I EEE Conform ity Assessm ent Program IEEE Standards Association (IEEE-SA) Ravi Subramaniam r.subramaniam@ieee.org TCBC Workshop Baltimore, MD
I EEE: W orld’s Largest Professional Association Advancing Technology for Hum anity Our Global Reach 4 3 0 ,0 0 0 + 4 5 1 6 0 Members Technical Societies Countries Our Technical Breadth 1 ,2 0 0 + 3 ,3 0 0 ,0 0 0 + 1 6 0 + Annual Conferences Technical Documents Top-cited Periodicals 2
I EEE Technical Societies/ Councils Aerospace & Electronic Systems Instrumentation & Measurement Antennas & Propagation Lasers & Electro-Optics Broadcast Technology Magnetics Circuits & Systems Microwave Theory & Techniques Communications Nanotechnology Council Components, Packaging, & Manufacturing Nuclear & Plasma Sciences Technology Oceanic Engineering Computer Power Electronics Computational Intelligence Power & Energy Consumer Electronics Product Safety Engineering Control Systems Professional Communication Council on Electronic Design Automation Reliability Council on Superconductivity Robotics & Automation Dielectrics & Electrical Insulation Sensors Council Education Signal Processing Electromagnetic Compatibility Social Implications of Technology Electron Devices Solid-State Circuits Engineering in Medicine & Biology Systems Council Geosciences & Remote Sensing Systems, Man, & Cybernetics Industrial Electronics Technology Management Council Industry Applications Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, & Frequency Information Theory Control Intelligent Transportation Systems Vehicular Technology 3
How I EEE-SA Fits W ithin the I EEE IEEE MEMBERS Board of Executive Exec Director Directors Committee & Staff Member & Publication Technical Educational Standards Geographic Activities Activities Activities Association Activities 4
IEEE Standards Association (IEEE-SA) – Globally recognized standards – Over 900 active standards – More than 500 standards under development – 7,000 individual members – 200 corporate members – Over 20,000 standards developers worldwide 5
I EEE-SA Standards Drive Markets Evolution of traditional country-based models for standards development to m arket-driven m odels Open Consensus- Global eTools Process based Community • Open • Based on • Facilitate • Participation membership WTO core remote from around principles participation, the world • Open lessening participation • Collaboration travel costs Standardization is borderless: Global standards sustain products and services for implementation and use by customers in a globalized world 6
IEEE-SA Builds Strong Global Collaboration Asia Europe Middle East Africa 7
ICAP Comple te s the IE E E - SA Busine ss/ Standar ds L ife c yc le I CAP is a Pro g ra m o f I E E E - I ST O Suppo rte d b y I E E E -SA
ICAP Intr oduc tion I EEE I ndustry Standards & Technology IE E E Organization ( I STO) I EEE I EEE Conform ity Affilia tion XYZ Society XYZ Society Standards Assessm ent Association Program ( I CAP) W orking Groups IE E E 1588 IE E E 1904.1 F utur e C37.118.1 Pr ogr am T E L SIE PON T e st L ab 1A T e st L ab 2A T e st L ab 3A Standa Standa Standa F utur e rds rds rds T e st L ab 1B T e st L ab 2B T e st L ab 3B F utur e ICAP: Pro vide s pro g ra ms a nd industry suppo rt a nd a n o pe ra tio na l struc ture tha t he lp b ridg e tho se sta nda rds de ve lo pme nt a c tivitie s with the c o nfo rmity a sse ssme nt a c tivitie s tha t a c c e le ra te ma rke t a c c e pta nc e a nd e na b le me nt o f ne w pro duc ts a nd te c hno lo g ie s in suppo rt o f I E E E Sta nda rds. 9
