instance variables the joptionpane class

Instance Variables The JOptionPane Class The JOptionPane Class - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Instance Variables The JOptionPane Class The JOptionPane Class displays a dialog for user information and interaction... ... it is part of the javax.swing package and must be imported before you can use it. import

  1. Instance Variables

  2. The JOptionPane Class The JOptionPane Class displays a dialog for user information and • interaction... ... it is part of the javax.swing package and must be imported before you • can use it. import javax.swing.JOptionPane; public class Test { public static void main( String[] args ) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "Hello World" ); } }

  3. showMessageDialog This method displays a message and an OK button. void JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( parent, message ) parent This is the parent window for the dialog; for us it will always be null . message The message to display. public static void main( String[] args ) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "Hello World" ); }

  4. showInputDialog (1) Invoked as shown below, this method displays a message, OK and Cancel buttons, and a place for a user to enter input. Input from the user is returned to the caller. String JOptionPane.showInputDialog( parent, message ) parent: This is the parent window for the dialog; for us it will always be null . message: The message to display. Returns: OK button selected: the user's input; Cancel button selected: null JOptionPane.showInputDialog( null, message );

  5. showInputDialog (1) Example import javax.swing.JOptionPane; public class Test { public static void main( String[] args ) { String message = "Please enter your name"; String name = JOptionPane.showInputDialog( null, message ); if ( name != null ) System.out.println( "The user's name is: " + name ); else System.out.println( "no name entered" ); } }

  6. showInputDialog (2) This form of the showInputDialogMethod displays a message, OK and Cancel buttons, and allows you to specify the title and type of the dialog. String JOptionPane.showInputDialog(parent, message, title, type ) JOptionPane.showInputDialog( null, message, "Missing Data", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE );

  7. showInputDialog (2) Detail title: This string will be displayed in the dialog’s title bar. type: This integer must be a constant from the JOptionPane class:  JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE,  JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE,  JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE,  JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE  JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE JOptionPane.showInputDialog( null, message, "Missing Data", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE );

  8. showInputDialog (2) Example import javax.swing.JOptionPane; public class Test { public static void main( String[] args ) { String message = "You must enter your name to continue"; String name = JOptionPane.showInputDialog( null, message, "Missing Data", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE ); if ( name == null ) System.out.println( "Dialog canceled" ); else if ( name.equals( "" ) ) System.out.println( "no name entered" ); else System.out.println( "The user's name is: " + name ); } }

  9. showConfirmDialog This form of the showConfirmDialogMethod displays a message, yes , no and cancel buttons, and allows you to specify the title and type of the dialog. String JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(parent, message ) parent: This is the parent window for the dialog; for us it will always be null . message: The message to display. Returns: JOptionPane.YES_OPTION, JOptionPane.NO_OPTION or JOptionPane.CANCEL_OPTION JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog( null, message );

  10. showConfirmDialog Example import javax.swing.JOptionPane; public class Test { public static void main( String[] args ) { String message = "Are you sure you want to do this?"; int response = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog( null, message ); if ( response == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION ) System.out.println( "the user is sure" ); else if ( response == JOptionPane.NO_OPTION ) System.out.println( "the user is not sure" ); else if ( response == JOptionPane.CANCEL_OPTION ) System.out.println( "the user has cancelled" ); else System.out.println( "the user selected no option" ); } }

  11. JOptionPane Documentation For complete documentation of the many JOptionPane alternatives, see the javax.swing documentation.

  12. Exercises 1. Textbook, Chapter 4, page 4 ‐ 5 Exercise 4.1

  13. Instance Variables An instance variable is used by an object to store a value unique to that • object. Instance variables are declared at the class level. • Instance variables are almost always private . • public class Name { private String firstName_ = null; // instance variable private String lastName_ = null; // instance variable public void someMethod() { ... } }

  14. Instance Variables Example (1) Below are some of the instance variable declarations for Turtle objects. public class Turtlet extends Object { private double heading = 0; // heading initially east private double xcor; // current x position of Turtle private double ycor; // current position of Turtle private Color currColor; // current color of Turtle ... } Every Turtle you create has a unique set of these variables.

