how to make the most of event promotions

HOW TO MAKE THE MOST OF EVENT PROMOTIONS Bridget Bayer May 12, 2016 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

HOW TO MAKE THE MOST OF EVENT PROMOTIONS Bridget Bayer May 12, 2016 BAM Business Associa3on Management Daily in the Pearl Street Fairs for Community and Profit 902 NW 13 th Ave., Portland, OR 1 Integrated Promo3ons Promo?ons Plan Target

  1. HOW TO MAKE THE MOST OF EVENT PROMOTIONS Bridget Bayer May 12, 2016 BAM • Business Associa3on Management Daily in the Pearl Street Fairs for Community and Profit 902 NW 13 th Ave., Portland, OR

  2. 1

  3. Integrated Promo3ons Promo?ons Plan Target Audience Event Descrip?on Branding Design Consistency Budge?ng In Kind Marke?ng Tools Print Use previous years street fair pictures in promo?ons Online Radio TV 2

  4. Describe Target Audience Describe Event P LANNING Dra\ an outline for the fair. Ask yourselves ques?ons that Know and focus on your target audience. address who, how, and what will happen at a street fair. • What do they want to see or do at event? • What kind of person are they? • Who shops in your area? • Who do you want to see there? This is your target market(s). Compare lists with businesses, area non profits and others to come up with a primary target audience list for your fair. Describe Target Market Demographics • How old are they? • What’s their income level, educa?on, na?onality or ethnicity? • Are they seniors, teens or singles? • Do they have kids, elder parents, pets? • What are their hobbies; music, books, arts? Most importantly, how do they get informa3on: • What do they read, listen to or watch? • Where do they find out about events? • Who influences them? Develop a marke?ng plan by combining the these answers and choosing the marke?ng tools that meet your needs, interests of your target market. 3

  5. Brands Design Consistent Brand B RANDING Street fairs benefit by being consistent to a “brand” when marke?ng. If there is a look or feel already in the district, main street or associa?on, you’re in luck - use it! Symbols strengthen unity that help iden?fy communi?es and structure organiza?ons. Alterna?vely, create a new visible icon, color or approach, but be consistent. It will make designing materials much easier plus make it easier for the consumer to understand and respond to. Volunteer graphic Postcards designers can use the free layout and design help from adver?sing people or templates online. Consider hiring a graphic designer if you are VIP Passes just star?ng. The best graphic designs require few or no words. Use color, graphics and name consistently. Posi?on sponsor logos as promised on all marke?ng Poster Banner tools. “Don’t let personal opinions get in the way of effec6ve marke6ng” 4

  6. Budget In Kind Media B UDGETING Calculate how much money you will need to market the fair Look for in-kind media sponsors to reduce adver?sing by tabula?ng the items you must buy, then add desired expenses. It’s a good idea to have a memo of understanding addi?onal marke?ng approaches as funds become available. (MOU) or agreement signed in advance so everyone is clear Cri?cal marke?ng expenses include posters, flyers and about commitments. neighborhood newspapers, both online and print. Try to defray the cost of graphic design, prin?ng, and adver?sing through in- kind sponsorships. Find in-kind sponsors to help pay for prin?ng, share cost of adver?sing with vendors and partners and seek media sponsors to reduce marke?ng costs 5

  7. M ARKETING TOOLS Print Tools Timing 1st - Save the Date Flyer Print promo?onal sources include posters, 2nd - Social media (ongoing) flyers, coupons, coasters, ?ckets, banners, 3rd - Co-op Adver?sements postcards, bookmarks, door hangers, VIP 4th - Postcards passes, signs, bus backs, t-shirts and public 5th - Posters benches. 6th - Paid Adver?sements Equally important are non-paid media- 7th - Door Hangers focused marke?ng ac?vi?es: • Press(News) Release • Public Service Announcements (PSA) • VIP Invita3ons • No3fica3ons • School Distribu3ons 6

