hanane naciri fabrice evangelisti

Hanane Naciri Fabrice Evangelisti BR Space Applications Different - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Hanane Naciri Fabrice Evangelisti BR Space Applications Different look and feel Not always user friendly More training and support SpaceCap SpaceQry RAG 2013 Recommendation Implementation of WRC2012 decisions (phase 1)

  1. Hanane Naciri Fabrice Evangelisti

  2. BR Space Applications  Different look and feel  Not always user friendly  More training and support

  3. SpaceCap SpaceQry

  4.  RAG 2013 Recommendation ◦ Implementation of WRC2012 decisions (phase 1) ◦ Rewrit ite some e exis istin ing s software ( (ph phase 2 2) ◦ Centralized Space Database (phase 3) Ref. to RAG13 – 1/1

  5.  Single user interface  Same look and feel  Rich end-user experience  Gain in term of training and productivity

  6. - SpaceCap - GIMS - CFEX Notice - SpaceVal processing - PCOM services - SpacePub - SpaceCom - … - Gibc - Mspace Technical - GIMS examinations - IDWM services - FindCap - AP30BTexCap - … - SpaceQry Querying - SNS-on-line services - …

  7. Integration & Architecture Release Analyse Prototype 2015 Users Exchange

  8. BR-SIS Beta version www.itu.int/en/ITU-R/software/Pages/brsis.aspx Email brsas@itu.int


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