LBL ANALYSIS TIMELINE Dan Cherdack, Chris Marshall and Mayly Sanchez November 19, 2018
LBL ANALYSIS DEADLINES Date TASK: Sample Generation/Validation TASK: Cross section Systematics TASK: Other systematics TASK: Fitting/CafANA Nov 15 LAr main samples (Chris); FD samples (Saul/Chris) Flux, energy scale, hadE, muE, ND sel Make list of final plots/scripts Nov 19 Off axis samples (Guang/Luke) a-i) systematics: see Chris' list (Luke/Clarence) Off-axis (Luke); extra shape ND E scale (Seb) Basic ND+FD on axis fits (Callum) Nov 26 Gas TPC samples (Tenaz) j) feed-down hadronic shower (Clarence) Reco efficiency FD systematics (Elizabeth/Saul/Dan) Include LAr samples (Callum/Chris B) Dec 3 Nu on e sample (Chris) All cross section systematics completed All other systematics completed Include Gas TPC (Callum/Chris B) Dec 10 Mock data (Kendall); Generator reweighting (Seb) Include theta23 uncertainty from offaxis (Callum/Luke/Guang) Dec 17 All samples completed Fits with all elements completed Dec 24 holiday holiday holiday holiday Dec 31 holiday holiday holiday holiday Jan 7 Jan 14 Jan 21 Jan 28 Collaboration meeting week Collaboration meeting week Collaboration meeting week Collaboration meeting week ➤ Samples need to be completed December 17. Specific sample driven by when they need to be included in the fit. ➤ All systematics need to be completed by December 3 for successful incorporation in the fit. ➤ O ff axis disappearance analysis needs to be completed by December 10. ➤ A complete fit with all elements (samples and systematics must be completed before the holidays). ➤ Iterations/additional studies/deeper understanding are expected to occur after the holiday break.
LBL TDR analysis tasks Key: Finished , Some progress , Significant progress , not started 1. Sample creation/generation a. Gas TPC sample (Tanaz). Charged pion multiplicity vs. neutrino e. ND+FD partially correlated muon energy (Seb/Chris) f. Extra shape parameters for ND energy scale (Seb) energy g. Reconstruction efficiency-inspired FD systematics b. LAr main samples (Chris). Neutrino energy vs. inelasticity for numu (Elizabeth/Saul/Dan) CC, numubar CC, nue+nuebar CC h. ND selection systematic (Seb) c. LAr additional samples (Chris). Neutrino-electron scattering (yes) 4. Fitting/CAFAna Low-nu? (NO) Other exclusive samples? (NO) a. Basic ND+FD on-axis only fits (Callum) d. Far detector samples (Saul/Chris). Neutrino energy for various b. Including Gas TPC (Callum/Chris B) c. Including additional LAr samples (Callum/Chris B) samples d. Incorporating theta_23 uncertainty from off-axis/DUNE-PRISM study e. Off-axis ND samples (Guang/Luke). Reco neutrino energy (Callum/Luke/Guang) e. Make list of final plots and develop scripts to generate them 2. Cross section systematics (Luke/Clarence) a. GENIEReWeight_DUNE_TDR_Splines 5. Mock Data (Kendall) b. MINERvAq0q3Weighting_DUNE_TDR_FakeData Altered E field c. MKSinglePiTemplate_DUNE_TDR_FakeData GENIE to NEUT/NuWro/GiBUU via reweighting (Seb) d. MINERvAE2p2h_DUNE_TDR_FakeData e. NOvAStyleNonResPionNorm_DUNE_TDR_FakeData f. BeRPAWeight_DUNE_TDR_FakeData g. EbLepMomShift_DUNE_TDR_FakeData h. MiscInteractionSysts_DUNE_TDR_FakeData i. Fix DIS/AGKY GENIE knobs Chris’s list of things to fix: 1. Particle energies in ND are in MeV j. Additional knob: feed-down from hadronic shower (Clarence) 2. Gas TPC energy scale uncertainty 3. Other systematics a. On-axis flux (Laura/Zarko) b. Incorporation of off-axis flux systematics/correlations (Luke) c. FD energy scale (Seb) d. Improved partially correlated ND+FD hadronic energy (Seb/Chris)
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