i m plem entation of an advanced spatial technological

I m plem entation of an Advanced Spatial Technological System for - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

I m plem entation of an Advanced Spatial Technological System for Em ergency Situations Efi DI MOPOULOU, National Technical University of Athens, Greece FI G W orkshop on eGovernance, Know ledge Managem ent and eLearning Budapest, Hungary, 2

  1. I m plem entation of an Advanced Spatial Technological System for Em ergency Situations Efi DI MOPOULOU, National Technical University of Athens, Greece FI G W orkshop on eGovernance, Know ledge Managem ent and eLearning Budapest, Hungary, 2 7 -2 9 April, 2 0 0 6

  2. I NNACT - RW G [ Action 3 .1 ] The system w as developed w ithin the fram ew ork of a EU funded m ultidisciplinary research project, that involved the collaboration of researchers at: � The University Hospital, � The Architectural – GI S Engineering Departm ent and � The Electrical and Com puter Engineering Departm ent of Patras University, as w ell as private consulting firm s ( ATMEL) . The end users of the project w ere: the National Center for Em ergency Response ( NCER) , the Fire and the Police Departm ents. Collaborators: Ministry of Environm ent, Land Planning & Public W orks, Greek Telecom m unications Organization ( OTE) , Mobile Service Providers, Com pucon S.A. ( AVLC – system s) , CI SCO – Hellas ( Netw orking Equipm ent) and KONTOU I nc. ( ATMS – system s)

  3. I NNACT - RW G [ Action 3 .1 ] Project’s Scope Developm ent and deploym ent of a technologically advanced integrated system for traum a incidents in the Region of W estern Greece.

  4. I NNACT - RW G [ Action 3 .1 ] Project’s Objectives Coordination of the Em ergency Medical Services ( EMS) division, Fire and Police Departm ents, and Hospital Units tow ards the deploym ent of an integrated system for: i) reducing the tim e needed for arrival of the EMS personnel to the place of an accident, ii) reducing the overall tim e needed to transfer the patient to the traum a-centre, iii) offering m edical care of high quality to en-route patients through the use of principles of telem edicine, and iv) archiving for future optim isation the historical events related to traum a cases in the study area.

  5. I NNACT - RW G [ Action 3 .1 ] Key Com ponents a) an Emergency-Vehicle (EV) fleet equipped with a GPS-based management system encompassing a cellular (GPRS) module for transmitting the EV’s location to a trauma/ dispatch centre, b) an innovative cellular-based (GSM) telemedicine system for transferring key medical data from patients in ambulances to trauma- centres in hospitals, c) a decentralized traffic management system for EV traffic pre- emption, d) an innovative GI S-based system for pinpointing the optimum routes for the EVs to the accident’s location and back to the hospital, and e) an on-going lecturing-program for offering up-to-date training to EMS-personnel.

  6. a) EV-fleet m anagem ent system GPS-Satellites EMS-Vehicle Mobile Service Base-Station Provider I nfrastructure GPRS-transm itter GPS-receiver AVLC-on vehicle equipm ent

  7. b) W ireless Telem edicine System ( on EMS-vehicles) Mobile Medical Equipm ent W i-Fi Observation Cam era EMS-Am bulance ( I nterior)

  8. c) Decentralized Traffic Managem ent Unit EMS-vehicle UHF-transm itter Traffic I ntersection UHF-receiver

  9. d) GI S for optim um route guidance

  10. The final outcom e w as the developm ent of a GI S system relying on the follow ing data layers: 1 . The entire road netw ork, containing inform ation on speed lim its, direction of travel, traffic signals, and other im portant traffic param eters. 2 . EV GPS data. 3 . References of the accident location according to the data received by the traum a/ dispatch center. 4 . Best possible route guidance from the EV’s location to the accident location and from the accident site to the University Hospital traum a centre. 5 . Updating and expanding the system by introducing new traffic data.

  11. EVs location, according to data received by the GPS

  12. Best possible route guidance from the EV to the accident’s location Best possible route guidance from the accident to the traum a center

  13. e) An on-going lecturing-program for offering up- to-date training to EMS-personnel Hum an Resources Medical School – University Hopsital Architectural – GI S Engineering – University of Patras Electrical & Com puter Engineering – University of Patras Private firm s Em ergency Response Unit … ( and m any m ore) …

  14. Overall Architecture of the System Developed GSM GSM Ambulance m No3 Ambulance No1 GSM POTS Mobile Service Antenna Ambulance No2 Vital Sign Collector - Transmitter University Hospital of Patras

  15. Results - Conclusions During the three-month study period, 56 transportations were examined before the implementation of the project, serving as controls and 45 after the implementation of the project, with properly equipped ambulances. NATURE OF I NCI DENTS BEFORE REGULATI ONS AFTER REGULATI ONS MULTI PLE I NJURI E ( CAR 3 2 2 8 ACCI DENTS etc) PATHLOGY AND REGULAR 1 6 1 1 I NCI DENTS CARDI OLOGI CAL 8 6 I NCI DENTS TOTAL 5 6 4 5 Nature of incidents studied

  16. Transportation Tim e Reduction TRANSPORTATI ON STAGE I STAGE I I p TI ME Total tim e 1 2 ,3 6 m in 1 0 ,2 1 m in 0 ,0 0 0 0 0 2 n= 5 6 n= 4 5 Total tim e w ithout 1 2 ,3 4 m in 1 0 ,2 0 m in using sirens and 0 ,0 0 0 0 0 2 n= 4 8 n= 4 0 lights Total tim e using 1 2 ,0 7 m in 9 ,4 0 m in 0 ,0 3 sirens and lights n= 8 n= 5 I n the tim e period 0 7 :0 0 -1 9 :0 0 1 2 ,4 0 m in 1 0 ,3 6 m in 0 ,0 0 05 w ithout using n= 3 1 n= 2 2 sirens and lights I n the tim e period 1 2 ,0 0 m in 9 ,0 0 m in 0 7 :0 0 -1 9 :0 0 using 0 ,1 3 n= 3 n= 3 sirens and lights I n the tim e period 1 9 :0 0 -0 7 :0 0 1 1 ,5 1 m in 9 ,5 3 m in 0 ,0 0 7 w ithout using n= 1 7 n= 1 8 sirens and lights I n the tim e period 1 2 ,3 0 m in 9 ,3 6 m in 1 9 :0 0 -0 7 :0 0 using 0 ,0 9 n= 5 n= 2 sirens and lights

  17. Coordination of the parties involved � An incident, either a sim ple one such as a car accident or a com plicated one, such as a m assive destruction, requires the collaboration of several authorities and organizations, as the police, the arm y, the port police, the fire departm ent and the NCER. � The coordination of all parties, directly or indirectly involved, consists a crucial param eter for the fast and effective confrontation of the traum a incident. � The im plem entation of the system developed w ithin the presented project, rendered the dispatch centre as the significant junction that offered the possibility to notify and coordinate all these parties, so that their m obilization is fast, effective and efficient.

  18. Thank you for your attention!

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