in finland

in Finland making money or spending money? Pekka Levikangas Dr. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Presentation at the Institut Teknologi Sumatra, August 22, 2019 Port Governance & Business in Finland making money or spending money? Pekka Levikangas Dr. Tech., Dr. Econ., Principal Scientist, Docent VTT beyond the obvious

  1. Presentation at the Institut Teknologi Sumatra, August 22, 2019 Port Governance & Business in Finland – making money or spending money? Pekka Leviäkangas Dr. Tech., Dr. Econ., Principal Scientist, Docent VTT – beyond the obvious 15.8.2019

  2. Congratulations Indonesia, 74th Independence Anniversary! Diplomatic Reception to celebrate Indonesia’s independence on August 9 in Kalastatorppa, Helsinki hosted by Ambassador H.E. Wiwiek Firman All material for educational purposes only, Fair Use -principle

  3. Items covered • Ports in Finland – an overview by this • Ownership & governance presentation • Financial performance • Conclusions

  4. All material for educational purposes only, Fair Use -principle

  5. All material for educational purposes only, Fair Use -principle 5 VTT – beyond the obvious 18.8.2019

  6. All material for educational purposes only, Fair Use -principle 6 VTT – beyond the obvious 18.8.2019

  7. Kilpilahti Port: oil refining industrial area – the largest port in Finland measured by exported and imported tonnes 7 VTT – beyond the obvious 18.8.2019 All material for educational purposes only, Fair Use -principle

  8. 8 VTT – beyond the obvious 18.8.2019 All material for educational purposes only, Fair Use -principle

  9. Ports are unique and ‘fit for the purpose’ 3 main points for a successful port: 1. Location 2. Fit for the purpose = infrastructure + services 3. Marketing

  10. Ports are ’ service centers ’ 10 VTT – beyond the obvious 19.8.2019 All material for educational purposes only, Fair Use -principle

  11. Stevedoring companies in Helsinki port 11 VTT – beyond the obvious 19.8.2019

  12. • Study on the economics, ownership and governance of the most significant ports in Finland 12 VTT – beyond the obvious 19.8.2019

  13. Port ownership models (Finland) • Most ports are municipality / city owned companies (MOC), and operate as landlord ports • Some private ports associated with specific industries and corporations (one way or the other, the industrial company is owning the port) • There are about 50 ports in Finland • 80% of the marine transports goes via 10 largest ports <= Typical public debate in Finland: • “too many ports” • “too expensive network” • “too much redundant port capacity” • “suboptimal logistics”

  14. Example: 100% owned by the City of Helsinki Business segments: • Passenger traffic • Mainly leisure, some business travellers • 6 terminals • Cargo Diversification strategy • Container • Ro-ro (full trucks & trailers) • Bulk The Board • Project deliveries • 6 terminals / port locations All material for educational purposes only, Fair Use -principle

  15. Key financial ratios Turnover Investments Balance sheet (assets) Change in turnover Turnover / employee (1000 EUR) Return on investment (%) Equity / Debt (%) Profit after taxes (mill. EUR) 11 11 Profit / turnover (%) 11.4% 11.6% 15 VTT – beyond the obvious 18.8.2019

  16. Example no. 2: Specialised to serve one steel mill 100% owned by the City of Raahe Operating income / Turnover turnover (%) Turnover Operating income 16 VTT – beyond the obvious 18.8.2019 All material for educational purposes only, Fair Use -principle

  17. All material for educational purposes only, Fair Use -principle ”… but we knew all this much earlier …” Analysis on financial performance of Finnish ports for 2002-2009 Traditional = a municipality unit MOE = municipality owned enterprise MOC = municipality owned limited liability (ltd.) company P = private port (ltd. company) Table figures from 2009; Rönty, Nokkala & Finnilä: Port ownership and governance models in Finland - Development 17 VTT – beyond the obvious 18.8.2019 needs & future challenges. VTT Working Papers 164. 2011.

  18. Ownership model does not dictate financial performance 18 VTT – beyond the obvious 18.8.2019 All material for educational purposes only, Fair Use -principle

  19. The empirical facts: The admin & economic reality: About 80% of Finnish imports and 90% of exports travel through the ports (when measured in tonnes). Ports are governed mainly by the municipalities and cities.  The macroeconomic importance is paramount! The state governance is minimal, considering mainly safety, fairway The empirical facts do not support the pricing and environment. hypothesis ” bigger is better ”. The ports are ’ cash cows ’ for their owners. Empirical research does not support the hypothesis ” private is better ”. Ports have substantial spill-over benefits, e.g. tax revenues, jobs.

  20. How about the Indonesian context? Perceptions (some highly personal): • Many small and medium-sized ports • Short sea shipping and island connectivity is crucial for the country’s logistic efficiency and internal market • …and even for the national unity • For Indonesia, investing in ports is ’a sure bet ’! 20 VTT – beyond the obvious 18.8.2019 All material for educational purposes only, Fair Use -principle

  21. Terima kasih! Kiitos! #vttpeople / @VTTFinland VTT – beyond the obvious 18.8.2019.


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