iberoamerican pharmacogenetics network red iberoamericana

IberoAmerican Pharmacogenetics Network Red Iberoamericana de - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

IberoAmerican Pharmacogenetics Network Red Iberoamericana de Farmacogentica Enrique Tern MD PhD On behalf of the RIBEF researchers team Jose Mara Chema Cant (+) Mexican pioneer in Genetics Human Genome Project LA Leader TOXICITY

  1. IberoAmerican Pharmacogenetics Network Red Iberoamericana de Farmacogenética Enrique Terán MD PhD On behalf of the RIBEF researchers team

  2. Jose María “Chema” Cantú (+) Mexican pioneer in Genetics Human Genome Project LA Leader

  3. TOXICITY Slow Metabolizers LACK EFFICACY Ultrarapid Metabolizers

  4. Interethnical variability: CYP2D6 gene multiplication (Ultrarapids?) Interethnic distribution of individuals with CYP 2D6 gene duplicated

  5. Adrián LLerena 2016 allerena@unex.es

  6. RIBEF Activities 2006-2014 Activity Number Countries involved Diffusion of information 322 31 Capacitation of Human 101 12 resources Production of Scientific 22 13 information Guidance to Clinical 1 02 implementation Total 446 31

  7. Diffusion activities per year

  8. CEI CEIBA A Con onsor sorcio cio Eur urop opeo eo Ib Iber ero o Amer merican icano o Far armac macog ogen enét ética ica Population Pharmacogenetics among Iberoamerican populations N= 6050

  9. African Admixed Ashkenazi Native Caucasians 6050 Americans Americans Jews Americans Volunteers 1384 1824 96 2571 174 CEIBA Consortium POR CUB 2016 MEX NIC SPA CRI n=426 COL n=98 ECU n=294 n=452 n=713 BRA n=528 PER n=1550 n=133 n=286 URU n=32 CHI n=1081 n=456 ARG

  10. MESTIFAR: Relationship with ancestry (declare/molecular markers) ARG PER MEX MEX PER

  11. IBEROFEN 17IA004 GENES AND METABOLIC PHENOTYPES IN AMERICAN POPULATION Interaction genes-environment on the metabolic phenotype in autochthonous and admixed populations in Iberoamerica

  12. Pasantías =81 HR exchange =86

  13. Training = 343 activities

  14. Publications =51

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