November 21, 2008 Foote Farm Hebron Capital Improvement Plan Committee 2018 – 2019 CIP Recommendations Presented to: Hebron Board of Selectmen and Hebron Board of Finance March 1, 2018
CIP Committee Members Charles Daniels (Chairman) Parks and Recreation Mal Leichter (Vice Chairman) Board of Finance Clara O’Brien Board of Selectmen Kevin Kelly Public Works Department Nick Wallick Fire Department Jeffrey Cormier Planning & Zoning Kathy Williams Board of Education David Morrison Citizen at Large Tiffany Ventura Thiele Citizen at Large Keith Petit Citizen at Large - Alternate 1-Mar-18 Hebron CIP Committee 2
CIP Projects Completed in the Past Fiscal Year Firefighter SCBA Replacement - 42 units Snow Removal Machinery for Town sidewalks – Parks & Recreation Front Loader - Public Works Asbestos abatement Hebron Main Vault & additional storage units 20 ton Trailer replacement – Public Works Ongoing Funding Ambulance 510 replacement Hebron Center sidewalk plan Library roof and HVAC replacement Peters House Restoration 1-Mar-18 Hebron CIP Committee 3
CIP Funding Priorities Funding priority will be determined by the CIP Committee categorizing projects as Core, Essential, or Discretionary. The Town’s master facility maintenance schedule must be considered when evaluating projects. This schedule will predict major renovations or maintenance projects such as roof replacements. Core projects Health and safety State and/or federal mandates Completion of a phase of a previously approved project, if other wise a program or system would not be operational Essential Projects Facilities/equipment maintenance Positive fiscal impact Produces a cost avoidance Conformance with plans or policies Project interdependence Severity of need for the project Outside agency grants Leverage of Town dollars Discretionary projects – funded only if all Core and Essential projects have been funded 1-Mar-18 Hebron CIP Committee 4
2018 – 2019 Recommendations CIP COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS BY DEPARTMENT – JANUARY 24, 2018 AMOUNT PRIORITY Public Works Department 1 Road Resurfacing and Road Improvements 276,838 Bucket Truck 15 162,000 Fire Department Ambulance 510 2 35,000 Service 110 5 55,000 Engine Tanker 310 - Refurbish 50,000 6 Utility 310 27,921 8 Hebron Board of Education Fire Protection Control Panel - Gilead Hill School 9 28,412 Douglas Library of Hebron Douglas Library HVAC Systems Replacement 7 93,000 Douglas Library Windows 12 25,000 Miscellaneous Hebron Center Sidewalk Plan - Senior Center, HES, NC - LOTCIP 18,000 3 4 Wall Street Sidewalks 25,000 ACO/Building Maintainer Truck - Replace 2005 Ford Pick Up 31,000 10 Police Department Emergency Messaging Sign 32,813 11 13 Peters House Restoration 40,000 Town Buildings - Security Measures 30,000 14 TOTAL 929,984 1-Mar-18 Hebron CIP Committee 5
2018 – 2019 Priority Order CIP COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS – JANUARY 24, 2018 PROJECT AMOUNT PRIORITY Road Resurfacing and Road Improvements 276,838 1 Ambulance 510 - Fire Department 35,000 2 Hebron Center Sidewalk Plan - Senior Center, HES, NC - LOTCIP 18,000 3 Wall Street Sidewalks 25,000 4 Service 110 - Fire Department 55,000 5 Engine Tanker 310 - Refurbish - Fire Department 50,000 6 Douglas Library HVAC Systems Replacement - Douglas Library 93,000 7 Utility 310 - Fire Department 27,921 8 Fire Protection Control Panel - Gilead Hill School 28,412 9 ACO/Building Maintainer Truck - Replace 2005 Ford Pick Up 31,000 10 Police Department Emergency Messaging Sign 32,813 11 Douglas Library Windows - Douglas Library 25,000 12 Peters House Restoration 40,000 13 Town Buildings - Security Measures 30,000 14 Bucket Truck - Public Works Department 162,000 15 TOTAL 929,984 1-Mar-18 Hebron CIP Committee 6
Hebron Road Maintenance Department Public Works Prior Funding On-Going Resurfacing and Repair Recommendation $276,838 Priority # 1 80 Miles of road worth approximately $34 Million Continuing with timely maintenance is cheaper than deferring when deteriorated Must be part of CIP to be eligible for LOCIP (Local Capital Improvement Pgm.) Chip Seal $1.85 Sq./Yard Overlay $6.24 Sq./Yard Reconstruction $18.00 Sq./Yard Safer Roads to Travel Quicker Emergency response (including snow) More comfortable ride Less wear on vehicles Efficient and Economical Preservation of our largest town asset 1-Mar-18 Hebron CIP Committee 7
