In Intr trod oducing ucing GA GAIA IA, th the bran e brand d new ew se sedi diment ment tr tran ansp spor ort t mod odule ule of th f the e TE TELE LEMA MAC-MAS MASCARE CARET T sy system stem Cont ntribut ributors to Gaia ia in alphab phabetica tical orde rder : : Yoann ann Audou ouin in, , Th Thomas mas Bens nson, on, Matthieu thieu Deli linar nares, s, Jacqu ques es Fonta ntaine, ine, Boris ris Gland ander, Nicolas olas Huybr ybrechts chts, , Rebekk bekka a Kopman ann, n, Agnès nès Ler eroy oy, , Sar ara a Pav avan an, , Chi-Tuâ uân Pham, am, Flor orent nt Tacco cone, , Pabl ablo o Tassi ssi & & Regi gis s Walthe alther r TU TUC 2019, 019, Cer erfa facs cs, , Toulou ouse se, , France rance
GAIA is the new sedim iment ent transpo nsport t and bed evo voluti lution n modul ule e of the TMS It’s based on the historical rical sedi diment ment transpo nsport t module ule SISY SYPHE PHE Developed for more than 25 years [Latteux & Tanguy, 1990] Originally based on the same finite element structure as the 2D code solving the shallow water equations, later baptized TELEMAC-2D Macro ideas behind GAIA’s developments Improvement of the trea eatm tment ent of graded aded and nd mixed ed sedi dimen ments ts (cohesive and non-cohesive) Full ll compatib tibility ility betw twee een 2D and nd 3D proc ocesses sses Bett tter disti tinction nction between sedimentary processes in the wat ater er column umn, , in the bed bed and d in the e water-be bed inter terfa face ce Code optimization, error detections and corrections, etc.
Photos hackathons
Main n sediment ment transpo nsport t mech chan anis isms s in GAIA IV. Bed evolution (solved by Gaia)
I. Sedim iment ent transpo nsport t proce cess sses s in the water er co colum umn IV. Bed evolution (solved by Gaia)
I. Sedim iment ent transpo nsport t proce cess sses s in the water er co colum umn Suspended sediment particles being transported by the flow, maintaine tained d in suspe pension nsion above ove the bot ottom om by the action tion of upwar ard-mov moving ing turbule rbulent nt eddies dies Based on the solution of the equation describing the mass cons nser ervation ation of suspe pended nded sedim diment ent This advection-diffusion equation, with appropriate IC and BC, is solved ed by TELE LEMA MAC-2D 2D or TELE LEMA MAC-3D 3D To stay up-to-date with the numer merical cal sche hemes mes and d algorithm gorithm developments elopments in the hydr ydrod odynamic ynamics module ule for the solution of the advection terms Clea earer er disti tincti nction on between sediment transport processes happening in the water colum umn, e.g. sediment transport over a rigid bed
II. . Sedim iment ent transp anspor ort t proce cess sses es in the bed and strati ratigrap graphy hy IV. Bed evolution (solved by Gaia)
II. . Sedim iment ent transp anspor ort t proce cess sses es in the bed and strati ratigrap graphy hy A. Bedlo dload ad transpo ansport Sediment particles which are transported in direc ect t contact ntact with th the bott ttom or next to to the bed bed without being affected by the fluid turbulence In contrast to SISYPHE, in GAIA bedlo dload ad fluxes es are comput puted ed in ter terms of (dry) y) mass transpor nsport t rate per r unit width dth, , witho thout ut pores es: This is appr proach ach minimizes izes roundo ndoff ff error ors, particularly for the mass transfer algorithms used for the bed layer model
II. . Sedim iment ent transp anspor ort t proce cess sses es in the bed and strati ratigrap graphy hy B. B. Bott ttom om strati atigrap graphy hy For sand graded distributions (gravel + sand), an algorithm bas ased ed on the e clas assi sical cal activ ive e layer er formul rmulation ation of Hira rano no is used [Blom, 2008] The bed model can be discr cretiz etized ed by a constant nstant numbe ber of layer ers along ng the e ve vertic tical l direc ectio tion, , allow owed to to be be empti tied ed during ring a simula latio tion active layer The active layer suppl pplies ies mater terial ial that at can can be be erode oded or or depos posit ited ed as bedload or suspended load
