image segmentation

Image Segmentation Machine Learning Study Group Presented by - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Image Segmentation Machine Learning Study Group Presented by Yaochen Xie Jan 25, 2018 Outline Overview Three Levels of Segmentation Basic Segmentation Semantic Segmentation (FCN, DeepLab) Instance Segmentation (Mask-RCNN)

  1. Image Segmentation Machine Learning Study Group Presented by Yaochen Xie Jan 25, 2018

  2. Outline • Overview • Three Levels of Segmentation • Basic Segmentation • Semantic Segmentation (FCN, DeepLab) • Instance Segmentation (Mask-RCNN)

  3. Image Segmentation • Process of partitioning a digital image into multiple segments. • Typically used to locate objects and boundaries. • More precisely, image segmentation is the process of assigning a label to every pixel in an image such that pixels with the same label share certain visual characteristics.

  4. Image Segmentation • Definition : Image segmentation partitions an image into regions called segments • Image segmentation creates segments of connected pixels by analyzing some similarity criteria: Intensity, color, texture, histogram, features…

  5. Gestalt Theory • Gestalt: whole or group • The whole is greater than the sum of its parts • Relationships between parts can yield new properties or features • Psychologists identified series of factors that predispose set of elements to be grouped (by human visual system) • Max Wertheimer (1880-1943) : “I stand at the window and see a house, trees, sky. Theoretically I might say there were 327 brightnesses and nuances of color. Do I have ”327”? No. I have sky, house, and trees.”

  6. Image Segmentation • Applications

  7. Segmentation at Three Levels ❖ Basic Segmentation (Mostly unsupervised learning) ❖ Semantic Segmentation ❖ Instance Segmentation • Automatically & Interactively • Many approaches: • Edge-based • Graph-based • Contour-based • Energy-based • ……

  8. Segmentation at Three Levels • Segmentation as a cluster ❖ Basic Segmentation ❖ Semantic Segmentation 5 dimensions: 3 color channels & 2 space location ❖ Instance Segmentation

  9. Segmentation at Three Levels • Intelligent Scissors [Mortensen 95] ❖ Basic Segmentation ❖ Semantic Segmentation Approach answers a basic question - ❖ Instance Segmentation Q: how to find a path from seed to mouse that follows object boundary as closely as possible?

  10. Segmentation at Three Levels • Intelligent Scissors [Mortensen 95] ❖ Basic Segmentation ❖ Semantic Segmentation Basic Idea ❖ Instance Segmentation • Define edge score for each pixel -edge pixels have low cost • Find lowest cost path from seed to mouse Q: How to define cose? How to find the path? (Dijkstra)

  11. Segmentation at Three Levels • Intelligent Scissors [Mortensen 95] ❖ Basic Segmentation ❖ Semantic Segmentation How does really work? ❖ Instance Segmentation Treat the image as a graph: Graph •node for every pixel p 
 link between every adjacent •pair of pixels p, q •cost c for each link • The link should follow the intensity edge: • want intensity to change rapidly cross the link • c related to di ff erence of intensity cross the link

  12. Segmentation at Three Levels • Graph based segmentation ❖ Basic Segmentation ❖ Semantic Segmentation Felzenszwalb P F , Huttenlocher D P . E ffi cient Graph-Based Image Segmentation[J]. International Journal of Computer Vision, 2004, 59(2):167-181. ❖ Instance Segmentation Basic Idea : Consider image as a graph, pixels as nodes and similarities as weights of edges. Cut edges with less weight in each iteration. Source: Forsyth & Ponce

  13. Segmentation at Three Levels • Graph based segmentation ❖ Basic Segmentation ❖ Semantic Segmentation Break graph into segments ❖ Instance Segmentation To delete links that cross between segments (with low weight) • Similar pixels should be in the same segment • Dissimilar pixels should be in di ff erent segments Source: Forsyth & Ponce

  14. Segmentation at Three Levels • Graph based segmentation ❖ Basic Segmentation ❖ Semantic Segmentation Measuring A ffi nity (weight): ❖ Instance Segmentation Source: Forsyth & Ponce

  15. Segmentation at Three Levels • Graph based segmentation ❖ Basic Segmentation ❖ Semantic Segmentation Measuring A ffi nity (weight): ❖ Instance Segmentation Source: Forsyth & Ponce

  16. Segmentation at Three Levels • Graph based segmentation ❖ Basic Segmentation ❖ Semantic Segmentation Measuring A ffi nity (weight): ❖ Instance Segmentation Source: Forsyth & Ponce

  17. Segmentation at Three Levels • Graph based segmentation ❖ Basic Segmentation ❖ Semantic Segmentation Measuring A ffi nity (weight): ❖ Instance Segmentation Source: Forsyth & Ponce

  18. Segmentation at Three Levels • Graph based segmentation ❖ Basic Segmentation ❖ Semantic Segmentation Steps: ❖ Instance Segmentation 1.Compute all the weights of edges. Put each node into separate components. 2.Sort edges by their weights. 3.In each iteration, for edge with the least weight: If its 2 ends belongs to di ff erent components and its weight is less than the threshold of both components, merge two ends. Set new threshold as min{weights}.

  19. Segmentation at Three Levels • Fully Convolutional Networks [CVPR 2015] ❖ Basic Segmentation ❖ Semantic Segmentation ❖ Instance Segmentation

  20. Segmentation at Three Levels • Convolutionalization - why fully convolution? ❖ Basic Segmentation ❖ Semantic Segmentation Transforming fully connected layers into convolution layers enables a classification net to output a heat-map ❖ Instance Segmentation Fully Convolutional Networks [CVPR 2015]

  21. Segmentation at Three Levels • Upsampling (Deconvolution) ❖ Basic Segmentation ❖ Semantic Segmentation Fully Convolutional Networks [CVPR 2015] ❖ Instance Segmentation Deconvolution Convolution

  22. Segmentation at Three Levels • Skip Architecture - combining WHAT and WHERE ❖ Basic Segmentation ❖ Semantic Segmentation ❖ Instance Segmentation Fully Convolutional Networks [CVPR 2015]

  23. Segmentation at Three Levels • DeepLab [ICLR 2015] ❖ Basic Segmentation ❖ Semantic Segmentation ❖ Instance Segmentation

  24. Segmentation at Three Levels • Atrous convolutions ❖ Basic Segmentation ❖ Semantic Segmentation ❖ Instance Segmentation Atrous convolution

  25. Segmentation at Three Levels • Atrous convolutions ❖ Basic Segmentation ❖ Semantic Segmentation ❖ Instance Segmentation 500 x 500 16 x 16 Fully Convolutional Network DeepLab 514 x 514 67 x 67

  26. Segmentation at Three Levels • Conditional Random Field (CRF) ❖ Basic Segmentation ❖ Semantic Segmentation ❖ Instance Segmentation From output feature map From raw image

  27. Segmentation at Three Levels • Conditional Random Field (CRF) ❖ Basic Segmentation ❖ Semantic Segmentation ❖ Instance Segmentation

  28. Segmentation at Three Levels • Instance Segmentation ❖ Basic Segmentation ❖ Semantic Segmentation ❖ Instance Segmentation


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