hospital sustainability

Hospital Sustainability Collaborative Serving Healthy Meals in - PDF document

Hospital Sustainability Collaborative (HSC) October 12, 2017 Hospital Sustainability Collaborative Serving Healthy Meals in Hospitals Part 1 October 12, 2017 Welcome! Florida Hospital Association 1 Hospital Sustainability Collaborative

  1. Hospital Sustainability Collaborative (HSC) October 12, 2017 Hospital Sustainability Collaborative Serving Healthy Meals in Hospitals – Part 1 October 12, 2017 Welcome! Florida Hospital Association 1

  2. Hospital Sustainability Collaborative (HSC) October 12, 2017 Quality, Triple Aim Safety and Risk Mission, Ethics, Management Hippocratic Oath SUSTAINABILITY Patient Experience Cost Savings Environmental Employee Impact and Climate Engagement and Preparedness Wellness Community Relations and Benefit Quality, Triple Aim Safety and Risk Mission, Ethics, Management Hippocratic Oath SUSTAINABILITY Patient Experience Cost Savings Environmental Employee Impact and Climate Engagement and Preparedness Wellness Community Relations and Benefit Florida Hospital Association 2

  3. Hospital Sustainability Collaborative (HSC) October 12, 2017 Collaborative Focus  Decrease waste in health care  Promote healthy and sustainable food systems  Increase recycling programs  Illustrate the business case for  Reduce energy and water usage environmental and community  Phase out hazardous materials health and toxic chemicals  Choose responsible purchasing  Create healthy work options environments and community  Design, construct and operate stewardship environmentally responsible buildings Drivers and Motivators Florida Hospital Association 3

  4. Hospital Sustainability Collaborative (HSC) October 12, 2017 Thanks!  Sodexo maximizes value by designing, managing and delivering Integrated Facilities Management. Their goal is to support and provide benefits to clients by delivering concrete outcomes.  Sodexo incorporates a wide range of services, providing support to clients in resolving their business challenges directly linked to their objectives leading to:  Increased people satisfaction, motivation and effectiveness.  Enhanced process quality, efficiency and productivity.  Improved infrastructure and equipment utilization, reliability and safety.  Sodexo delivers solutions that comprise a large scope of services tailored to the clients’ specific needs. Objectives  Understand the connection between food insecurity and the cost of healthcare.  Elaborate on the purpose, structure and current reach of the USDA’s summer feeding program (SFS) and potential for healthcare institutions to participate.  Describe innovative examples of how SFSP is being implemented in hospitals and the outcomes from those sites.  Identify available resources and considerations specific to operating SFSP in Florida. Florida Hospital Association 4

  5. Hospital Sustainability Collaborative (HSC) October 12, 2017 Serving Healthy Meals in Hospitals Hospitals Fighting Hunger: Best Practices on Serving Free Meals at Hospitals During the Summer Debbie Petitpain, MS, RD, LDN Rachel Mohler, MS, RD, LDN Sodexo Wellness Dietitian Summer Food Service Program Director Medical University of South Carolina Division of Food, Nutrition and Wellness Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services In partnership with: Objectives 1. Understand the connection between food insecurity and the cost of healthcare 2. Elaborate on the purpose, structure and current reach of the USDA’s summer feeding program (SFSP) and potential for healthcare institutions to participate. 3. Describe innovative examples of how SFSP is being implemented in hospitals and the outcomes from those sites 4. Identify available resources and considerations specific to operating SFSP in Florida Florida Hospital Association 5

  6. Hospital Sustainability Collaborative (HSC) October 12, 2017 Hunger in America  1in 6 people struggles with hunger food in·se·cu·ri·ty  48 million Americans lived in food insecure households, including 33 noun million adults and 15 million children food insecurity  Households that had higher rates of the state of being without reliable food insecurity than the national access to a sufficient quantity of average included: › households with children (19%), affordable, nutritious food. › especially households with children headed by single women (35%) or single men (21%), › Black non-Hispanic households (26%), and Hispanic households (22%)  9% of households with elderly persons were food insecure According to the USDA Economic Research Service, 2014 Hunger is a Health Issue  Estimates contribute the lack of access to healthy food at $130.5 $160 billion in health care costs.  Of those who use the Feeding America Network: › 70% of households have at least one member who has high blood pressure › 47% of households have at least one member who has diabetes › 75% of their clients have to choose between paying for food or paying for healthcare According to the 2016 Hunger Report Florida Hospital Association 6

