p resentation l ead a gency roles responsibilities and


P RESENTATION : L EAD A GENCY ROLES , RESPONSIBILITIES AND IDENTIFICATION P ROCESS FOR THE N IAGARA S ERVICE A REA Moving on Mental Health a system that makes sense for children and youth Ces diapositives sont disponibles en Franais

  1. P RESENTATION : L EAD A GENCY ROLES , RESPONSIBILITIES AND IDENTIFICATION P ROCESS FOR THE N IAGARA S ERVICE A REA Moving on Mental Health a system that makes sense for children and youth Ces diapositives sont disponibles en Français à www.ontario.ca/avancementsantemenale Transforming Mental Health Branch Transformation and Implementation Division

  2. Overview 1. Objectives 2. Moving On Mental Health 3. Lead Agencies – roles and responsibilities 4. Identification Process 5. Submission 2

  3. Objectives 1. Increase the overall understanding of the key roles and responsibilities of a lead agency. 2. To prepare agencies delivering community-based child and youth mental health (CYMH) services in the Niagara service area for the identification process. 3. To answer frequently asked questions and explain the official process for asking any additional questions. 3

  4. Moving on Mental Health

  5. Moving on Mental Health - a system that makes sense for children and youth We will transform the experience of children and youth with mental health problems and their families, so that regardless of where they live in Ontario they will know: • What mental health services are available in their communities; and • How to access mental health services and supports that meet their needs. The community-based aspect of service delivery is central to the vision of delivering CYMH services that are accessible, responsive and grounded in the experiences of children and youth. 5


  7. MOVING ON MENTAL HEALTH: A PLAN FOR SYSTEMS CHANGE We are accomplishing system change by: # MOMH Pillar Current Status  1 Defining core Core services defined, with minimum expectations communicated to sector (see services Appendix A)  2 Establishing lead Since 2013, 31 of 33 lead agencies have been identified. Lead agencies have agencies for every submitted annual core services/community reports, have been working to build geographic area – capacity, and have established a representative Consortium  with responsibility Lead agencies will, using their expertise, focus on critical responsibilities for for planning of local service delivery and planning, system management, pathways and services partnerships.  3 Developing a First CYMH allocation model under development – two province wide rounds of transparent, consultation held  equitable funding Implementation is expected to begin in 2018/19 model  4 Putting in place LA accountabilities and authorities being set out in regulation under Child, Youth appropriate and Family Services Act , which received Royal Assent on June 1, 2017 legislative/regulato ry/ accountability tools  5 Creating and The majority of lead agencies have developed and submitted annual supporting Community Mental Health Reports for over two years and established strong pathways to care partnerships with key service area partners (i.e. LHINs, School Boards, other service providers)  Work underway to convene a joint lead agency/LHIN leadership forum to further work on pathways 7

  8. Lead Agencies Lead agencies have been identified in 31 service areas across Ontario. This process relates to the lead agency identification process for the Niagara service area. 8

  9. Lead Agencies Roles and Responsibilities

  10. A lead agency is… • A recognized leader – recognized within the service area, for which they are submitting, as a core community-based CYMH service provider with a commitment to service quality and evidence-informed practice • A good partner – demonstrates capacity for building consensus, planning effectively with a system-level lens, and, at times, making difficult recommendations and looking beyond self-interest • An expert – has demonstrated commitment to service innovation and administrative excellence 10

  11. Lead Agencies – Enabling system change Ministry of Children and Youth Services Accountability Mechanisms Lead Agency Service Agreements per service area Community Service Other OPS Core Services Delivery Mental Health Report for Agreements ministries Report children and youth Partnerships and Protocols CYMH Sector Partners Core Service e.g.: Local Health Integration Networks, District School Boards, Providers hospitals, other health providers, municipality, public health. 11

  12. Planning for delivery of core MCYS-funded services The Core Services Delivery Report (CSDR), relates to the services described in Program Guidelines and Requirements #01: Core Services and Key Processes. The Reports will be multi-year in focus with an annual cycle within this which will align with the ministry's annual contracting process. The focus of the Report is on identifying and responding to local child and youth mental health needs through the identification of priorities, activities and proposed resource allocations. Key Elements include*: • Child and Youth Population • Service Landscape Strategic Priorities and Workplan • Proposed Service Area Resource Allocation • * Detailed report requirements and associated template are currently under review and further development 12

  13. Planning across the CYMH continuum The Community Mental Health Report (CMHR) describes how services and supports across the mental health continuum will work together to meet the needs of children and youth, included pathways to care. Key Elements include*: • Engagement • Community Services and Pathways • Community Priorities and Workplan * Detailed report requirements and associated template are currently under review and further development 13

  14. Lead Agencies Year 1 • Initial responsibilities for lead agencies will include the development of the Core Services Delivery Report and the Community Mental Health Report, as well as engaging with partners at the local level. • MCYS recognizes that capacity may need to be developed for an agency to take on all the responsibilities of a lead agency. • MCYS will discuss supports with the identified lead agency. • Regular meetings are held with the ministry and all lead agencies. • Expertise will be provided from within Ontario’s CYMH sector, such as knowledge brokers from the Ontario Centre of Excellence for Child and Youth Mental Health. 14

  15. Identification Process

  16. Eligibility • An agency is eligible for consideration as a lead CYMH agency in this identification process for Moving on Mental Health if it: – is an incorporated not-for-profit agency, currently funded by the province of Ontario and/or a municipality in Ontario to deliver community-based CYMH services within the Niagara service area. 16

  17. Identification Process: Overview 1. Information Sessions 2. Intent to Submit 3. Question Period 4. The Submission 5. Presentation 6. Verification/Clarification 7. Decision Making 17

  18. Identification Process: Key Dates Milestone Date Intent to Submit due to MCYS November 27, 2017 at 4:00 p.m. Question period deadline December 1, 2017 at 4:00 p.m. Responses to questions sent December 6, 2017 out Submissions due to MCYS December 20, 2017 at 4:00 p.m. Presentation* Week of January 15, 2018 (TBC) Verification/Clarification* January 2018 Expected identification* Winter 2018 *Key dates are subject to change. *Key dates are subject to change. 18

  19. Information Sessions • We have provided this presentation in English and French. • A copy of these slides and an audio recording can also be found on our web page at: www.ontario.ca/movingonmentalhealth 19

  20. Intent to Submit • Purpose is to: o Ensure that interested agencies receive updates and information during the process, as well as the fillable submission form. • The Intent to Submit form is available at: www.ontario.ca/movingonmentalhealth and is due by 4:00 p.m. on November 27, 2017. • If you submit an Intent to Submit form or subsequently request a fillable submission form, you are not obligated to complete the submission form. 20

  21. Question Period Purpose is to: • o Coordinate responses to all questions received and send them to all those that submitted questions and those that submitted an Intent to Submit form/subsequently requested a fillable submission form. Questions are due to MCYS by 4:00 p.m. on • December 1, 2017. Responses to questions received will be sent out on • December 6, 2017. Please submit any questions to • movingonmentalhealth@ontario.ca 21

  22. Submission Process • The fillable submission form will be emailed to you on November 28, 2017, if your agency has submitted a complete Intent to Submit form. Along with the form you will receive a summary of the Niagara planning process to date. • Your agency may still request a fillable submission form after this date by emailing movingonmentalhealth@ontario.ca, but the submission due date will not change. • Agencies are encouraged to use internal expertise in the preparation and completion of the submission. MCYS funds may not be used to procure third-party expertise in the preparation, or completion of, the submission. 22

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