impact of climate change on hydrological

Impact of climate change on hydrological regimes and water resources - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Hydropredict 2010: Impact of climate change on hydrological regimes and water resources in TRUST (LIFE + 2007) project HydroPredict 2010 2nd International Interdisciplinary Conference on Predictions for Hydrology, Ecology, and Water Resources

  1. Hydropredict 2010: Impact of climate change on hydrological regimes and water resources in TRUST (LIFE + 2007) project HydroPredict ’ 2010 2nd International Interdisciplinary Conference on Predictions for Hydrology, Ecology, and Water Resources Management 20-23 September 2010, Prague, Czech Republic Impact of climate change on hydrological regimes and water resources in TRUST (LIFE + 2007) project Michele Ferri, Daniele Norbiato , Martina Monego, Francesco Baruffi River Basin Authority Alto Adriatico (Venice, Italy) Alberto Galli - SGI Studio Galli Ingegneria (Padua, Italy) Silvio Gualdi, Edoardo Bucchignani - The Euro- Mediterranean Centre for Climate Change CMCC (Bologna, Italy) Ing. Daniele Norbiato Prague, 22.09.2010 River Basin Authority Alto Adriatico

  2. Hydropredict 2010: Impact of climate change on hydrological regimes and water resources in TRUST (LIFE + 2007) project 1 1. Introduction 2. Climatic model 3. Hydrological model 4. Drought mitigation strategies 5. Conclusions 2 /24 Climatic Hydrological Drought mitigation Ing. Daniele Norbiato Introduction Conclusions River Basin Authority Alto Adriatico model model strategies

  3. Hydropredict 2010: Impact of climate change on hydrological regimes and water resources in TRUST (LIFE + 2007) project Tool for Regional – scale assessment of groUndwater Storage improvement in adaptation to climaTe change (Gen 2009- Dec 2011) Project funded by European Commission Under The Life+ Programme 2007 Ministry For The Environment And The Land And Sea BENEFICIARY AND COORDINATOR: River Basin Authority Alto Adriatico PARTNERS : European-Mediterranean Centre for Climate Change(CMCC) SGI Studio Galli Ingegneria S.p.A. (SGI) 3 /24 Climatic Hydrological Drought mitigation Ing. Daniele Norbiato Introduction Conclusions River Basin Authority Alto Adriatico model model strategies

  4. Hydropredict 2010: Impact of climate change on hydrological regimes and water resources in TRUST (LIFE + 2007) project TRUST project ISSUES  Groundwater in the Upper Plain of Veneto and Friuli Regions have been exploited for decades for agricultural and industrial and waterworks uses  In recent years, aquifers, affected by growing water demand, showed a significant lowering of groundwater levels and artesian depressurisation Art.4 WFD 2000/60/CE: “ Member States shall protect, enhance and restore all bodies of groundwater, ensure a balance between abstraction and recharge of groundwater, with the aim of achieving good groundwater status” GENERAL OBJECTIVES  Incorporate climate change scenarios in the river basin management in accordance with WFD 2000/60/CE  Examine issues related to the development of water management strategies at river basin scale (WFD) in relation to the CC scenarios 4 /24 Climatic Hydrological Drought mitigation Ing. Daniele Norbiato Introduction Conclusions River Basin Authority Alto Adriatico model model strategies

  5. Hydropredict 2010: Impact of climate change on hydrological regimes and water resources in TRUST (LIFE + 2007) project Tool for large scale groundwater balance THECNICAL BOARD(stakeholders) Geo-Database designed to characterize the underground aquifers (and the related balance terms) to regional scale Hydrological geomorphoclimatic model (river basin analysis) Model simulating the unsaturated zone & water used by crops (Remote sensing – land use mapping) Groundwater balance model (MIKE SHE) CLIMATE CHANGE SCENARIOS Evaluation of objectives and measures for artificial aquifer recharge – MAR (Managed Aquifer Recharge) 5 /24 Climatic Hydrological Drought mitigation Ing. Daniele Norbiato Introduction Conclusions River Basin Authority Alto Adriatico model model strategies

  6. Hydropredict 2010: Impact of climate change on hydrological regimes and water resources in TRUST (LIFE + 2007) project TRUST project Area TAGLIAMENTO PIAVE HYDROLOGICAL BALANCE LIVENZA TORRE MODEL GROUNDWATER BRENTA BALANCE MODEL BACCHIGLIONE River basins TRUST project area Acquired Data: 250 meteorological, 21 nivometric, 60 hydrometric stations Monitoring period: 1/1/2000 – 31/12/2008 6 /24 Climatic Hydrological Drought mitigation Ing. Daniele Norbiato Introduction Conclusions River Basin Authority Alto Adriatico model model strategies

  7. Hydropredict 2010: Impact of climate change on hydrological regimes and water resources in TRUST (LIFE + 2007) project 2 1. Introduction 2. Climatic model 3. Hydrological model 4. Drought mitigation strategies 5. Conclusions 7 /24 Climatic Hydrological Drought mitigation Ing. Daniele Norbiato Introduction Conclusions River Basin Authority Alto Adriatico model model strategies

