information evening

Information Evening We shape our lives, and we shape ourselves The - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Year 8: Options Information Evening We shape our lives, and we shape ourselves The choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility . Eleanor Roosevelt Why Now? 3 year KS4 will give more time to their chosen subjects Courses

  1. Year 8: Options Information Evening “We shape our lives, and we shape ourselves… The choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility .” Eleanor Roosevelt

  2. Why Now?  3 year KS4 will give more time to their chosen subjects  Courses are more rigorous, content is more challenging and many subjects have moved to 100% final exam  Teachers will have more time to support, stretch and challenge all students appropriately to achieve the best grades possible

  3. Important Dates  Process started with students before Christmas  Wed 23 rd Jan - Options Information Evening  Wed 6 th Feb - Parents Evening 4-7pm  Friday 14 th February - ALL FORMS IN  Friday 3 rd April - choices confirmed

  4. Core Curriculum  English Language and Literature  Mathematics  Combined Science (2 x GCSE’s)  RE (GCSE Full Course)  PE (non exam)  PSCHE/Careers Guidance, including work experience

  5. Pathways  Pathway 1 (target grades 9-5)  Pathway 2 (target grades 1-4)  Pathway 3 (alternative curriculum)  Provide access to appropriate subjects and levels of support  Increase the chances of achieving the best overall grades possible  Increase the opportunities to progress beyond year 11

  6. English Baccalaureate English Language & Literature, Mathematics, Science, History OR Geography, AND a Modern Foreign Language (French or Spanish or Home Language Not compulsory Not an additional qualification  Does provide a good academic foundation, especially if you are unsure of what to do  All useful access subjects if you think you want to do A levels or go on to university.  Most appropriate for students on pathway 1 to consider

  7. GCSE Courses  Most will be 100% examined, practical subjects still have an element of practically assessed work  All except Further Maths will be following the new 9-1 grading.  Further Maths will be 9-5 ONLY  Statistics 9-4 ONLY

  8. BTEC Technical Awards  Vocational (work related, more practically based)  ALL now have an externally moderated element, most of which is an exam  L1/L2 Pass, Merit or Distinction, rather than 9 - 1  Local 6 th Forms do accept level 2 BTEC courses as entry onto A Level courses  Does allow entry onto BTEC Level 3  Most appropriate for Pathways 2 & 3

  9. Health Warning!  Please be aware, all information in the booklet and given out tonight by subject staff is currently correct  We will keep you up to date with any changes as they occur and will always act in the best interests of the students following the courses

  10. Making the Right Choice Once you have started your courses, you cannot easily change! “ EASY ” Subjects DO NOT EXIST! ALL HARD WORK ALL involve lots of WRITING ALL involve HOME LEARNING

  11. Making the Right Choice  Think about your strengths  Choose subjects suitable to your ability; consider your recommended pathway  Find out what you may need for specific courses or jobs  Choose things you enjoy and you are good at  Growth Mindset & a passion for the subject

  12. Making the Right Choice DO NOT choose subjects because your friends are doing it or because you either do or do not want to work with a particular teacher

  13. Option Subjects EBACC Subjects Expressive Arts Subjects Other GCSE Subjects GCSE History GCSE Art GCSE Further Maths GCSE Geography GCSE Dance GCSE Business Studies GCSE French GCSE Drama GCSE Film GCSE Spanish GCSE Music GCSE FP&N GCSE Polish GCSE Textiles GCSE PE Award in Tourism GCSE IMedia You cannot choose Art (Pathway 3 only) and Textiles BTEC Technical Awards Awards & Certificates ASDAN Personal Health & Social Care Enterprise & Marketing Development (Pathway 3 only) Sport, Activity & Fitness Hospitality & Catering SOME SUBJECTS MAY NOT RUN

  14. OPTION ON BLOCK CK OPTION BLOC OCK OPTION N BLOCK OPTION BLOC OCK D A B C Geography Geography History Geography History French Spanish French Spanish Polish Business Studies Fd & Nutrition PDP Toursim Enter & Market Hosp & Catering Art Art BTEC PE Art Drama Business Studies GCSE PE Dance Fd & Nutrition Film Drama H&Scare IMedia Further Maths DT IMedia Music H&SCare Textiles OPTION BLOCK A RESERVE CHOICE CHOICE: OPTION BLOCK B RESERVE CHOICE CHOICE: OPTION BLOCK C RESERVE CHOICE CHOICE: OPTION BLOCK D RESERVE CHOICE CHOICE:

