information decay pomdp

Information Decay + POMDP Incorporating Defenders Behaviour in - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Information Decay + POMDP Incorporating Defenders Behaviour in Autonomous Penetration Testing Jonathon Schwartz 1 , Hanna Kurniawati 1 , and Edwin El-Mahassni 2 1 1 Research School of Computer Science, ANU 2 Defence Science and Technology

  1. Information Decay + POMDP Incorporating Defender’s Behaviour in Autonomous Penetration Testing Jonathon Schwartz 1 , Hanna Kurniawati 1 , and Edwin El-Mahassni 2 1 1 Research School of Computer Science, ANU 2 Defence Science and Technology Group, Australian Department of Defence

  2. Network Penetration Testing 2

  3. Autonomous Penetration Testing • We can view penetration testing as a sequential decision problem. • Three sources of uncertainty: 1. Partial observability 2. Unreliable attack tools 3. The defender 3

  4. Current state of autonomous pen-testing yes yes yes yes This work (Lye and Wing, IJIS ’05) yes yes no Stochastic game (Sarruate et al, AAAI ’12) no yes Method POMDP (Lucangeli et al, SecArt ’10) no yes no Attack planning actions observability Defender Unreliable Partial 4

  5. POMDPs 5 Partially Observable Markov Decision Process ⟨ S , A , T , O , Z , R , γ ⟩

  6. Idea for incorporating the defender Pen-tester and defender can only infer each other via observed changes to the network state. Our proposed idea: Model defender’s behaviour as a Markovian Arrival Process (MAP) 6

  7. Information Decay This work: Bernoulli process. Model defender by single parameter: the information decay factor d . Intuitively, d is probability that the defender mitigates the pen-tester’s action For each system property we assume the same process and that each process is IID. 7

  8. Information Decay + POMDP: D-PenTesting T Requires knowing d beforehand . otherwise. 1 8 T d is changed or observed by a Given P = ⟨ S , A , T , O , Z , R , γ ⟩ Let I ( a ) be the afgected set of a ∈ A , where i ∈ I ( a ) ifg state variable s i Define transition T d for state variable s j :  ( ) s ′ j | s j , a j ∈ I ( a )     ( ) s ′ j ̸∈ I ( a ) and s ′ j | s j , a = d · j ̸ = s j | S ′ j |− 1    1 − d 

  9. Learning the defenders model: LD-PenTesting • D represents possible values of d 9 Given D-PenTesting POMDP P d = ⟨ S , A , T d , O , Z , R , γ ⟩ Define LD-PenTesting POMDP P ld = ⟨ S ld , A , T ld , O , Z ld , R ld , γ ⟩ , where: • A , O , γ are unchanged from P d • S ld = S × D , where • D discretised to resolution δ • Increases | S | by 1 δ fold • Z ld ( ⟨ s , d ⟩ , a , o ) = Z ( s , a , o ) • R ld ( ⟨ s , d ⟩ , a ) = R ( s , a ) • T ld ( ⟨ s , d ⟩ , a , ⟨ s ′ , d ′ ⟩ ) = T d ( s , a , s ′ ) · ∆ dd ′ • where ∆ dd ′ is the Kronecker Delta (identity) function • T d is transition function with decay factor d

  10. Experimental Scenarios Scenario 1 Extends original scenario proposed for POMDP pen-testing by Sarruate et al (AAAI ’12) to include a defender. Scenario 2 Extends stochastic game scenario proposed by Lye and Wing (IJIS ’05) to partially observable setting. 10

  11. Experimental setup Planning • Planning using SARSOP offmine POMDP solver (Kurniawati et al, RSS ’08) • D-PenTesting and LD-PenTesting given no knowledge of defender during planning Simulation • Tested each pen-tester agent against difgerent defenders in simulation 11

  12. POMDP-PenTesting vs D-PenTesting vs LD-PenTesting 12

  13. D-PenTesting performance 13

  14. D-PenTesting vs LD-PenTesting 14

  15. Conclusion • Presented effjcient abstract defender model based on MAP • Incorporated this model to create D-PenTesting and LD-PenTesting. • Our approach can handle the three main sources of uncertainty: 1. partial observability, 2. unreliable attack tools, and 3. the defender 15

  16. Thank you for listening. Questions? 15


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