herald dark matter direct detection with superfluid 4he

HeRALD: Dark Matter Direct Detection with Superfluid 4He Doug - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

HeRALD: Dark Matter Direct Detection with Superfluid 4He Doug Pinckney on behalf of the HeRALD collaboration 10 December 2019 Phys. Rev. D 100, 092007 1 Low Mass Dark Matter Direct Detection Parameter space wide open, O(10 g-day)

  1. HeRALD: Dark Matter Direct Detection with Superfluid 4He Doug Pinckney on behalf of the HeRALD collaboration 10 December 2019 Phys. Rev. D 100, 092007 1

  2. Low Mass Dark Matter Direct Detection • Parameter space “wide open”, O(10 g-day) exposures set leading limits • This space is challenging to access: for a given target mass, lower DM mass requires lower detector threshold [O(10 eV) threshold for O(100 MeV) DM] 10 7 Xe 10 6 KE DM at cutoff Elastic Recoil Endpoint [eV] 10 5 10 4 He 10 3 threshold 10 2 10 1 Threshold 10 0 target 10 -1 mass 10 -2 10 -3 10 10 10 11 10 12 10 13 10 3 10 4 10 5 10 6 10 7 10 8 10 9 M DM [eV/c 2 ] 2

  3. HeRALD: Helium Roton Apparatus for Light Dark matter • Superfluid 4He as a target material • Favorable recoil kinematics • Recoil energy can be fully reconstructed with TES calorimetry from M. Pyle at UCB (top right taken from LBL RPM presentation) • Calorimeters Zero bulk radiogenic backgrounds Vacuum gap • No Compton backgrounds below 20 eV Superfluid • HERON experiment at Brown (Seidel, Maris), proof 4He of concept work 3

  4. Excitations in Superfluid 4He Excitation Singlet UV (16 eV) O(ns) DM Photons Triplet Kinetic Excitations He ~meV Vibrations (phonons, rotons) 4

  5. Excitations in Superfluid 4He Detection Method Excitation Singlet UV (16 eV) Absorbed in calorimeters on O(ns) DM Photons 10 ns timescale Triplet Kinetic Excitations γ He He* He ~meV Vibrations (phonons, rotons) 5

  6. Excitations in Superfluid 4He Detection Method Excitation Singlet UV (16 eV) Absorbed in calorimeters on O(ns) DM Photons 10 ns timescale Ballistic, travel at Triplet Kinetic O(1 m/s), deposit energy in Excitations He immersed calorimeters He* He ~meV Vibrations (phonons, rotons) 6

  7. Excitations in Superfluid 4He Detection Method Excitation Singlet UV (16 eV) Absorbed in calorimeters on O(ns) DM Photons 10 ns timescale Vacuum Gap He Ballistic, travel at Triplet Kinetic O(1 m/s), deposit energy in Excitations He immersed calorimeters Adsorption of quantum QP ~meV Vibrations evaporated He atoms on upper (phonons, rotons) calorimeter + adsorption gain, 10-100 ms timescale 7

  8. Energy Partitioning • Nuclear and electron recoils have di ff erent energy partitioning! • Estimated from measured excitation/ionization/elastic scattering cross sections • Distinguishable with signal timing Electron excitation cuto ff Seidel 8

  9. Sensitivity Projections • Solid red curve, 1 kg-day Astrophysics @ 40 eV threshold - 3.5 eV (sigma) 1 kg-day 40 eV calorimeter resolution Direct Detection demonstrated by Pyle at UCB 100 kg-yr 1 meV - 9x “adhesion gain” Bulk Fluid - 5% quasiparticle Neutrino Floor detection e ffi ciency 9

  10. Activities at Berkeley (Slides from Junsong Lin) Measure nuclear recoil (NR) scintillation light yield of superfluid helium • 6 one-inch PMTs monitoring one-inch cube of LHe. 
 • PMTs submerged in LHe 
 ◦ Proximity leads to better light collection 
 Transformer • Biased by Cockcroft-Walton (C-W) generators 
 C-W Generator • TPB as wavelength shifter (LHe scintillation = 80 nm) 
 λ • Demonstrated single PE sensitivity at T=1.75 K 
 • Using Compton scattering to determine ER light signal yield 
 PMT • Next step: DD generator for NR light yield 10

  11. Activities at Berkeley (Slides from Junsong Lin) • Estimate ER light signal yield from Compton scattering peaks • ~0.4 PE/keV ee (using 3 of 6 PMTs) 11

  12. Calibration via 24keV neutrons: Photoneutron • Coincidence at 24 keV: • Energy of convenient photoneutron source (124SbBe) • Energy of ‘notch’ in cross section of Fe (~25 m interaction length) • Result: can surround a photoneutron source in material opaque to gammas but transparent to 24 keV neutrons • Endpoint in He: 14 keV • 1 GBq 124 Sb source (practical) results in a few n/s collimated neutrons 12

