i am going to explain

I am going to explain Dr Ralph Sullivan What is in NHS patient - PDF document

16/02/2016 I am going to explain Dr Ralph Sullivan What is in NHS patient records Who keeps them Patient Health Records How are they used in personal healthcare Their Contents and Use What else patient records are used for

  1. 16/02/2016 I am going to explain … Dr Ralph Sullivan ❖ What is in NHS patient records ❖ Who keeps them Patient Health Records ❖ How are they used in personal healthcare Their Contents and Use ❖ What else patient records are used for ❖ Consequences if they were not used for these other purposes ❖ Reasons for using information that might identify patients Paper to Computers by 2020 General Medical Council 21. Clinical records should include: ✤ relevant clinical findings ✤ the decisions made and actions agreed, and who is making the decisions and agreeing the actions ✤ the information given to patients ✤ any drugs prescribed or other investigation or treatment ✤ who is making the record and when 20. You must keep records that contain personal information about patients, colleagues or others securely , and in line with any data “All patient and care records will be digital… by 2020” protection requirements. 50. You must treat information about patients as confidential . This includes after a patient has died. Medical records - building Patient record storage blocks Data controllers Data controllers Data processors Data processors ✤ Important illnesses, NHS organisations NHS organisations Commercial companies Commercial companies accidents, operations ❖ Identity data ✤ Biological data (e.g. BP, wt) ❖ Free text - notes ✤ Investigations and screening tests ❖ Coded machine-readable ✤ Prescribing and treatment ❖ Images ✤ Lifestyle and social ❖ Letters and reports circumstances ✤ Appointment data 1

  2. 16/02/2016 Antibiotic prescribing audit Health Record One patient, many records Viewers Chemists Chemists Hospitals Hospitals GPs GPs ❖ GP records in A&E in Morecambe Bay ❖ “Out of hours” record viewer in North Lancashire and Cumbria Mental ❖ Extended hours GP service in District District health Wigan nurses nurses Ambulance ❖ Patient Access nationwide New records - Other uses of health data Q1 General practices Hospitals ❖ NHS payment system ❖ Quality monitoring ❖ NHS planning and public health ❖ Research - ❖ Non-healthcare uses Q2 2

  3. 16/02/2016 De-identifying patient level Examples of secondary uses data Patient-level records for direct care include … ❖ Secondary Uses Service (SUS) ✤ Name and address, email address, telephone numbers ❖ Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) ✤ NHS number , date of birth, post code, gender ❖ QResearch ❖ Office of National Statistics (ONS) Protecting identity in the new record ✤ Remove identifiers, blur or remove data ✤ Physical security and encryption ✤ Data sharing agreements Secondary Uses Service National Diabetes (SUS) Audit ❖ When a patient or service user is treated or cared for by hospitals, Diabetes Diabetes information is collected which frequency • Healthcare planning control supports their treatment. • Commissioning services ❖ SUS is a data warehouse • Payment by Results containing this identifiable patient- level information from NHS Trusts • Improving public health in England. • Developing national policy ❖ NHS providers and commissioners can use the data for 'secondary purposes’: Summary ❖ NHS organisations keep extensive health records ❖ Identifiable data is shared for your direct care ❖ New records are made by combining records from different NHS organisations ❖ Many organisations ask for health data for purposes that may benefit you indirectly ❖ Patient level data is often needed 3

  4. 16/02/2016 Thank you 4


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