II. . Sedim iment ent transp anspor ort t proce cess sses es in the bed and strati ratigrap graphy hy C. Mixed ed sedim iments ents The bed model algorithm has been modified to to accou ount nt for r the e presence esence of mud or or sand and-mud mud mixtur ures The layer thickness results from the ma mass ss rati tio o of cohes hesive and d non-coh cohesiv esive sedi diment ent < 40% % => + = + - > 40% % => D. Consolidat solidation ion Based on the semi-empirical formulation originally developed by Villaret and Walther (2008), which ch uses es the iso-py pycnal cnal and nd first st-order der kinetics netics for ormulati ulations ons The presence of non-cohesive sediment in the stratigraphy doesn’t alter er the e sedim diment ent conso nsolida idatio tion
III II. . Sedim iment ent exch xchanges anges at the water er-bed bed inter erface face IV. Bed evolution (solved by Gaia)
III II. . Sedim iment ent exch xchanges anges at the water er-bed bed inter erface face The unified framework in 2D and 3D eliminat minates es unnece necessa ssary code de dupl plicati ication on to compute the erosion osion rat ate E The composition osition of the sedi diment ment mixtur ture e in the surface (active) layer is considered when computing the critical shear stress for erosion t and the erosion rate E [Le Hir et al., 2011] > 50% % => E , t for cohes hesiv ive sedim diment ent + = < 30% % => E , t for non-co cohe hesiv sive sedim diment ent > 30% % and d < 50 50% % => E , t interpolat erpolated ed In GAIA, the e sedim diment ent depos positi tion on tak akes es place ce at all times mes rega egardless dless of the e value ue of the e bott ttom om shear hear stress ss, approach known as « simultaneous paradigm » [Winterwerp et al., 2012]
IV. . Bed evo voluti lution on IV. Bed evolution (solved by Gaia)
IV. . Bed evo voluti lution on In GAIA, the bed evolution is computed by solving the mass ss conse nservatio tion equa uation ion for r sedi dimen ment or Exner equation, expr pres esse sed in term terms of mass: ss: Bedload, suspension or both sediment transport modes can can be be conside sidered ed simul ulta tane neous ously Two different morphological accelerators are proposed: One accelerator suitable for river er appl plications ications acco counting unting for r bedlo dload One accelerator suitable for coast astal al and d estua tuarine ne applic plicatio tions, as it is compatible with suspende spended sedim diment ent tran anspor sport Key physically-based processes that are retained in GAIA from SISYPHE include seco condar dary curr rrents ents, , bed bed slope pe effects fects, , bed bed roug ughne hness ss estim imat ator ors, , etc. c.
Selected lected (new) keywor words ds from GAIA e.g. mixed sediment 4 c clas asses ses of non-cohe cohesi sive sedimen iments ts and 4 c clas asses ses of cohesiv esive sedimen ments ts; bed bed model el discr creti etized ed with th 4 4 laye yers, , accountin ounting for consol solidation idation proces cesses ses CLASSES TYPE OF SEDIMENT = NCO;NCO;NCO;NCO;CO;CO;CO;CO CLASSES SEDIMENT DIAMETERS = 0.0002;0.0002;0.0002;0.0002;0.00001; 0.00001;0.00001;0.00001 CLASSES SETTLING VELOCITIES = -9.;-9.;-9.;-9.;0.001;0.001;0.001;0.001 /---------------------------------------------- BED LOAD FOR ALL SANDS = YES BED-LOAD TRANSPORT FORMULA FOR ALL SANDS = 5 SUSPENSION FOR ALL SANDS = YES SUSPENSION TRANSPORT FORMULA FOR ALL SANDS = 1 /---------------------------------------------- BED MODEL = 2 NUMBER OF LAYERS FOR INITIAL STRATIFICATION = 4 LAYERS INITIAL THICKNESS = 0.25;0.25;0.25;0.25 CLASSES INITIAL FRACTION = 0.15D0;0.15D0;0.15D0;0.15D0;0.1D0;0.1D0;0.1D0;0.1D0 > sis2gaia sis_cas gaia_cas
Rh Rhine ne river ver applicatio lication n (GAIA vs vs SISY SYPHE PHE)
Bott ttom evo voluti lution on after ter 6. 6.5 5 ye year ars GAIA SISYPHE PHE D
Mean diam amet eter er after ter 6. 6.5 5 ye years GAIA SISYPHE PHE
Ou Outlo look Read ady-to to-use use , but still in progress… Do Docu cumentation ntation and V&V &V in progress ess (paper TUC 2019 intended as a mini-doc) The implementation of the Continuous Vertical grain Sorting Model CVSM is underway Please ase star art t us using ng GAI AIA A and post bug ugs, s, requests uests, sug uggest estio ions, ns, etc. c. in the Forum um
Than Thank y k you ou Gaea the Earth , Athenian red-figure calyx krater C5th B.C., Virginia Museum of Fine Arts
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