Ambulance 510 Replacement Department Fire Department Prior Funding $190,000 Recommendation $35,000 Priority # 2 Final year of planned 3 year funding – Altered 2017 estimate 15 years old: 2002 Current mileage: 104,146 Current engine hours: 5,876 Significant undercarriage damage from winter road treatments Reuse many components from existing 510 Hebron CIP Committee 1-Mar-18 8
Hebron Center Sidewalk Plan Department Planning & Development Prior Funding $100,000 (LOTCIP Grant) Continued on next page Recommendation $18,000 Priority # 3 Funding based on the award of State LOTCIP grant Year 3 of a 3 year contribution; $41,000, $59,000, 18,000 Town funding for survey, engineering, and project administration only Total construction to be funded by an awarded grant of $830,000 Sidewalk from Rte. 66/85 down Rte.85, past Senior Center down to Hebron Elementary, cross to Kinney Road, then continue past Holy Family Church down to Country Farms (Sunnyside) plaza 1-Mar-18 Hebron CIP Committee 9
Hebron Center Sidewalk Plan (Continued) 1-Mar-18 Hebron CIP Committee 10
Department Planning & Development Wall Street Sidewalks Prior Funding none Recommendation $25,000 Partial Continued on next page Priority # 4 This request meets the Health & Safety concerns Sidewalks now extend from Main Street north to RHAM. This project would extend these sidewalks from RHAM, along the west side of Wall Street north to Ridge Road. This would be a five foot wide concrete sidewalk 1,670 feet in length constructed in the State right-of-way, except for a small area leading from the RHAM campus. A proposed crosswalk will be on the RHAM driveway Total cost estimates are $174,000 Typical walk of this type has life expectancy of 25 years The auto is on other side of road to avoid walkers Note date 2/20/1994 1-Mar-18 Hebron CIP Committee 11
Wall Street Sidewalks (Continued) Hebron CIP Committee 12 1-Mar-18
Service 110 Department Fire Department Prior Funding none Recommendation $55,000 Priority # 5 The 1994 Ford E-350 has 68,000 miles Very rusty & in poor mechanical condition - Smokes when running UTILIZED FOR: • TRAFFIC CONTROL, MOTOR VEHICLES ACCIDENTS, WIRES DOWN CALLS • MEDICAL CALLS • WEATHER RELATED Driver side floor CALLS Replacement for Service 110 • FIRE SUPPORT • MINIMIZE LARGER VEHICLES AND CREWS ON ROAD • MAINTAINERS, ERRANDS AND CHORES, (WE USE THE AMBULANCES) 1-Mar-18 Hebron CIP Committee 13
Engine Tanker 310 - Refurbish Department Fire Department Prior Funding none Recommendation $50,000 partial Priority # 6 1998 KME Engine-tank Assigned to Station 1 , Transferred to 3 31,416 Miles 3,271 Hours Fire attack, North end of Hebron 1,000 Gallon Tank Pump tested & repaired along with the valves. Valve packing and seals If funds remain, evaluate the next test for safety - emergency LED light package. The goal is to bring the truck up to current safety standards Hebron CIP Committee 1-Mar-18 14
Douglas Library HVAC Department Douglas Library Prior Funding $ 112,000 Replacement/Update Recommendation $93,000 Priority # 7 Anticipated construction funding through CIP FY 2018-2019 Flat roof will need to be replaced at the same time. This will complete the current heating and environmental control system for the entire building in order to consistently manage temperature, humidity and air filtration for entire building environment Hebron CIP Committee 15 1-Mar-18
Utility 310 with Trailer Department Fire Department Prior Funding none Recommendation $27,921 Priority # 8 To improve response time to the North end of Hebron, i.e.: Tallwood, Gay City This vehicle will accommodate tires or tracks (as shown) Deep snow search vehicle. There was a recent call for an actual search situation Replaces Forestry 310 for brush fire calls. A current trend in the industry Replaces Forestry 310 which is out of service 1-Mar-18 Hebron CIP Committee 16
Department Board of Education Fire Protection Control Panel Prior Funding none Recommendation $28,412 Gilead Hill School Priority # 9 The current system, was last replaced in 1999 has reached its capacity. This panel provides electricity & signals to the fire annunciator, fire/smoke alarms & carbon dioxide detectors. Simplex 4100ES Fire Operator Interface Alarm Control Panel 1-Mar-18 Hebron CIP Committee 17
ACO / Building Maintainer Truck Department Miscellaneous Prior Funding none Recommendation $31,000 Priority # 10 Replace the 2005 Ford Pick-up that has 157,00 miles Extensive rust and damage to undercarriage, fuel tank, & spare tire mount New truck to have extended cab 1-Mar-18 Hebron CIP Committee 18
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