  13. Calibration via 24keV neutrons: Pulsed • Also looking into pulsed source based on filtered DT neutron generator DT moderate MeV-scale Collimate Generator Neutrons and Gamma flux after the filter neutrons to <100 keV neutrons (14.1 MeV, Number of Neutrons 1us timing) 2 10 Neutrons 40 cm Al + AlF3 Gammas Borated Poly DT Pb Fe Pb 10 (Fluental) 1 neutron booster, get Filter out the 24 Block neutrons with energy 3 2 1 2 4 keV neutrons − − 10 10 1 10 10 10 10 Neutron Energy [keV] gammas of ~1 MeV using Pb n- using Fe-56 >2n process 13

  14. Activity at UMass Evaporator Condenser • Characterizing dilution refrigerator Surface Surface • Uncertainty in how quasiparticles, triplet excitations interact at surfaces • Achieve and enhance adhesion gain: keep calorimeter dry, use materials with higher Van der Waals attraction • Adapting the HERON film burner design, demonstrated but heat load problematic 14

  15. Heat Load Free Film Stopping • Cesium coated surfaces, demonstrated but technically di ffi cult [Nacher and Dupont-Roc, PRL 67, Anisotropically Etched Si 2966 (1991)] [Rutledge and Taborek, PRL 69, 937 (1992)] • Geometry of atomically sharp “knife edges”, used by x-ray satellites at higher temperatures, has yet to be conclusively demonstrated [Y. Ezoe et al J. Astron. Telesc. Instrum. Syst. 4(1) 011203 (27 October 2017)] Alternate Method: Nitride Overhang 15

  16. Next Steps Phys. Rev. D 100, 092007 Quasiparticle Reflection UMass He Film Stopping Adhesion Gain Data taking keV-scale Neutron Calibration with optimized Both Dilution Refrigerator designs Characterization Scintillation Yield Measurements Berkeley Calorimetry Testing 16

  17. Extras 17

  18. Background Simulations • Radon surface backgrounds not yet considered 1 kg underground target Rayleigh Thomson Neutrons Delbruck 18

  19. Scintillation Yield Measurement Details • PMTs are Hamamatsu R8520-06-MOD (platinum underlay for cryogenic usage) 
 • PMTs and biasing system previously demonstrated to work at ~15 mK temperature vacuum in an earlier project by Junsong & co. 
 • Cockcroft-Walton (CW) generator directly generates the di ff erent individual voltages needed by di ff erent dynode stages of the PMT. So no voltage-divider resistor circuit needed. 
 • Only a few volts AC needed from room temperature, no need for high-voltage cryogenic feedthrough 19

  20. More Scintillation Yield Measurement Details • For Compton scattering, we used a 2” diameter by 2” height NaI detector as far side detector to determine the recoil angle. • For DD generator, we will use a 5” diameter by 5” height BC-501A liquid scintillator detector as far side to determine the recoil angle. • For both cases, coincidence is used to select true events. • Currently, I only understand the single PE area from 3 of the 6 PMTs well to sum up their area 20

  21. Helium Compton Scattering 21

  22. From Scott Hertel 22

  23. Film Burner Model Experimental film stoppage area Condenser Surface Evaporator Surface Condenser Surface 23

  24. Excitations in Superfluid 4He Detected State Vibrations Vibrations (phonons, rotons) (phonons, rotons) DM Excitations Dimer Excimers Singlet UV Photons He He* He* He Triplet Kinetic Excitations (IR Photons) He + e - Ionization 24

  25. Sensitivity Projections Cont. Curve Exposure Threshold Solid Red 1 kg-day 40 eV Dashed Red 1 kg-yr 10 eV Dotted Red 10 kg-yr 0.1 eV Dashed-Dotted 100 kg-yr 1 meV Red Neutrino Floor Dashed- + o ff shell phonon 100 kg-yr 1 meV Dotted-Dotted sensitivity Red 25

  26. Extending Sensitivity with Off Shell Interactions • The 0.6 meV evaporation threshold limits nuclear recoil DM search to m DM >~ 1 MeV • Can be avoided if we find an excitation with an e ff ective mass closer to the DM mass, allow DM to deposit more energy in the detector • In helium this could be recoiling o ff the bulk fluid and creating o ff shell quasiparticles 26

  27. Detecting Vibrations: Vibrations in Helium • The vibrational (“quasiparticle”, “QP”) excitations we expect to see are phonons and rotons • Velocity is slope of dispersion relation • Rotons ~ “high momentum phonons” • Just another part of the same dispersion relation • R- propagates in opposite direction to momentum vector 27

  28. Example Waveform • Based on HERON R&D HERON DATA • Can distinguish scintillation and evaporation based on timing 365 keV electron recoil J. S. Adams et al. AIP Conference Proceedings 533, 112 (2000) Annotations from Vetri Velan 28

  29. Another Example Waveform • Distinguish between di ff erent phonon distributions by arrival time in detector • R+ arrive first • P travel at a mix of slower speeds and arrive next • R- can’t evaporate directly, need reflection on bottom to convert into R+ or P Recent Quasiparticle Simulation p 0 R+ P R- p 1 p 2 29

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