IN INTRODUCTION SEMA Safety S.r.l. is an established Italian company that operates in international rolling stock fire estinguish systems business and providing 30 years of experience. The company is ISO 9001 certified IRIS certification is in process
ENGINEERING SE SERVICES - System Engineering - Mechanical Engineering - FEM Calculations - Welding Engineering - Electronic Design Engineering - Software Development and Validation - Ram Analysis - Project Documentation
Roll lling stock ck Fir ire extin xtinguish System Evoluti tion History In order to limit and prevent fires inside the train and tunnel, the Italian Ministry of Infrastructure issued October 28, 2005, a decree-law for fire prevention railway carriage This decree-law requires mandatory application of appropriate fire-fighting systems the passenger compartment and in the technical rooms. The implementation of this decree-law has been postponed to August 31, 2010, with a special European decree, which stipulates that all new trains needs to be fitted with a certified fire extinguishing system and that by 2020 all the older rolling stock needs to be retrofitted.
Rolli lling stock ck Fir Fire exti xtinguish System Evolution RAILWAY REGULATIONS UNI 11565 According to 2010 Decree-Law, the Railway Safety agency ANSF urged UNI to issue a law on railways which describes all the safety criteria and certifications for fire detection and extinguishing systems for rolling stocks in passenger compartments and technical rooms. In 2014 the first version of the standard called UNI11565 Edition As of nowadays UNI11565 is the 2014 was released and in 2016 only Rolling Stock fire was revised and enforced to be extinguish standard in the world applied. which cover all the requirements and validation process.
WATER MIS IST SYSTEM FOR PASS SSENGER COMPARTMENT SEMA Safety has developed, a powerful system that provides a modern technology for the best fire protection C heck, D ominate and E xtinguish The full system is composed of sections of detection system which detect presence of fire through sensors, Extinction system which control and dominate the fire as per the standard safety rules and Diagnostic system to monitor the system an be integrated with other onboard subsystems.
WATER MIS IST SYSTEM FOR PASS SSENGER COMPARTMENT The system is composed of a cylinder of 50lt nitrogen at 200 bar pressure and a cylinder of of 80lt Water. The nitrogen is used to increase water pressure release and the water for fire extinguish is released by means of special valves controlled by a safety logic.
WATER MIS IST SYSTEM FOR PASS SSENGER COMPARTMENT The nebulized water extinguishing system is fully designed and built by SEMA Safety for the highest performance in terms of : - Cooling action - Fire de-energization - Fumes reductions The innovative Delivery Nozzle is a mechanical high precision component designed and manufactured by SEMA which deliver the perfect water mist for the best performance.
WATER MIS IST SYSTEM FOR PASS SSENGER COMPARTMENT The SEMA Safety special nozzles atomize the water, and expedite the fire shutdown action. The particles of atomized water are able to absorb the energy released by the fire reducing the possibility of a reignition of the flame. Water particles of smaller size are subject to rapid evaporation, as a result the thermal energy is removed much more easier and the fire is quickly controlled and extinguished. The spraying action reduce the fumes produced by combustion and reduces the degree of toxicity during the reaction time.
WATER MIS IST SYSTEM FOR PASS SSENGER COMPARTMENT Each nozzle is composed of a semi-spherical body in stainless steel on which four micro-dispensers are placed, geometrically arranged to have as much an isotropic coverage as possible on 2- pi steradians. Their purpose is to atomize the water according to a precise statistical distribution of the diameters of the drops according to the CEN / TS 14972 standard. The extinguishing capacities and therefore the performance of the entire system depend on the correct nebulization of the water. A filter for the removal of any micro-impurities is mounted on the shaft of each head.
WATER MIS IST SYSTEM FOR PASS SSENGER COMPARTMENT The Water Mist SEMA Safety fire shut-off system and its electronic control system have been designed and tested according to the railway standards EN50155, EN50121, EN61373, EN60068, EN50125, in particular the nozzle, designed and built by SEMA Safety, has been tested according to the specification CEN7TS 14972 and the NFPA 750 standard, with particular regard to Drop Size Distribution and to the characteristics of resistance to shock, vibration, thermal shock and salt spray
UNI I 11565 testin ing
SYSTEM VALIATIO ION & QUALIFICATION TE TEST TEST without fire extinguishing Test with SEMA fire system extinguishing system Qualification for Confort coaches/Double decker/sleep coaches
CONTROL UNIT IT The fire system control system has a modular architecture and is divided into two hierarchical levels, defined respectively at the vehicle level and at the convoy level. The fire protection system consists of the following redundant devices: CTR control unit (redundant) Remote MRV module for valve control and control of the same. MO remote module for command and control extinguishing system. The CTR has a dedicated redundant bus for the acquisition of analog values from temperature and co smoke sensors The communication between CTR and the remote modules takes place via a redundant RS 485 or CAN bus. MRPU module detects physical MEASURES (temperature, pressure, flow, water level) inside the Water Mist generator.
General architecture Nozzles T4 are spaced with pitch 3.00<P<3.30 m depending on the environment. ZV : Zone Valve PU : Propulsion Unit MR-V : Remote module for ZV command MR-PU : Remote module for PU diagnostic and CTR : Control Unit command R : Detector T4 : Nozzle containing 4 micronozzles
Detection system Two type of detectors are used: Smoke+CO and Smoke+Temperature. They are installed alternately. All detectors are connected on a specific bus (Sensor-bus) to the CTR controller. The measured values of opacity, temperature and CO concentration (and the diagnostic data of the individual detectors) are transmitted on the Senso-bus. The intervention logic is defined by the CTR which maps and processes the data received by all the detectors in the environment.
Delivery command CTR sends the delivery command to the MR-V modules and to the MR-PU. Delivery is carried out by activating two ZVs at the same time. A possible FAIL when opening a ZV is diagnosed by the reading of the pressure transducer TP. MR-PU drives the Nitrogen valve (EVN) by means of DCMD-1 and DCMD-2 relays (in redundancy). The gas escapes from the cylinder (where it is at the pressure of about 200 Bar) and is limited to the constant pressure of 80 Bar by a special limiter. With this pressure nitrogen pushes the water. This strategy allows: • obtain a more stable flow • increase the dispensing time with the same nitrogen in the cylinder (or, dually, decrease the weights at the same dispensing time)
Delivery time Each micro-nozzles on the T4 operates at a nominal pressure of 80 Bar and has the pressure-flow operating curve illustrated on the right. As shown, each micro-nozzle delivers about 0.45 liters / min of water at 80 bar. So with two T4 simultaneously active we have a 3,6 liters/min. With 65 liter of water in the cylinder and a 90% efficiency the delivery time is about 16 minutes. See test reports and technical documentation for further informations about this.
Main maintenance deadlines 6 months - visual examination of WM nozzles - detector functional checks - on-sight examination of the PU - check nitrogen pressure by means of a PU manometer 1 years In addition to the scheduled 6-month operations: - verification of WM nozzles and ZV opening, using a test machine used with air blowing function - diagnostic data download 5 years In addition to the operations scheduled for 1 year: - replacement of CO detectors: after five years of operation, the CO-sensitive part of the detectors is automatically deactivated and the relative detector will continue to operate only with the second quantity (only heat or only smoke depending on the detector); it will be necessary to replace the detector to guarantee maximum reliability. - Review with cleaning (or replacement) of the optical chamber of the smoke detectors 10 years In addition to the operations scheduled for 5 years: - Disassembly of PU for PED qualification of cylinders, and verification of all internal components (pressure reducer, piping, hoses, gaskets, etc.) - Vehicle control of all electronic units and related connections, internal cleaning
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