hebron capital improvement plan committee

Hebron Capital Improvement Plan Committee 2017 2018 CIP - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Hebron Capital Improvement Plan Committee 2017 2018 CIP Recommendations Presented to: Hebron Board of Selectmen and Hebron Board of Finance March 2, 2017 CIP Committee Members Mal Leichter (Chairman) Board of Finance Charles Daniels

  1. Hebron Capital Improvement Plan Committee 2017 – 2018 CIP Recommendations Presented to: Hebron Board of Selectmen and Hebron Board of Finance March 2, 2017

  2. CIP Committee Members Mal Leichter (Chairman) Board of Finance Charles Daniels (Vice Chairman) Parks and Recreation Devon Garner Planning & Zoning Patricia Griffin Citizen at Large Kevin Kelly Public Works Department Citizen at Large – Alternate David Morrison Clara O’Brien Board of Selectmen Nick Wallick Fire Department Kathy Williams Board of Education William Witt Citizen at Large 2-Mar-17 Hebron CIP Committee 2

  3. CIP Projects Completed in the Past Fiscal Year Fire Company # 1 Parking Lot Final Payment on ET210 Lease Dump Truck w/ Plow Truck #7 HES Roof – 1947 and 1988 Wings Douglas Library Generator Senior Van – Matching Funds Parks & Recreation Tractor Relocation of Emergency Operations Center Town Office HVAC Project Parks Mason Dump GMC Flatbed Truck #22 Fire Department Command Vehicle Fire Department Sale of Squads (purchase 2 service tucks) 2-Mar-17 Hebron CIP Committee 3

  4. Introduction / Comments  Requests for CIP 2017-2018 funding $1,750,195  Recommended Funding for 2017-2018 $1,234,260  Balance from Previous Appropriations $59,216  LOCIP Funding $0  General Fund Contribution $770,911  Anticipated Contribution from Undesignated Fund Balance $404,133 Increase of $234,444 from the 2016-2017 budget Hebron CIP Committee 4 2-Mar-17

  5. 2017 – 2018 Recommendations Town Wide Roads $ 268,775 Road Resurfacing and Road Improvements Public Works $ 104,985 Replace 1978 CAT Loader # 2 Priority $ 105,000 Roadside Mower (replace Truck 38) $ 26,000 20 Ton Trailer (replace Truck 25) Fire Department/EMS $ 95,000 Ambulance 510 $ 234,000 SCBA Replacement - 42 Units Recreation Department Snow Removal Machinery - Town Sidewalks $ 50,000 Miscellaneous Douglas Library Roof Replacement $ 98,500 Douglas Library HVAC Systems Replacement $ 90,000 $ 7,000 Senior Center Flooring Replacement $ 50,000 Peters House Restoration $ 59,000 Hebron Center Sidewalk Plan - Senior Center, HES, NC LOTCIP $ 27,000 Horton House Central Air Conditioning TOB Town Clerk's Upper Level Vault - $ 19,000 Asbestos Abatement/New Floor/New Shelving Total Proposed Recommendations $ 1,234,260 2-Mar-17 Hebron CIP Committee 5

  6. 2017 – 2018 Priority Order Funding PROJECT Amount Priority 268,775 1 Road Resurfacing and Road Improvements 2 SCBA Replacement - 42 Units 234,000 3 Ambulance 510 95,000 Snow Removal Machinery - Town Sidewalks 50,000 4 104,985 5 Replace 1978 CAT Loader # 2 Priority 105,000 6 Roadside Mower (replace Vehicle 38) TOB Town Clerk's Upper Level Vault - Asbestos Abatement/New Floor & Shelving 7 19,000 8 Hebron Center Sidewalk Plan - Senior Center, HES, NC LOTCIP 59,000 9 Senior Center Flooring Replacement 7,000 Douglas Library Roof Replacement 10 98,500 Douglas Library HVAC Systems Replacement 90,000 11 50,000 12 Peters House Restoration 26,000 13 20 Ton Trailer (Trailer #25) 27,000 14 Horton House Central Air Conditioning GRAND TOTAL 1,234,260 2-Mar-17 Hebron CIP Committee 6

  7. Hebron Road Maintenance Department Public Works Prior Funding On-Going Resurfacing and Repair Recommendation $268,775 Priority # 1  80 Miles of road worth approximately $34 Million  Continuing and timely maintenance is less expensive than deferring Chip Seal $1.85 Sq./Yd. Thin Overlay $6.33 Sq./Yd. Reclaim & Pave $18.00 Sq./Yd.  Safer roads to travel  Quicker emergency response  More comfortable ride  Less wear on vehicles  Efficient and economical preservation of our largest town asset 2-Mar-17 Hebron CIP Committee 7