  15. Options Form  MUST BE IN ON TIME - Friday 14 th February  Must choose ONE subject from each block and ONE reserve from each block  Choices must include at least ONE subject from the EBACC group of subjects, this can be in any block  MUST BE PREPARED TO DO RESERVE CHOICES  CANNOT choose Art and Textiles  CANNOT choose the same subject twice  Form must be signed by an adult at home

  16. What Now?  Some subject staff will be delivering short presentations this evening  A member of the careers team here this evening and also at parents evening on 6 th Feb  Find out as much as you can about any future plans you may have  Take your time, make sure the decisions YOU make are right for YOU

  17. Information? areers See the school website Careers Page But don’t PANIC – you are unlikely to You only get ONE chance to choose close down many options at this stage - CHOOSE WISELY

  18. Year 8: Options Information Evening “We shape our lives, and we shape ourselves… The choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility .” Eleanor Roosevelt

  19. Level 1/2 Award Hospitality & Catering (Vocational P,M,D) Or GCSE Food Preparation & Nutrition (Grades 1-9)

  20. Food Preparation Hospitality & & Nutrition Catering Vocational H/W Food Science Cooking skills Hotels In depth Nutrition NEA Types of hospitality 2 NEAs Practical exam Chefs Written exam Commodities Basic Nutrition Events Food Provenance Healthy eating Costing Food security Food Hygiene 1 NEA Presentation Sustainability Safety Links well with Planning Links well with Triple Science Travel & Tourism H&SC and PE and Business

  21. Level 2 Award Hospitality & Catering What will I learn?  The importance of personal/food safety & hygiene  Principles of nutrition, diet and good health  How to prepare the following commodities (ingredients) meat, fish, eggs, dairy, fruit, vegetables, cereal grains & potatoes  Types of establishments & job roles within the hospitality sector  Customer Care & Food service

  22. What will I be assessed on?  Unit 1: The Hospitality And Catering Industry Written Paper 1 hour 30 minutes 90 marks 40%  Unit 2: Hospitality And Catering In Action Controlled Assignment Task 60% - Practical exam and write up Task is set by the exam board & will ask you to find a suitable solution by demonstrating their knowledge and understanding of a range of preparation and cooking techniques, diet and nutrition, menu planning and presentation of dishes e.g. Food allergies are becoming more common. A local café has decided that is needs to include dishes on its menu for those customers with a specific food allergy. Plan & produce a 3 course meal that is suitable for a customer who is lactose intolerant that is also nutritionally balanced.

  23. GCSE Food Preparation & Nutrition What will I learn?  Where food comes from (provenance) & how to prepare the following commodities (ingredients) meat, fish, eggs, dairy, fruit, vegetables, cereal grains & potatoes  Principles of nutrition, diet and good health  The science of food – what happens when ingredients are combined under different conditions

  24. What will I be assessed on?  Component 1 : Principles of food preparation and nutrition Written Examination 50% 1 hour 45 minutes.  Non Examined Assessment (NEA – practical & written)  Component 2 : Food preparation and nutrition in action 50% Task 1 Task 2 30 marks (15%) 70 marks (35%) Food Science Investigation Food Preparation 3 hr practical exam & 3 hr practical exam & write up write up e.g. best fat for light airy cake texture e.g. 3 cultural dishes made with chicken

  25. Year 8: Options Information Evening “We shape our lives, and we shape ourselves… The choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility .” Eleanor Roosevelt

  26. GCSE FILM STUDIES Mrs L Davies Head of English and Film Studies

  27. GCSE Film Studies “You just watch films every lesson right Madam?”

  28. GCSE FILM STUDIES EXAM Component 1 Key developments in US FILM Written exam - 35% US film Comparative study (1 hour 30 mins) Key developments in film and film technology US Independent film EXAM Component 2 Global Film Written exam - 35% Narrative, Representation and Film Style (1 hour 30 mins) This component assesses knowledge and understanding of THREE global films outside the US Component 3 Non Exam Assessment NON EXAM ASSESSMENT - Students produce one genre based film extract plus 30% an evaluation of their own film or screenplay

  29. Key elements of film form Key elements of film form Cinematography Mise-en- scé ne Editing Sound

  30. Key MICRO elements of film form Key micro elements of film form • Cinematography • Mise-en- scé ne • Editing • Sound

  31. Key elements of film form Key elements of film form • Cinematography • Mise-en- scé ne • Editing • Sound


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