  15. Instance Variables Example (2) Fred: public class Test xco = -128 { yco = 128 public static void main( String[] args ) color = red { Turtle fred = new Turtle(); Turtle wilma = new Turtle(); fred.move( 135, 128 * Math.sqrt( 2 ) ); fred.switchTo( Turtle.RED ); wilma.move( -45, 128 * Math.sqrt( 2 ) ); wilma.switchTo( Turtle.GREEN ); fred.fillBox( 64,64 ); Wilma: wilma.fillCircle( 128 ); xco = 128 yco = -128 } color = green }

  16. Accessor Methods (1) public class Name { private String firstName_ = null; private String lastName_ = null; When instance variables are public void setFirstName( String name ) private, you often { employ accessors firstName_ = name; to set and/or get } their values. public String getFirstName() { return firstName_; } // public void setLastName( String name ) // public String getLastName( String name ) ...

  17. Accessor Methods (2) ... public void setName( String first, String last ) { firstName_ = first; lastName_ = last; } Sometimes accessors are public String getName() created just for { convenience. return lastName_ + ", " + firstName_; } }

  18. Using Accessor Methods public class Test { public static void main( String[] args ) { Output: Name person1 = new Name(); thomas person1.setFirstName( "george" ); jefferson person1.setLastName( "washington" ); washington, george Name person2 = new Name(); person2.setName( "thomas", "jefferson" ); System.out.println( person2.getFirstName() ); System.out.println( person2.getLastName() ); System.out.println( person1.getName() ); } }

  19. Exercises 1. Implement the name class as shown in the slides; you will have to write the code for setLastName and getLastName . 2. To the name class add a string instance variable to hold a title (such as Mr . and Ms.) . Write accessors for the new variable.

  20. Basic Game The BasicGame is a class that may serve as the core of many different games. We will start by implementing a simple guessing game. It has two instance variables, one for holding the word to guess, and one for holding the user’s guess. public class BasicGame { private String secretWord_ = "duck"; private String usersGuess_ = "none"; . . .

  21. Basic Game: playOneGame The playOneGame method: 1. Asks the player’s first guess. 2. If the guess is correct, displays a congratulatory message and stops. 3. If the guess is wrong, displays an error message and returns to step 2. . . . public void playOneGame() { askUsersFirstChoice(); while ( shouldContinue() ) { showUpdatedStatus(); askUsersNextChoice(); } showFinalStatus(); } . . .

  22. Basic Game: playManyGames The playManyGames method: 1. Plays one game. 2. Asks the user if she wants to play another. 3. Plays another game if the user says yes, otherwise stops. . . . public void playManyGames() { int again = 0; do { playOneGame(); again = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog( null, "again?" ); } while ( again == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION ); } . . .

  23. Basic Game: askUsersFirstChoice The askUsersFirstChoice method: 1. Asks the user to enter a string, which is stored in the object’s usersGuess_ instance variable. . . . public void askUsersFirstChoice() { usersGuess_ = JOptionPane.showInputDialog( null, "Guess the secret word" ); } . . .

  24. Basic Game: askUsersNextChoice The askUsersNextChoice method: 1. Just calls askUsersFirstChoice . . . . public void askUsersNextChoice() { askUsersFirstChoice(); } . . .

  25. Basic Game: shouldContinue The askUsersNextChoice method: 1. Compares the user's guess with the secret word. If they are not equal it returns true, otherwise it returns false. . . . public boolean shouldContinue() { boolean rval = !secretWord_.equals( usersGuess_ ); return rval; } . . . If the user guesses right we don’t want to continue, so return false.

  26. Basic Game: showUpdatedStatus The showUpdatedStatus method: 1. Displays an error message, and gives the user a hint about the correct answer. . . . public void showUpdatedStatus() { String message = "That was wrong. Hint: it quacks."; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, message ); } . . .

  27. Basic Game: showFinalStatus The showFinalStatus method: 1. Displays a congratulatory message. . . . public void showFinalStatus() { String message = "That was right, congratulations."; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, message ); } . . .


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