hertsmere highway liaison meeting highway locality budget

Hertsmere Highway Liaison Meeting Highway Locality Budget (HLB) 16 - PDF document

16/10/18 Hertsmere Highway Liaison Meeting Highway Locality Budget (HLB) 16 October 2018 Paul Gellard www.hertfordshire.gov.uk Types of Work CAT 6 Serviceability Focus CAT 1 - Contractor Directed Service Client-led campaigns, guidance

  1. 16/10/18 Hertsmere Highway Liaison Meeting Highway Locality Budget (HLB) 16 October 2018 Paul Gellard www.hertfordshire.gov.uk Types of Work CAT 6 – Serviceability Focus CAT 1 - Contractor Directed Service Client-led campaigns, guidance from Defects affecting safety requiring immediate maintenance communities with action such as potholes, dangerous footway maintenance themes and activities trips, ice, flooding and broken streetlights identified by the HST Contractor. CAT 6 CAT 1 CAT 2 - Contractor Directed Service CAT 5 - Cyclic maintenance Defects which do not affect E.g. grass cutting, gully safety immediately, but are an CAT 5 CAT 2 emptying etc. asset protection issue, such as overgrown footways, deteriorating surfaces and old road signs CAT 4 CAT 3 CAT 4 - Technically driven CAT 3 - Member Directed Service core programmes Defects which are not a safety or a Larger maintenance and improvement priority asset protection issue plus schemes which are included within requests for minor streetscape, traffic HCC plans and programmes calming or traffic management improvements www.hertfordshire.gov.uk 1

  2. 16/10/18 Highway Locality Budget (HLB) • HLB objective: to get communities more involved in influencing how money is spent on the roads, footways and verges in their area • Rolled out across Hertfordshire in April 2012 • Each County Councillor has a budget of £90,000 (78 Members x £90k = £7.02m) www.hertfordshire.gov.uk TOTAL HLB PER DIVISION This starting allocation WILL BE the confirmed REVENUE CAPITAL budget allocation split of Capital and Revenue unless declared otherwise by 31/12/2018. Capital funding can only be used for projects that Revenue funding has no such restrictions but is expected to fund substantially increase the useful life or market value of day to day running costs like routine maintenance activities, such the highways asset, in other words long term structural as vegetation trimming, sign washing, road marking renewals, and maintenance activity and/or improvement schemes, such investigatory studies to develop scheme options and funding bids. as a new pedestrian crossing. • New Speed Indicator Devices (SIDs). • New sockets for SIDs (including relocating existing SIDs if applicable). • All carriageway resurfacing (including micro surfacing) / • New or replaced road signage (including implementing PTROs if the reconstruction / recycling. majority of the overall works cost is for traffic signs). • All footway resurfacing (including micro surfacing) / • New road studs. reconstruction / recycling. • New or replaced street furniture, including benches, bollards and • All patching of carriageways or footways, unless needed to fencing / railings. resolve a reactive issue e.g. ponding, or to facilitate a • New or replaced street lights. wider improvement e.g. in front of a pram crossing. • New dropped kerbs for pedestrian access (‘pram’ crossings). • New pedestrian crossings e.g. Zebras and Puffins. • New grasscrete verge protection. • Planned improvements to the highway network, such as • New drainage improvements, e.g. new or replacement pipework, new drainage, footways, verge grasscrete and parking gullies, headwalls. bays, or for the implementation of PTROs where new road • Design work (staff time) for deliverable capital type schemes e.g. markings is the minor part (value) of the overall works, pedestrian crossings. such as 20mph zones. • Designing / consulting on PTROs e.g. waiting restrictions and speed • Planned programmes of improvements / refurbishment limits, that has an identified and deliverable proposal (subject to work, such as new ‘pram’ crossings, sign and bollard processes), including advertising costs. replacements. • HLB contribution towards TTRO adverting costs for delivery of capital maintenance works. www.hertfordshire.gov.uk 2

  3. 16/10/18 HLB – some examples Speed Indicator Devices FWY Micro-surfacing Footway Reconstruction Junction safety – rule 243 CWY Micro-Surfacing 20 mph zones (Double yellow lines) www.hertfordshire.gov.uk Member Support • Guidance on relative priorities Programme • Guidance on technical, legal and policy implications Selection • Support member with community engagement • Provision of costs of schemes to member • Handover schemes to Ringway or Framework Contractors Nominated Assistant • Monthly reporting on member’s budget position Highway Manager (AHM) • Support member’s casework • Responsible for keeping members informed on Highway Locality Budget Ringway scheme delivery Scheme Delivery • Support member casework on Contractor directed services Nominated Ringway District Service Agent (DSA) • Project team responsible for keeping members informed on Highway Locality Budget LRMT scheme delivery Framework Contractors (Specialist Treatments) www.hertfordshire.gov.uk 3

  4. 16/10/18 Key HLB milestones The timetables we are working to are based on our experience of running the HLB scheme over the past few years, and are necessary so we can deliver the schemes you choose both efficiently and reliably. Date Milestone End of September At least £87,000 of the full HLB shall be allocated Mid December The full £90,000 of HLB to be allocated 31 December This starting allocation for the next financial year WILL BE the confirmed budget allocation split of 77k Capital and 13k Revenue unless declared otherwise. 15th – every month Member bulletins are issued detailing each scheme nominated and committed for delivery in the financial year, as well as delivery dates for completion www.hertfordshire.gov.uk Key contacts – Your ‘gateway’ into the service Assistant Highway Managers Highway Locality Managers (AHMs) (HLMs) • Jason Ball (Hertsmere Lead) • Paul Gellard • Tim Burt County Council elected members Ensure the team provides an effective receive the personal support of facilitated Gateway for members on Assistant Highways Managers behalf of the Whole Client Service, which (AHMs), who not only provide a demonstrates ownership on behalf of the one-stop-shop to all Highways service to see that problems get solved, Locality Budget (HLB) matters, but or are otherwise escalated in a timely also act as the members’ gateway and constructive manner. into the Whole Client Service. www.hertfordshire.gov.uk 4

  5. 16/10/18 Guidance HLB Member Guidance Document Highways Service Guide Exists in order to support county Sets out the objectives and councillors with their enhanced locality role responsibilities of the as described by ‘The Hertfordshire Local Highways Service. Vision’ and particularly the HLB scheme. www.hertfordshire.gov.uk Future HLMs The Format of future Highway Liaison Meetings (HLMs) www.hertfordshire.gov.uk 5


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