implicit learning and working memory in children

Implicit learning and working memory in children Nadiia Denhovska - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Implicit learning and working memory in children Nadiia Denhovska Implicit Learning Implicit learning is learning without awareness about the regularities governing the material Leads to knowledge which it is

  1. Implicit learning and working memory in children Nadiia Denhovska

  2. Implicit Learning • Implicit learning is learning without awareness about the regularities governing the material • Leads to knowledge which it is difficult or impossible to access consciously and/or to report verbally (Reber, 1993) • Important for the acquisition of many skills • First & second language (Kidd, 2012; Saffran et al., 1996) • Reading and writing (Gombert, 2003) • Social skills

  3. How Children Learn • Children learn implicitly • Development of explicit knowledge

  4. Development of Implicit Learning Abilities • Develop in infancy/early childhood and remain stable throughout the lifespan (Gomez & Gerken, 1999; Meulemans, Van der Linden, & Perruchet, 1998; Reber, 1993) • Independent of age (Vinter & Perruchet, 2000) • Independent of IQ • Some evidence in support of developmental change • Adults outperformed children (Thomas et al., 2004) • Older or more cognitively advanced children showing larger learning effect (Fletcher et al., 2000;Thomas & Nelson, 2001)

  5. Working Memory Development • Visuospatial Sketchpad • Phonological Loop • Central Executive • Children younger than 7 years rely on visuospatial sketchpad • Older children tend to use the phonological loop (Gathercole et al., 2004)

  6. Factors Affecting Language Learning Working Memory Frequency • L2 learning (Miyake & Friedman, 1998; Speciale, Ellis, & Bywater, 2004) including grammatical • L1 : Abbot-Smith, Lieven, & Tomasello, 2004; gender (Kempe, Brooks, & Kharkhurin, 2010) Lieven & Tomasello, 2008; Tomasello, 2003 • L2 : . Ellis, 2002, 2006; Larsen-Freeman, 2010; • Implicit learning ( Conway, Baurnschmidt, Robinson, 2005 Huang, & Pisoni, 2010; Kaufman et al., 2010) offline tasks: Tagarelli et al., 2011 • Production: Brooks & Kempe, 2013 • Type, token frequency Implicit learning of languages Production and comprehension • DeKeyser, 1995; Morgan-Short et al., 2010; Rebuschat & Brooks & Kempe, Williams, 2012; Tagarelli et al., 2013; Hama & 2011 Leow, 2010

  7. Working Memory and Learning • Dogs have four legs LEGS • Apples play football FOOTBALL • MAB

  8. Future Research • Exploring the trajectory of development • Testing children above 10 through adolescence up to the age of 16 • Using more sensitive measures and exploring neurocognitive underpinnings of implicit learning • Exploring implicit learning skills in atypically developing children • Dyslexia • ASD

  9. Educational Implications • Implicit, as well as explicit, learning abilities show increase with age and cognitive maturation • Incidental language learning in children is guided by examples rather than rule-abstraction • Frequency and individual differences in the capacity of working memory appear to affect implicit learning • In children, it is the frequency of specific items and memory for visual information

  10. • Questions or comments?


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