your industry area. If not, existing tools may be able to be contextualised to done in developing sets and/or with specialists address the LLN demands address the LLN demands of your industry area. of such validated tools. and/or with industry.) of your industry area.

  21. Validated LLN Tools - Precision

  22. Validated LLN tools - VET-FEE HELP 'The testing tool must be an approved testing tool . The approved testing tool, available since 1 January 2016 and specified in the VET Guidelines is the Core Skills Profile for Adults (CSPA) .’ Department of Education and Training, Update on VET FEE−HELP Reforms, 8 December 2015 Assessment of LLN testing instruments and processes for VET FEE-HELP providers Report (Stage 2) • The provider must arrange to have their LLN assessment tool independently assessed. • An independent assessor who undertakes the audits of any LLN testing instruments should be an independent body or approved independent and specialist personnel, such as an auditor with VET experience for details. • The independent assessment must directly respond to the specifications and requirements for approval. • Completed assessment must be sent to the Secretary, DET, care of the Branch Manager, VET FEE-HELP Branch for approval. This could be in electronic or paper form.

  23. Validated Tools - VET-FEE HELP Very detailed requirements are included in pages 31 - 43


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