InGRID-2 - Integrating RI for European Expertise on Inclusive Growth from Data to Policy InGRID-2 Winter School Brussels, 20 January 2020 This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement no 730998
InGRID-2: a European Research Infrastructure HELPING HANDS – FACILITATING RESEARCH Research infrastructure = facility or platform that provides resources and services to the scientific community • support researchers to access, order, analyse, store and re- use data and knowledge in ways otherwise impossible • foster innovation and excellence in scientific research • pooling efforts In clusive G rowth R esearch I nfrastructure D iffusion ( InGRID-1 2013-17; InGRID-2 2017-21) Winter School, 20/01/2020 2
Why do we focus on inclusive growth? • Inclusive growth is considered a major societal challenge and the issue is at the heart of the debate on the future of the EU • Crisis revealed structural weaknesses of the European economy; need to increase competitiveness and productivity to underpin the social market economy → renewed focus on Social Europe • Next to the national level, EU policy level is increasingly regarded as a key lever to address societal issues: – EUROPE 2020: Agenda for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth – EPSR: Delivering new and more effective rights for citizens • Progress made needs to be monitored: data, methods, indicators ! Winter School, 20/01/2020 3
InGRID-2 Research Infrastructures DATA METHODS INDICATORS Integrated Methodological Indicator-building comparative data tools • Job quality (HIVA, CNAM) Facts on situation: European surveys: • Poverty (TÁRKI, HIVA, LISER) • Household microdata (LIS) • EU-SILC, EU-LFS (AISSR, • Social policy (UA, SOFI, LISER) • Integrated European Census LISER, TÁRKI, UA) • Statistical quality techniques Microdata (IECM-CED) • Eurofound (HIVA, CNAM) (UTrier, UNIPI, SOTON) • WageIndicator (AIAS, CELSI) Meadow format for linked employer- • National best practices (UEssex, employee surveys (CNAM) TÁRKI, CNAM, DIW) WISCO classification (AIAS) Policy (indicator) databases: • Comparative social policy EUROMOD (UA, UEssex) databases (SOFI) • CSB-MIPI (UA) Advanced statistical methods: • ICTWSS (AIAS) • Amelia synthetic dataset (UTrier) • IPOLIS (TÁRKI) • Dynamic micro-simulation (LISER) Winter School, 20/01/2020 4
Target Groups • Lead users: Social scientists – Research on poverty and living conditions, working conditions and vulnerability, ‘inclusive/social Europe’ – Comparative research providing evidence for policy • End users: Policy innovators – European/national – politics, administration, civil society • Pre-users: Data providers – European agencies; statistical bureaus; international and national data initiatives of European interest Winter School, 20/01/2020 5
Three types of activities • Joint research activities: – Innovative JRA to enhance and enrich the technical quality of the RI, focused on improving data integration and harmonisation, upgrading analytical tools and making progress in indicator-building • Transnational and virtual access: – Provide convenient and harmonised TNA to the RI based on unified and integrated grant system with required open selection procedures – Both on-site and virtual access • Networking activities: – Knowledge exchange activities: mutual learning – Innovation networking activities: stimulate innovation within and beyond RI, connect to broader networks Winter School, 20/01/2020 6
Joint research activities – Two pillars Poverty & Living Working Conditions & Conditions Vulnerability Data integration & Data integration & harmonisation (situation & harmonisation (situation & policy) policy) Evaluation & analysis tools Evaluation & analysis tools (simulation) (simulation) Indicator-building (visualisation, Indicator-building (visualisation, policy innovation) policy innovation) Winter School, 20/01/2020 7
How the pillar activities are contributing to the ambition of inclusive growth - poverty Existing RIs & Gaps Selected tasks Existing RIs: - Extension of IPOLIS, EUROMOD - EU-wide surveys (LFS, SILC) - Harmonisation of longitudinal data on - Microsimulation (EUROMOD) educational careers Poverty - Combining data for dynamic Gaps: microsimulation Living conditions - Historical and longitudinal data - Conceptualisation, measurement of out- - Inclusion hard-to-reach-groups Social policies of-work benefits - Contextual data - Integrating data on welfare services - Regional and local data Data - Small area estimation techniques and - Big data, new types of data Methods regional poverty measurement - Comparative, causal analyses Indicators - Precise and valid indicators - Indicator protocols on migrants’ social rights - Demographic factors and poverty indicators, regional social inclusion - Development of statistical methods Winter School, 20/01/2020 8
How the pillar activities are contributing to the ambition of inclusive growth - work Existing RIs & GAPS Selected tasks Existing RIs: - Harmonisation/integration data on CB and minimum wages; WC data on - EU-wide surveys (EWCS, ECS) vulnerable groups, empl. relations - Linked employer-employee data, national organisation, employee and - New types of (web)data and its use Working working conditions surveys - Historical data of the EU-LFS conditions - WageIndicator, ICTWSS, WISCO - New methods to examine hiring Vulnerability practices and skill transferability Gaps: Labour policies - Methods for new jobs and skills - Data are dispersed, lack of data - Exploration of microsimulation harmonisation and integration Data approaches for comparative WC - Identification vulnerable groups research - Meso-level data Methods - Multidimensional vulnerable group - Big data, new types of data Indicators indicators - Comparative analyses - Policy indicators OSH - Need for policy indicators - Indicators to assess progress WC Winter School, 20/01/2020 9
Transnational and virtual access • TNA: Access to 16 research infrastructures: – Early-stage or experienced researchers, individual or group visits – Work together on data for 5-15 working days (free of charge) – Call for applications; review by selection panel • VA: Virtual access to 2 research infrastructures: – VA LIS: • Virtual access to LIS and LWS via remote-execution system • Detailed documentation, user support and training materials – VA UEssex: • EUROMOD (tax-benefit microsimulation model) • Online version without entry barriers is currently being developed Winter School, 20/01/2020 10
InGRID-2 Networking activities Knowledge • Summer school training activities exchange • Expert network programme of workshops networking Strategic • Innovation network activities innovation • Strategic advancement of RI networking Winter School, 20/01/2020 11
Knowledge exchange networking activities • Summer schools & MOOCS: – for early-stage researchers and policy practitioners/experts – on conceptual and methodological issues and working with EUROMOD – key notes lectures, hands-on exercises, present their own work – MOOCs: • Expert workshops: – targeted at senior researchers and other experts – identify and discuss key technical issues and possible solutions Winter School, 20/01/2020 12
Strategic innovation networking activities • Data forums: – reach out to data providers, research-users and stakeholders – discuss challenges of particular data types and suitable actions to answer them – topics: household finances, census data, national working conditions surveys • Special interest groups: – aimed at advancing specific methodological area (e.g. microsimulation) • Stakeholder platform conferences: – bileral meetings and conference with relevant networks to discuss synergies and options for joint development efforts • Roundtables: – gaps in RIs in Central and Southeastern Europe; enlarging network – support on ‐ going strategic developmental processes in these regions Winter School, 20/01/2020 13 Title/date 14
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