high power converters energy storage systems prototype

- High Power Converters - Energy Storage Systems. - Prototype - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Presentation of Electrotechnical Institute R&D activity - High Power Converters - Energy Storage Systems. - Prototype electric apparatus. - Research labotarories - Consortium E - Mobility. PhD. Eng. Krzysztof Tomczuk,

  1. Presentation of Electrotechnical Institute R&D activity - High Power Converters - Energy Storage Systems. - Prototype electric apparatus. - Research labotarories - Consortium „E - Mobility”. PhD. Eng. Krzysztof Tomczuk, Manager of Marketing and Scientific Information Department email: k.tomczuk@iel.waw.pl

  2. Electrotechnical Institute Presentation of Electrotechnical Institute R&D activity Pozaryskiego St. 28 04-703 Warsaw tel. +48 22 11 25 205 email: iel@iel.waw.pl High Power Converters 2

  3. Electrotechnical Institute Presentation of Electrotechnical Institute R&D activity Pozaryskiego St. 28 04-703 Warsaw tel. +48 22 11 25 205 email: iel@iel.waw.pl 1. Prototype of locomotive: DRAGON E6ACT-001 Electrotechnical Institute and ZNLE company from Gliwice (Poland) in the project titled: ” Development of the project, prototype implementation and implementation of series production of new Polish locomotive for goods transport ” has developed a 5MW Drive Inverters, a 2x160kW Static Power Converter and a Master Control System for the DRAGON E6ACT-001 prototype locomotive. Prototype locomotive DRAGON E6ACT-001 during tests Power static converter 3kVDC, 2x160kW One of the drive inverters for locomotive. 3 High Power Converters

  4. Electrotechnical Institute Presentation of Electrotechnical Institute R&D activity Pozaryskiego St. 28 04-703 Warsaw tel. +48 22 11 25 205 email: iel@iel.waw.pl 1. Prototype of locomotive: DRAGON E6ACT-001 Prototype locomotive DRAGON E6ACT-001 View of the locomotive control panel Start to Breaking from 100km/h 100km/h 4 High Power Converters

  5. Electrotechnical Institute Presentation of Electrotechnical Institute R&D activity Pozaryskiego St. 28 04-703 Warsaw tel. +48 22 11 25 205 email: iel@iel.waw.pl 2. Power supply system in a seaport The project titled: “ Medium voltage mobile power supply system from ships in ports to increase the environmental and economic efficiency of maritime transport". The project meets the EU directive limiting and ultimately eliminating the possibility to onboard power supply from a diesel engine generators in a port. Projest Consortium: • Apator Control, Toruń (Poland) – Leader, • Electrotechnical Institute , Warsaw (Poland) – Power Electronics, Control, System Startup • Uniwersity of Zielona Góra (Poland) • Maritime Academy in Gdynia (Poland) • Sea Port in Gdynia (Poland) Financing institutions 5 High Power Converters

  6. Electrotechnical Institute Presentation of Electrotechnical Institute R&D activity Pozaryskiego St. 28 04-703 Warsaw tel. +48 22 11 25 205 email: iel@iel.waw.pl 2. Power supply system in a seaport The project concerns the development of a scalable system consisting of an AC / DC substation, a DC power cable distribution system and DC / AC mobile terminals located at the wharf depending on needs. The terminal will be mounted on a mobile platform equipped with power supply systems for the ship. It will include switchgear, power transformer and multi-level DC / AC power converter. It will be able to autosynchronize with the ship power network. The ship's power supply system will be configurable for parallel or serial operation. - Project Leader 6 High Power Converters

  7. Electrotechnical Institute Presentation of Electrotechnical Institute R&D activity Pozaryskiego St. 28 04-703 Warsaw tel. +48 22 11 25 205 email: iel@iel.waw.pl 2. Power supply system in a seaport Medium Voltage Meduim voltage Mobile Terminal AC/DC substation DC/AC Meduim voltage Power Line Meduim voltage DC cable Power system of the ship 7 High Power Converters

  8. Electrotechnical Institute Presentation of Electrotechnical Institute R&D activity Pozaryskiego St. 28 04-703 Warsaw tel. +48 22 11 25 205 email: iel@iel.waw.pl 2. Power supply system in a seaport Power requirement Power supply waveforms of the water pumps Power supply of the automatical hawser force during ship level balancing. stabilization during ship stopover at the port. 8 High Power Converters

