infill development steering committee discussion concepts

Infill Development Steering Committee Discussion Concepts Questions - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Infill Development Steering Committee Discussion Concepts Questions and Comments Planning & Development Department Nathan Gwinn, Assistant Planner 509.625.6893 What is Infill Development? Development of vacant

  1. Infill Development Steering Committee Discussion Concepts Questions and Comments Planning & Development Department Nathan Gwinn, Assistant Planner 509.625.6893

  2. What is Infill Development? • Development of vacant lots and parcels within an already built up area. • There is no single technique to implement infill development. Cottage-style courtyard development, Kendall Yards

  3. Supporting Comprehensive Plan Goals H 1 AFFORDABLE HOUSING Goal: Provide sufficient housing for the current and future population that is appropriate, safe, and affordable for all income levels. H 2 HOUSING CHOICE AND DIVERSITY Goal: Increase the number of housing alternatives within all areas of the city to help meet the changing needs and preferences of a diverse population. H 3 HOUSING QUALITY Goal: Improve the overall quality of the City of Spokane’s housing. DP 3 FUNCTION AND APPEARANCE Goal: Use design to improve how development relates to and functions within its surrounding environment. LU 3 EFFICIENT LAND USE Goal: Promote the efficient use of land by the use of incentives, density and mixed- use development in proximity to retail. Full Text of City of Spokane Comprehensive Plan

  4. Preliminary Suggested Concepts Increased Ownership Extend unit lot subdivision policy to allow new development to use the • method of arranging separate ownership of attached or cottage housing units accessed only by a driveway or alley, rather than a public street. Currently, only properties with existing residential dwelling units can use this method. Spokane Municipal Code (SMC) 17G.080.065 Unit Lot Subdivisions – Expand Pocket Residential Tool to be allowed outright in Residential Single- • family (RSF) or with a conditional use permit. Currently the tool requires a rezone to Residential Single-family Compact (RSF-C). Pocket Residential Development PDF –

  5. Preliminary Suggested Concepts Diversity of Housing Options Review the manufactured housing age and • minimum size standards on a lot outside of a manufactured home park. Manufactured Homes and Mobile Home Parks PDF – Cottage housing should allow for a portion of units • with a higher maximum size and the ability to attach units / garages and mix housing types. Cottage Housing PDF – Incentivize infill in historically urban and urban • core centers and corridors. Confine some incentives to target areas or increase incentives in target areas. Spokane's Economic Development Strategy Link – Expand the Multiple-Family Tax Exemption • (MFTE) to targeted qualifying sites. Explore extension of program to apply to workforce housing (i.e., household incomes above low- income). MFTE Policy PDF –

  6. Preliminary Suggested Concepts Design Standards Develop design standards for all residential • development types. Currently, there are separate residential design standards – for Narrow Lots, Attached Housing, and Multi-Family Housing. At this time, there are no design standards for single family homes on lots wider than 40 feet. SMC 17C.110.400 to 465 Multifamily Design Standards – SMC 17C.110.310 Attached Housing, Detached Houses on – Lots Less Than Forty Feet Wide, And Duplexes Design Standards Oversized Garages: To match neighborhood scale, • limit the footprint size of non-residential uses in residential areas, such that the primary structure is not predominantly a garage or shop. SMC 17C.110.200 Lot Size Requirements : Table 17C-110-3 – Establishes 15 percent maximum coverage of detached accessory • structures in much of residential zones Establishes a larger portion of coverage for primary structures •

  7. Preliminary Suggested Concepts Land Aggregation • Consider creating a Land Bank Entity for Spokane County. – Currently Spokane County holds an auction of properties they have acquired usually between 10-50 properties annually. – HUD Land Bank PDF

  8. Preliminary Suggested Concepts Parking Related • Reduce the minimum parking requirement for transit-oriented uses near high-frequency transit (15-minute weekday service) to reduce the amount of land devoted to parking. • Develop an Integrated Parking Strategy for Downtown Spokane. • Encourage development of vacant lots, underdeveloped land, and surface parking lots in Downtown, utilizing incentives and/or taxing strategies.

  9. Infill Development Steering Committee Discussion Concepts Questions and Comments Planning & Development Department Nathan Gwinn, Assistant Planner 509.625.6893

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