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play Next NSD staff meeting: 2 nd - PowerPoint PPT Presentation Next NSD staff meeting: 2 nd of APRIL 2019 Notes on NSD meetings Complete schedule until June 2019 Science talks available dates: April 2, 16, 30 May 14, 28

  1. Next NSD staff meeting: 2 nd of APRIL 2019

  2. Notes on NSD meetings Complete schedule until June 2019 Science talks – available dates: April 2, 16, 30 May 14, 28

  3. Notes on NSD meetings Complete schedule until June 2019 No speaker found/available for APRIL 2 nd Two weeks from Today Science talks – available dates: Self nominations are welcomed! April 2, 16, 30 May 14, 28

  4. Upcoming events what who on what date time where HIT G. Wang (UCLA) Directed flow of quarks in heavy-ion collisions at RHIC energies 19-Mar 3:00 PM Pers Hall Interdisciplinary Inst. Steve Harris (LBNL) In-situ x-ray battery property spatiotemporal mapping 27-Mar 12:00 PM B50 Audit. Colloquium Nucl. Phys. Forum Darren Bleuel (LLNL) Neutrons at the 88-Inch Cyclotron 21-Mar 11:00 AM B88 2nd floor Nucl. Theory Daniel Gutierrez Reyes (UCM - Spain) Transverse momentum distributions with jets 21-Mar 1:00 PM 70A-Swiatecki Marc Schlegel Nucl. Theory TBA 27-Mar 1:00 PM 70A-Swiatecki (New Mexico State University) Nucl. Theory Fernando Romero Lopez TBA 28-Mar 1:00 PM 70A-Swiatecki Investigating Lepton Flavor and Number Violation with the Mu2e and SNO+ RPM Richard Bonventre (LBNL) 19-Mar 4:00 PM 50A-5132 Experiments Measure what is measurable and make measurable what is not so — Uncover new physics with bosons at the LHC and upgrades of the CMS detector to maximize the RPM Miaoyuan Liu (Fermilab) 21-Mar 4:00 PM 50A-5132 discovery potential RPM Florian Beutler (U. Portsmouth) Exploring Fundamental Physics with Galaxy Redshift Surveys 28-Mar 4:00 PM 50A-5132 Concentrating Solar-Thermal Power Research and Development at the US Nucl. Eng. UCB Levi J. Irwin (DOE) 21-Mar 2:00 PM 3110 Etcheverry Hall Department of Energy UCB Coll. Meg Urry (Yale) New Insights into the Cosmic Growth of Supermassive Black Holes 1-Apr 4:15 PM 1 LeConte UCB Cond. Matter Elke Arenholz (ALS - LBNL) Following spin currents through multilayered structures 25-Mar 2:30 PM 106 Stanley Hall UCB Cond. Matter He Yu (Stanford University) Towards Higher-Tc Cuprate Superconductors 1-Apr 2:30 PM 106 Stanley Hall UCB Special Coll. Ashvin Vishwanath (Harvard) Entanglement in Quantum Solids and the Second Quantum Revolution 20-Mar 11:00 AM 375 LeConte Hall Sandeep Jauhar Sibley Audit. UCB Special Coll. Physicist, Doctor, Writer 20-Mar 6:00 PM (Long Island Jewish Medical Center) Bechtel Eng. Center Next NSD staff meeting: 2 nd of APRIL 2019


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