  8. Hydropredict 2010: Impact of climate change on hydrological regimes and water resources in TRUST (LIFE + 2007) project The CMCC-MED MODEL : a global climate model with a fully resolved interactive Mediterranean Sea developed in the framework of CIRCE (EU-FP7) GLOBAL ATMOSPHERE MODEL (dynamics, physics, prescribed gases and aerosols) ECHAM5 T159 ~ 80 Km and 31 vert. levels Roeckner et al. 2003 Heat, Water and Heat, Water and Momentum Flux Momentum Flux COUPLER SST and SST OASIS 3 Valcke (2006) Sea-ice MEDITERRANEAN GLOBAL OCEAN SEA MODEL & SEA-ICE MODEL T, S, . . NEMO/MFS 1/16 ° ~ 7 Km u, v, η . OPA/ORCA2 2º ~200 Km 71 vert. levels Oddo et al. (2009) 31 vert, levels Madec et al. (1998) . . LOUVAIN-LA-NEUVE INGV Coupling atmosphere-oceans every 2 hours SEA- ICE MODEL 8 /24 Timmermann et al. (1999) Coupling global ocean-Mediterranean Sea every 8 hours Climatic Hydrological Drought mitigation Ing. Daniele Norbiato Introduction Conclusions River Basin Authority Alto Adriatico model model strategies

  9. Hydropredict 2010: Impact of climate change on hydrological regimes and water resources in TRUST (LIFE + 2007) project The COSMO CLM model  (2 -20 E; 40 - 52 N) climate simulations of the 2 nd part of the 20 th Century (1951- 2000) validated with observed data (2mTemp and precipitation)  During the 20 th Century period of the simulations the distribution and concentration of the atmospheric greenhouse gases and aerosol have been prescribed from observations  projections for the 21st Century (2001-2100)  During the 21 st Century period, two scenario simulations have Orography of the area been performed, according to the A2 and A1B IPCC-SRES 9 /24 Climatic Hydrological Drought mitigation Ing. Daniele Norbiato Introduction Conclusions River Basin Authority Alto Adriatico model model strategies

  10. Hydropredict 2010: Impact of climate change on hydrological regimes and water resources in TRUST (LIFE + 2007) project The Climate Change Projections in the TRUST Region: possible changes in 2m TEMPERATURE, PRECIPITATION and EVAPORATION (2071-2100) vs (1971-2000) Differences in precipitation, evaporation (%) Differences in temperature ( ° C) (A1B) scenario  The changes in simulated evaporation and temperature show the same positive sign  The surface temperature shows a rather uniform increase in all seasons of about 4 ° C  The areal precipitation increases of more than 20% during winter and decreases in all other seasons 10 /24 Climatic Hydrological Drought mitigation Ing. Daniele Norbiato Introduction Conclusions River Basin Authority Alto Adriatico model model strategies

  11. Hydropredict 2010: Impact of climate change on hydrological regimes and water resources in TRUST (LIFE + 2007) project 3 1. Introduction 2. Climatic model 3. Hydrological model 4. Drought mitigation strategies 5. Conclusions 11 /24 Climatic Hydrological Drought mitigation Ing. Daniele Norbiato Introduction Conclusions River Basin Authority Alto Adriatico model model strategies

  12. Hydropredict 2010: Impact of climate change on hydrological regimes and water resources in TRUST (LIFE + 2007) project Calculation modules of the Snow accumulation maps 31/01/2001 31/03/2001 31/05/2001 hydrological balance model Network extraction Snow melt Utah Energy Balance Model (Tarboton et al. 1996) from DEM module j Spatial I E R (De Smeth et al. 2000) R ub interpolation L Inflows – (Liu et al. 2004) (Laio et al. 2001) of climatic outflows BALANCE EQUATION: S(t+∆t)= S(t)+I(t) - Rsub(t)-L(t)-E(t) transformation variables Automatic module (kriging) calibration module Outflows Reservoirs propagation module management (geomorphoclimatic) module 12 /24 Climatic Hydrological Drought mitigation Ing. Daniele Norbiato Introduction Conclusions River Basin Authority Alto Adriatico model model strategies

  13. Hydropredict 2010: Impact of climate change on hydrological regimes and water resources in TRUST (LIFE + 2007) project GEOMORPHOCLIMATIC APPROACH FOR DETERMINING Hill state HYDROLOGICAL RESPONSE OF RIVER BASINS Geomorphoclimatic formulation Channel state 1 2 3 1 2 3 R(t) f1 f1 R(t) f1 f2 f2 f2 f3 Q(t) Q(t) f3 f3 t t Traditional formulation Geomorphoclimatic formulation 13 /24 Climatic Hydrological Drought mitigation Ing. Daniele Norbiato Introduction Conclusions River Basin Authority Alto Adriatico model model strategies


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