  8. Print Marke3ng Adver3sing Adver3sing P RINT The cost of paid adver?sing is expensive so consider the pros All print marke?ng tools should include name, date and and cons of this vital expense--no maler your budget, spend loca?on of event plus website informa?on where more it wisely. informa?on can be found. Pros Cons Take advantage of special print publica?ons offer discounts Expand audience Cost Star on color, size or placement Repeat exposure Requires design skills NEWS Branding opportunity Early deadlines Street Fair 2000 NE 42nd Ave. PMB #142 Portland, OR 97213 503-282-9392 • fax: 503-282-9628 N Mississippi Ave between Skidmore & Fremont July 10 Paid adver?sements are expensive! Consider these 5 PROOF 10am – 9pm important factors: Free Here is your proof for the JULY 2010 issue of The Hollywood Star. 4 Stages 1. Frequency 2. Distribu?on 3. Placement 4. Color 5. Size Please CHECK CAREFULLY for any errors or omissions with Filled with entertaiment special attention to address and 120 Vendors phone numbers. The Hollywood Star will not accept responsibility for Schedule at or correct errors that have not been clearly marked on the proof or an Boise-Eliot Kids Corner attachment to the proof. Grandfathers Rib-Off Competion Local Brew Garden CHANGES, CORRECTIONS OR Whole Foods Local Bites APPROVAL, NOTIFY: The Green Pod MARY GERACI AT THE HOLLYWOOD STAR & Much More 503-282-9392, 12 NOON – CHILDREN’S PARADE Starts at Beech St fax: 503-282-9628, or email: Benefit for The Boise-Eliot Elementary & Albina Youth Opportunity Schools Proof print ads to make sure fonts Your ad must be approved by JUNE 25 . If we do not hear from you by this date, we will assume that are s?ll readable at small sizes it is okay and will run as is. ______ OK as is. Give t-shirts to prominent people to Take advantage of free lis?ngs on annual fes?val Shared adver?sements generate walking promo?ons guides and programs leverage discount ad buys 7

  9. Online Tools O NLINE hlp:// Like most news and informa?on sharing these days, event informa?on is found online. Depending on your target market, there are hundreds of resources available, from blogs to news announcements and calendars. Many are described here. Analy3cs – Review and focus on the strategies that work. Calendars – Post to local media outlets - FREE Webpages - Everything that can be said about your should be found on your website. Refer to it on all your other tools. Incorporate event date and loca?on in URL. Emails – Send directly to recipients with no alachments. Link to social media posts and websites that has materials available for download. Make a “zip file” of promo materials making it easy to share with customers, neighbors and friends. Social Networking Facebook Event Page – Link it, share it, refer to it in emails but above all – use it! Post pictures of people from previous fairs. Use people shots, not just words and logos TwiRer, Google Plus, Linked In - Create pre-wrilen messages to make it easier for volunteers, vendors, sponsors and district businesses to share. Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat – Post pictures from previous fairs and current vendors, ac?vi?es and sponsors par?cipa?ng this year. Pictures tell the story on social media sites! 9

  10. Contests Radio O NLINE C ONTESTS , R ADIO AND TV Invite local radio sta?ons to be a media sponsor do a live broadcast or even alend your event. Give them free booth space near a music stage. Buying radio ads guarantees coverage on the air. Ads can be cheaper by the dozen. Insist on running ads only when your target market might be listening. Engage sta?on listeners with contests or drawings that send people online, to your website, for more informa?on. TV Draw TV coverage with colorful, fun ac?vi?es that looks great with lots of ac?on. Write a great news release and send it to local TV sta?ons and follow up to make sure they got it. Send pictures from previous years. Invite famous TV broadcasters to be an announcer or MC during the fair. Make it easy for media to cover events with a package of informa?on sent in advance. Include great pictures, stories about par?cipants, groups and sponsors. Tailor the informa?on to their audience. • Live broadcasts • TV Promo?ons • TV Adver?sing 10

  11. Bridget Bayer, BAM • Business Associa3on Management hRp://


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