Ingrid Jackson
Location, location, location Price Room size / ceiling heights Historical charm Renovate to make it your own Renovate for capital gain To steer clear of new developments
Scrutinise the unit Scrutinise the building Do a strata records search of minutes Get a builder’s opinion The tip of the iceberg?
Water, water everywhere Leaky roofs, leaky windows Paint blisters and water bubbles Rust, rust, rust Wood decay Leaky pipes Bricks & mortar /render Chipped/cracked/crumbling/delaminated Concrete spalling Bumps & blisters at concrete slabs edges Uneven flooring
Windows Electrical switchboards Security intercom system Fire safety infrastructure Lifts Pumps Sinking Fund and levies too low? Here comes a great big new tax . . .
Productive? or . . . Power driven Self-interested Social group Welfare society Apathetic Rational decision making? or . . . Micro focus - ad hoc / one thing at a time Egos first Everyone’s an expert - decision by opinion Pet projects only
Hurdles Committee – passive, inactive, penny pinching, ignorant of Strata Law Strata Manager – supine, unresponsive Meetings - no outcomes Issues Decaying timber windows Peeling paint Shabby lobby Cracked driveway Concrete cancer / magnesite Leaky roof Sagging boundary retaining walls
Strategy Join Committee Get buy-in Replace strata agency Meetings with outcomes and actions Just do it! Engage experts to inspect, advise, implement
Painted & tiled lobby Window replacement program Staged - no Special Levies Replaced driveway slabs Repaired concrete spalling Inspection and overview by engineer Whole of building / all balconies waterproofed Repaired roof 50% capital gain
Hurdles Committee – status, group think, fix symptoms not causes, one thing at a time, ignorant of Strata Law, pay mates & rellies Meetings – decisions based in opinion & postponed Issues Leaky roofs & balconies Decayed timber bargeboards, pergolas, fences Rust, rust, rust Stormwater flooding Old fashioned colours Unkempt gardens
Strategy Join Committee, volunteer for projects Run Committee according to Act Building defects report Sinking Fund Plan based on building report Whole-of-resort planning and implementation Ongoing maintenance programs
Outcomes Fixed 332 defects in Building Defects Report Balcony waterproofing/retiling program Staged - no Special Levies Colour scheme by colour designer Paint and maintenance program Paid over 7 years - no Special Levies Professional gardening firm 4 Star Resort
Hurdles Chairperson manipulative, vengeful, proxy farming, abuse Strata Law Committee acolytes, pet projects, secretive, keep levies low Meetings – minutes air brushed to hide truth Strata Manager compromised, weak on Strata Act, favourite suppliers Issues Leaks – car park / walls / windows Bricks / mortar / render / flashing /seals 41 year old windows Stormwater drainage Concrete spalling
Strategy Join Committee with like-minded people Meetings – action items and follow up Expert building inspection to identify defects Full disclosure & communication to owners
Outcomes Major remediation program overseen by engineer Waterproofing Stormwater drainage Facade repair Spalling repairs New windows Special Levies staged over 2 years Replaced ‘favourite’ suppliers – quotes/referees Ongoing maintenance programs
Get to know the Act “Strata Living” booklet - NSW Fair Trading Strata Schemes Management Act 1996 - Internet Get onto the Committee Join OCN Make a difference
Expert Building Inspection Report Sinking Fund Plan Appropriate Levies Staged Repair and Remediation Projects Ongoing Maintenance Programs
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