  7. Hospital Sustainability Collaborative (HSC) October 12, 2017 Summer Feeding (SFSP) offers an opportunity to engage  The health care industry is starting to “It’s time for healthcare leaders get engaged! nationwide to focus on addressing  The purpose of USDA’s summer hunger as a health issue” food service program (SFSP) is to ensure that children continue to -- Randy Oostra, DM, FACHE, receive nutritious meals when school President and CEO of Promedica, Toledo, Ohio is not in session › Kids are at increased risk during the summer for both malnutrition and obesity  Nationally, less than 20% of children participate in summer feeding programs – which means 80% do not › The reasons for this are multifactorial and include a shortage of feeding sites Summer Feeding (SFSP) offers an opportunity to engage “SFSP can become an easy community benefit that health care institutions can fulfill because they have the infrastructure , partnerships and staff in place to make a real impact on the healthy quality of life of patients and visitors by improving their population’s health .” -- Elaine Hudson RD, LD Labette Health in Parsons Kansas Florida Hospital Association 7

  8. Hospital Sustainability Collaborative (HSC) October 12, 2017 Rachel Mohler, MS, RD, LDN Summer Food Service Program Director Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services 15 • The Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) is a federally-funded, state-administered program. • SFSP reimburses providers who serve healthy meals to children and teens in low-income areas at no charge primarily during the summer months when school is not in session. • The SFSP serves children and teens age 18 and younger. 16 Florida Hospital Association 8

  9. Hospital Sustainability Collaborative (HSC) October 12, 2017 • There is a lot of flexibility in the program. • In determining the dates, days, times and meals that are offered • There are several different types of sites (open, open-restricted, closed) • Three major players: • State agencies • Sponsors • Sites 17 United States Department of Agriculture operates federal program in D.C . Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services administers SFSP in Florida VENDO SPONSOR R provide food handles administrative & COMMUNITY financial responsibilities to sponsor MEMBERS • Operate as a sponsor or site SITES • Volunteer time • Donate funds serve meals to children • Offer other needed resources (space, equipment, vans, etc.) • Increase community awareness of the program and its availability CHILDR • Advocate for program improvement EN 18 Florida Hospital Association 9

  10. Hospital Sustainability Collaborative (HSC) October 12, 2017 • State agencies administer the program and communicate with USDA. • Sponsors run the program and communicate with the State agency. • Entity must have a non-profit status to be a sponsor. • Manage SFSP, including prepare claims for reimbursement. • Locate and recruit eligible sites and monitor sites. • Hire, train, and supervise staff and volunteers. 28% of people receiving emergency • Arrange for meals to be prepared or delivered. food are children 19 • A site is the physical location where SFSP meals are served during a supervised time period. Sites work directly with sponsors. • Supervise activities and meal service • Manage staff/volunteers • Distribute meals • Keep daily records of meals served 20 Florida Hospital Association 10

  11. Hospital Sustainability Collaborative (HSC) October 12, 2017 Hospitals that participate in SFSP 2014 Hennepin County Medical Center Choctaw Nation Healthcare Center Preferred Family Healthcare Carthage Memorial Hospital Labette Health Our Lady of the Lake Children’s Hospital Arkansas Children’s Hospital Hillsboro Area Hospital 2015 Medical University of South Carolina 2016 ProMedica Toledo Hospital Presbyterian Hospital Socorro General Hospital Presbyterian Kaseman Hospital Sacred Heart Hospital University of South Alabama Children’s and Women’s 2017 Children's Mercy Hospital West Children's Mercy Hospital University Hospitals Cleveland Fostoria Community Hospital Carolinas HealthCare System University Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) Charleston, SC Florida Hospital Association 11

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