  9. Electrotechnical Institute Presentation of Electrotechnical Institute R&D activity Pozaryskiego St. 28 04-703 Warsaw tel. +48 22 11 25 205 email: iel@iel.waw.pl 2. Power supply system in a seaport The system allows to deliver four types of power supplies: 6.6kV, 11kV, 50Hz, 60Hz. Continous system power is 4 MW with temporary overload to 6MW . 9 High Power Converters

  10. Electrotechnical Institute Presentation of Electrotechnical Institute R&D activity Pozaryskiego St. 28 04-703 Warsaw tel. +48 22 11 25 205 email: iel@iel.waw.pl 2. Power supply system in a seaport View of the partners during project presestation. Directors of: Electrotechnical Institute, Apator Control and Sea Port in Gdynia during project presentation in IEL in Warsaw. View of the ship power supply system. 10 High Power Converters

  11. Electrotechnical Institute Presentation of Electrotechnical Institute R&D activity Pozaryskiego St. 28 04-703 Warsaw tel. +48 22 11 25 205 email: iel@iel.waw.pl 3. Multilevel medium voltage AC/AC power converters Four-level 1MW, 6kVAC power converter Start of the 6kV induction motor Voltages and currents waveforms. View of the research test stand Breaking of the 6kV induction motor - Blue - (Supply voltage from power grid) – 6kV, 50Hz - Red – (Current from power grid). PFC Circuit with reactive power compensation: induction and capacitive. - Green - (Power converter output voltage [between phases] ). 11 High Power Converters

  12. Electrotechnical Institute Presentation of Electrotechnical Institute R&D activity Pozaryskiego St. 28 04-703 Warsaw tel. +48 22 11 25 205 email: iel@iel.waw.pl 3. Multilevel medium voltage AC/AC power converters Polish Prime Minister Award for extra oridinary scientific and technical achivements in 2013. Award for multilevel medium voltage power converters Prime Minister Diploma for IEL researchers 12 High Power Converters

  13. Electrotechnical Institute Presentation of Electrotechnical Institute R&D activity Pozaryskiego St. 28 04-703 Warsaw tel. +48 22 11 25 205 email: iel@iel.waw.pl 3. Multilevel medium voltage AC/AC power converters Selected applications: Electric drives with 6kV induction motor Water pump stations Long-distance coal conveyor. 13 High Power Converters

  14. Electrotechnical Institute Presentation of Electrotechnical Institute R&D activity Pozaryskiego St. 28 04-703 Warsaw tel. +48 22 11 25 205 email: iel@iel.waw.pl 4. Voltage dips compensatior in power lines 6,3 kV AC The operation of the system consists in continuous monitoring of the value of the power grid voltage at the point where the electric load is connected. Any deviation from the rated voltage parameters, that is, its dip or disapear, is immediately detected, replacing the power supply from power grid using supercapacitors. During detection of and voltage deviation in the power supply network, the load circuits become an island installation. Switching from on-line work to off-line and vice versa is not noticeable by loads that do not lose power continuity. Island operating View of the developed voltage dip time depends on the duration of the disturbance compensator for power lines 6.3kV AC and the available energy stored in the supercapacitors. The developed prototype storage It is possible to make a compensator at and converter unit is rated at 250 kW for medium higher power and backup time. output voltage 6 kV AC. Compensator parameters Nominal voltage 6.3 kV AC (three-phases) Nominal output power 250 kW Backup time at nominal output power 4 seconds 14 High Power Converters

  15. Electrotechnical Institute Presentation of Electrotechnical Institute R&D activity Pozaryskiego St. 28 04-703 Warsaw tel. +48 22 11 25 205 email: iel@iel.waw.pl 5. High-precision of DC current source High-Precision Current Source was developed for the Nuclear Research Institute in Dubna (Russia) to supply the electromagnetic superconducting coil in accelerator. The device can be control by external signal and can supply up to 1000A with long- term stability at 50mA peak-to-peak even during changes coil reactance. Inquire regarding the design and implementation proces of the developed device were addressed to many companies in Europe. Only solution of the Electrotechnical Institute fulfilled the requirements of the Nuclear Research Institute in Dubna. The device was delivered under an order obtained through the Polish company Frako-Term in Gliwice. View of the device Device parameters Supply voltage. Power 3 x 400VAC, 80 kW Output current and output voltage 1000A, 80 V Long-term stability of output current 50 mA (peak-to-peak) Rise rate of the output current 1000 A/s Commumication interfaces CAN, RS485, PROFIBUS Reference signal, Output voltage and current 15 High Power Converters

  16. Electrotechnical Institute Presentation of Electrotechnical Institute R&D activity Pozaryskiego St. 28 04-703 Warsaw tel. +48 22 11 25 205 email: iel@iel.waw.pl Energy storage systems 16

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