improving the james j hill center patron experience

Improving the James J. Hill Center Patron Experience Erin Kirk - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Improving the James J. Hill Center Patron Experience Erin Kirk Leslie Roarke Seman Monpas Mollner Thornswood "When we are all dead and gone, the sun will still shine, the rain will fall, and this railroad will run as usual.

  1. Improving the James J. Hill Center Patron Experience Erin Kirk Leslie Roarke Seman Monpas Mollner Thornswood

  2. "When we are all dead and gone, the sun will still shine, the rain will fall, and this railroad will run as usual.” — James J Hill

  3. James J. Hill Center

  4. “A library without books was once unthinkable. Now it seems almost inevitable.” — Michael Agresta / Slate Magazine

  5. Hill Specific Challenges No government funding Maintain level of mission-based earnings Constraints on physical changes Lean staff

  6. What’s working well?

  7. Our Survey Says … 100% likely/very likely to recommend to a friend 100% likely/very likely to utilize in the future 86% feel atmosphere is friendly 94% feel atmosphere is comfortable 100% feel atmosphere is supportive 81% feel atmosphere is inspiring

  8. The Problem Space Problem #1: Lack of Content Clarity Current users do not have a complete understanding of all the resources that are available to them through the James J. Hill Center. Problem #2: Limited Public Awareness Local entrepreneurs and small business owners who could benefit from what the Hill Center provides are not able to take advantage of these resources because they are not aware they are available.

  9. Content Strategy “Using words and data to create unambiguous content that supports meaningful , interactive experiences.” — Rachel Lovinger /

  10. Existing User Misconceptions “It would be helpful if there was a structured way to sign up for time to meet with a librarian, like if their consult hours could be posted or you could schedule online.” — Laura “It would be nice to have a 1:1 consultation but I don’t want to have to pay for a membership to get those perks.” — Debbie “My experience at the Hill Center could be improved if they could help by clarifying the process for accessing databases.” — Mark

  11. Clarify Content to … Correct existing user misconceptions Create a more positive user experience Increase number of customer advocates Increase positive word of mouth Increase number of patrons

  12. Strategy Execution Solution 1: Clarify existing digital content Solution 2: Create digital kiosk

  13. Clarifying Existing Digital Content No mention of business services

  14. Clarifying Existing Digital Content Proposed Streamlined Navigation Current Site Navigation

  15. Clarifying Existing Digital Content } Consolidate 4 separate screens into one =

  16. Created Modular Digital Kiosk to … Build awareness of The Hill’s services Modular components can be used in additional ways Instill feeling of innovation Increase number of patrons

  17. New Kiosk Experience

  18. New Kiosk Experience

  19. New Kiosk Experience

  20. New Kiosk Experience

  21. New Kiosk Experience

  22. New Kiosk Experience

  23. New Kiosk Experience

  24. New Kiosk Experience

  25. New Kiosk Experience

  26. New Kiosk Experience

  27. } Correct existing user misconceptions Create a more positive user experience Increase number of customer advocates Clarified Content Increase positive word of mouth } Help build awareness Instill feeling of innovation Modular Digital Components

  28. Future Opportunities & Ideas Virtual reference via Skype More Roadshows Mentorship program Collaboration spaces Record & upload programs

  29. Thank You! Erin Kirk Leslie Roarke Seman Monpas Mollner Thornswood

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