mity Asse ssme nt Unde r standing Confor Sta nda rds a re de ve lo pe d to e a se a do ptio n / use o f pro duc ts a nd so lutio ns Wha t is Co nfo rmity Asse ssme nt? – Co nfo rmity Asse ssme nt is the me c ha nism to ve rify a nd e nsure c o nfo rma nc e o f a pro duc t o r so lutio n with the a pplic a b le sta nda rds – Pro vide s a ssura nc e a nd c o nfide nc e a pro duc t o r se rvic e me e ts re q uire me nts – K e y to c o nsiste nt inte rpre ta tio n o f re sults – E mpo we rs the use r to ma ke b e tte r purc ha sing de c isio ns Co nfo rmity Asse ssme nt Ac tivitie s I nc lude : – Co nfo rma nc e , I nte ro pe ra b ility, I nspe c tio n, Ac c re dita tio n – “Ca tc h-a ll” te rm to a ddre ss ra ng e o f te st-re la te d a c tivitie s De ma nd Drive r fo r suc c e ssful imple me nta tio n – Use r sho uld re q uire I E E E c e rtifie d pro duc ts o r imple me nta tio ns 10
T ype s of Confor mity Asse ssme nt 1 st Pa rty / Supplie rs De c la ra tio n o f Co nfo rmity (SDOC) – Se lf De c la ra tio n ; Co mpa nie s c o nduc t the ir o wn te sting 2 nd Pa rty Co nfo rmity Asse ssme nt – Co nfo rmity a sse ssme nt c o nduc te d b y the e nd purc ha se r o f pro duc ts (e .g ., Se rvic e Pro vide rs) to e nsure purc ha se d pro duc ts a re de e me d c o mplia nt o r inte ro pe ra b le 3 rd Pa rty Co nfo rmity Asse ssme nt – Co nfo rmity a sse ssme nt b e ing de te rmine d b y a n inde pe nde nt b o dy Re late d Inte r national Standar ds Ac c re dita tio n Bo die s – I SO/ I E C 17011 Ce rtific a tio n Bo die s - I SO/ I E C 17065 T e st L a b s – I SO/ I E C 17025 11
̶ ̶ ̶ ̶ Be ne fits of Imple me nting a Confor mity Asse ssme nt Pr ogr am • Be ne fits o f c o nfo rma nc e te st b e fo re de plo yme nt imple me nta tio n E a rly ide ntific a tio n o f no n-c o nfo rma nc e s E xa c t func tio na lity o f the pro to c o l is ide ntifie d Multi-ve ndo r so lutio ns will ha ve inte ro pe ra b ility issue s – he lps ide ntify suc h issue s Ne w o ffe ring s will ha ve b ug s – he lps to c a tc h the m • Re duc e s the ve ndo r’ s c o st / ne e d fo r re -te sts fo r diffe re nt e nd- use rs • E sta b lishe s a b a se line fo r pe rfo rma nc e e xpe c ta tio n • E a se s inte ro pe ra b ility • T ra nspa re nc y b a se d o n c o mmo n imple me nta tio n / T e st Autho rity 12
Conform ity Assessm ent Certification Schem e – Single Schem e Scheme Owner harmonizes technical requirements ISO/IEC 17011 + Scheme Competency Oversight & Owner Accreditor(s) requirements Communication ISO/IEC 17065 + competency Certification Body(ies) requirements ISO/IEC 17025 + competency Laboratory(ies) requirements Performance/Design Products Requirements Courtesy of G.Gillerman @ NIST 13
ICAP Certification Framework I CAP E duc a tio n / Outre a c h Ve ndo rs / Pro duc ts T e st L a b o ra to ry / T o o ls T e st Spe c ific a tio n Cre a te d Sta nda rd De ve lo pe d I de ntify De ma nd Drive r 1 4
Ce rtific a tion Prog ra m De ve lopme nt T ime line Standar d – > T e st Spe c s - > Pr ogr am L aunc h 9 mo nths – 2 Ye a rs 6 mo nths – 1 Ye a r 6 mo nths+ Conformity Assessment Product Program Availability Launch and Test Readiness Specifications Developed Standard Approved Standard Develops 1 5
ICAP Busine ss Mode ls 1 6
Pe r spe c tive of Ke y Stake holde r – E nd- Use r – L e ve ls the pla ying fie ld – T he e nd-use r (i.e . utilitie s, te le c o m c a rrie rs, e tc ) kno w wha t to e xpe c t – T he ma nufa c ture rs kno w wha t is e xpe c te d o f the m – Re q uiring a Ce rtifie d Pro duc t fro m a ve ndo r me a ns: – Ve ndo r ma ke s the inve stme nt a s a q ua lific a tio n c o st – E a rly disc o ve ry o f pro b le ms a vo ids de a ling with une xpe c te d b e ha vio rs during insta lla tio n a nd o ve r pro je c t life c yc le – Ve ndo r a nd Use r sa ve do lla rs a nd time in Ope ra tio n & Ma inte na nc e – I n the a b se nc e o f a n industry le ve l Co nfo rma nc e Asse ssme nt pro g ra m, a n e nd-use r ha s to e sta b lish its o wn inte rna l pro g ra m – E xa mple , PG&E Pro o f-o f-Co nc e pt (POC) F a c ility fo r Sync hro pha so r syste ms • Sig nific a nt c o st • He lpe d ide ntify g a ps a nd ma ture / de ve lo p industry Guide s a nd Sta nda rds 17
Pr ogr ams Unde r Ac tive De ve lopme nt
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