  8. SCBA Replacement – 42 Units Department Fire Department Prior Funding $117,000 Recommendation $234,000 Priority # 2  Year 2 and 3 of planned 3 year funding Required by National Fire Protection Association/NFPA to be replaced 2017  Part of essential fire fighters personal protective equipment (PPE)  Current inventory purchased in 2002  Includes updated technology & safety  CIP discussed annual funding over 15 years for future purchase 2-Mar-17 Hebron CIP Committee 8

  9. Ambulance 510 Replacement Department Fire Department Prior Funding $95,000 Recommendation $95,000 Priority # 3  Final year of planned 2 year funding  14 years old: 2002  Current mileage: 104,146  Current engine hours: 5,876  Significant undercarriage damage from winter road treatments  Reuse many components from existing 510 Hebron CIP Committee 2-Mar-17 9

  10. Snow Removal Machinery Department Park & Recreation Prior Funding None Town Sidewalks Recommendation $50,000 Priority # 4  The town currently has over three miles of sidewalk and maintenance needs  There is a need to assist expediting snow removal and other all year uses  Accessories will include: Cab, snow blower, power broom, blades, spreader, mower, & backup alarm  This machine is used by the Glastonbury Parks department and is recommended 2-Mar-17 Hebron CIP Committee 10

  11. 1978 CAT Loader Department Public Works Prior Funding $80,000 Machine Replacement Recommendation $104,985 Priority # 5  39 years old  Hour meter shows 6,902, but the meter stopped working in 2009  Winter Use: Salt and sand loading at the Salt Box Road, Salt Shed  Summer Use: Parks & Recreation projects  Major components very worn (pins/bushings, steering)  Approximate value of $15,000 2-Mar-17 Hebron CIP Committee 11

  12. Roadside Tractor & Mower Department Public Works Prior Funding $50,000 Replacement ( replaces existing 1998) Recommendation $105,000 Priority # 6  18 years old  Hour meter shows 6,401  Used for clearing sight-lines and shoulders along roadsides  Significant rusting and wear  A rail boom mower alone costs $20,000, but will not adapt to the tractor 2-Mar-17 Hebron CIP Committee 12

  13. Asbestos Abatement Main Vault Department Town Clerk’s Office Prior Funding None Recommendation $19,000 Priority # 7  Remove floor tiles and mastic / Replace with poured epoxy flooring  Replacement of shelving which will add additional years of storage space to the vault  Painting as needed Flooring breaking up Hebron CIP Committee 13 2-Mar-17

  14. Hebron Center Sidewalk Plan Department Miscellaneous Prior Funding $41,000 (LOTCIP Grant) Recommendation $59,000 (partial) Priority # 8  Funding based on the award of State LOTCIP grant  Years 2 of a 3 year contribution; $41,000, $59,000, $18,000  Town funding for survey, engineering, and project administration only  Total construction to be funded by an awarded grant of $830,000  Sidewalk from Rte. 66/85 down Rte.85, past Senior Center down to Hebron Elementary, cross to Kinney Road, then continue past Holy Family Church down to Country Farms (Sunnyside) plaza 2-Mar-17 Hebron CIP Committee 14

  15. Senior Center Flooring Department Sr. Services Prior Funding $25,000 Replacement Recommendation $7,000 Priority # 9  To complete the project for replacing all flooring in the senior center  Install new carpet tiles in the lounge, two offices, workroom, and reception area  Carpet is worn, separating seams, multiple stains, cleaned on regular basis 2-Mar-17 Hebron CIP Committee 15

  16. Replacement of Shingle and Department Douglas Library Prior Funding None Membrane (flat) Roof Recommendation $98,500 Priority # 10  Buckling and roof wear for over 19 years indicates the need for replacement  Replace Existing Homosote decking with ½” CDX plywood  Re-shingle, new ice and water shield, membrane, flashing and curbing 2-Mar-17 Hebron CIP Committee 16

  17. HVAC Replacement/Update Department Douglas Library Prior Funding On Going Recommendation $90,000 ) Priority # 11  Anticipated construction funding through CIP FY 2017-2018  Flat roof will need to be replaced at the same time.  This will complete the current heating and environmental control system for the entire building in order to consistently manage temperature, humidity and air filtration for entire building environment Hebron CIP Committee 17 2-Mar-17

  18. Peters House Restoration Department miscellaneous Prior Funding $30,000 Recommendation $50,000 Priority # 12  Restoration is required to make the building safe and available for public use  Previous restoration was accomplished with grants $288,000. CIP $30,000  Volunteer expertise and labor has been essential Hand split ceiling boards Beautiful molding Two of five fireplaces over plaster wall Stairwell New heating & HVAC systems 2-Mar-17 Hebron CIP Committee 18

  19. 20 Ton Trailer Replacement Department Public Works Prior Funding None Recommendation $26,000 Priority # 13  Replacing the 1983 20 ton Eager Beaver trailer. Braking system not working  It is used to haul the backhoe, loader, and paving equipment  The loading ramp is difficult to use with current equipment – it is too steep 2-Mar-17 Hebron CIP Committee 19

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