Next NSD staff meeting: 2 nd of APRIL 2019
Notes on NSD meetings Complete schedule until June 2019 Science talks – available dates: April 2, 16, 30 May 14, 28
Notes on NSD meetings Complete schedule until June 2019 No speaker found/available for APRIL 2 nd Two weeks from Today Science talks – available dates: Self nominations are welcomed! April 2, 16, 30 May 14, 28
Upcoming events what who on what date time where HIT G. Wang (UCLA) Directed flow of quarks in heavy-ion collisions at RHIC energies 19-Mar 3:00 PM Pers Hall Interdisciplinary Inst. Steve Harris (LBNL) In-situ x-ray battery property spatiotemporal mapping 27-Mar 12:00 PM B50 Audit. Colloquium Nucl. Phys. Forum Darren Bleuel (LLNL) Neutrons at the 88-Inch Cyclotron 21-Mar 11:00 AM B88 2nd floor Nucl. Theory Daniel Gutierrez Reyes (UCM - Spain) Transverse momentum distributions with jets 21-Mar 1:00 PM 70A-Swiatecki Marc Schlegel Nucl. Theory TBA 27-Mar 1:00 PM 70A-Swiatecki (New Mexico State University) Nucl. Theory Fernando Romero Lopez TBA 28-Mar 1:00 PM 70A-Swiatecki Investigating Lepton Flavor and Number Violation with the Mu2e and SNO+ RPM Richard Bonventre (LBNL) 19-Mar 4:00 PM 50A-5132 Experiments Measure what is measurable and make measurable what is not so — Uncover new physics with bosons at the LHC and upgrades of the CMS detector to maximize the RPM Miaoyuan Liu (Fermilab) 21-Mar 4:00 PM 50A-5132 discovery potential RPM Florian Beutler (U. Portsmouth) Exploring Fundamental Physics with Galaxy Redshift Surveys 28-Mar 4:00 PM 50A-5132 Concentrating Solar-Thermal Power Research and Development at the US Nucl. Eng. UCB Levi J. Irwin (DOE) 21-Mar 2:00 PM 3110 Etcheverry Hall Department of Energy UCB Coll. Meg Urry (Yale) New Insights into the Cosmic Growth of Supermassive Black Holes 1-Apr 4:15 PM 1 LeConte UCB Cond. Matter Elke Arenholz (ALS - LBNL) Following spin currents through multilayered structures 25-Mar 2:30 PM 106 Stanley Hall UCB Cond. Matter He Yu (Stanford University) Towards Higher-Tc Cuprate Superconductors 1-Apr 2:30 PM 106 Stanley Hall UCB Special Coll. Ashvin Vishwanath (Harvard) Entanglement in Quantum Solids and the Second Quantum Revolution 20-Mar 11:00 AM 375 LeConte Hall Sandeep Jauhar Sibley Audit. UCB Special Coll. Physicist, Doctor, Writer 20-Mar 6:00 PM (Long Island Jewish Medical Center) Bechtel Eng. Center Next NSD staff meeting: 2 nd of APRIL 2019
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