incoming freshmen information

INCOMING FRESHMEN INFORMATION College Admissions Presentation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

INCOMING FRESHMEN INFORMATION College Admissions Presentation Important College Admission Information Stay focused! GPA is one of the most important criteria. Ds in core subjects may limit admissions Honors/AP vs. regular classes

  1. INCOMING FRESHMEN INFORMATION College Admissions Presentation

  2. Important College Admission Information Stay focused! GPA is one of the most important criteria. ● D’s in core subjects may limit admissions ○ Honors/AP vs. regular classes ○ Semester grades are on transcripts submitted ○ to colleges SAT/ACT Scores ● This class will take the SAT with Essay ○ Extracurricular activities ● Take advantage of as many opportunities as ○ possible. Clubs, volunteer hours, athletics, and ■ any program that shows growth or advancement

  3. UNR & The Millennium Scholarship UNR Admissions: ● 3.0 weighted core GPA ○ Millennium Eligibility ● requires at least one of the following: 3.25 weighted, ○ unweighted, or core GPA ACT = 21+ ○ SAT = 1070+ ○ Requirements are subject to change

  4. Welcome, Class of 2024!


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