overview of latest at eu level on energy advanced

Overview of latest at EU level on Energy & Advanced Materials - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Overview of latest at EU level on Energy & Advanced Materials Dr Fabrice STASSIN Managing Director EMIRI www.emiri.eu fabrice.stassin@emiri.eu HORIZON 2020 EUROPEAN UNION FUNDING FOR RESEARCH & INNOVATION EU tackling energy

  1. Overview of latest at EU level on Energy & Advanced Materials Dr Fabrice STASSIN Managing Director EMIRI www.emiri.eu fabrice.stassin@emiri.eu HORIZON 2020 EUROPEAN UNION FUNDING FOR RESEARCH & INNOVATION

  2. EU tackling energy challenges in frame of SET Plan (strategic energy technologies – 2008), the technology pillar of EU’s energy and climate change policy Strategic goals to Accelerate the development and � deployment of cost-effective low carbon technologies Maintain EU industrial leadership on low- � carbon energy technologies Foster science for transforming energy � technologies to achieve the 2020 Energy and Climate Change goals By 2020 20% reduction of CO2 emissions � 20% share of energy from low-carbon energy sources � 20% reduction in use of primary energy through energy efficiency � 2 4

  3. SET Plan Materials Roadmap followed (end 2011) and led later to creation of EMIRI (2012) Low carbon energy technologies need constant INNOVATION � These innovations are enabled by Advanced Materials (no Materials, no Energy !) � SET Plan needed to be “translated” into the SET Plan Materials Roadmap � Strong involvement of key Industrials & Research organizations � Led to EMIRI (end 2012) with focus on Industrial Leadership and reinforcement of � public & private interactions for effective & efficient innovation Latest in terms of roadmap is the SET Plan Integrated � Roadmap (released early 2015) Nearly 50 stakeholder organizations consulted � EMIRI in Working Group - Focus on Advanced Materials � 50 pages without Annexes – 350 pages with Annexes � Broad coverage and need to prioritize resource- � allocation to offer clarity & predictability to Industry Need for implementation vehicle in Horizon 2020 � 3

  4. EMIRI works for the future of Advanced Materials for low carbon energy (LCE) in Europe 4

  5. EMIRI is a pan-European initiative spanning Innovation & Manufacturing of Advanced Materials for LCE 5

  6. Europe must seize the opportunity to establish industrial leadership in Advanced Materials for LCE or it will be overcome by global competition Capacity for production of low carbon energy is already developing outside EU � Manufacturing of devices, components, Advanced Materials is moving to end-markets � Innovation centers are also following the trend with some delay � This creates future dependency risks on imported low carbon energy technologies � Conservative estimate of Europe-based industry of Advanced Materials for low carbon energy and its potential for policy-driven growth 6

  7. Similar analysis is stressed in New Commission’s Energy Union – Actions are now expected by business world “An innovation-driven transition to a low carbon economy offers great opportunities for growth and jobs … Technological leadership must be followed by the development of industrial production capabilities or technology supply chains across Europe. This requires bringing together research, industry, the financing sector and public authorities . An efficient industrial strategy along these lines will enable the EU industry to benefit from the first- 6/9/2015 7 mover advantage … with the resulting positive effects on competitiveness and job creation.”

  8. Innovation is indeed key to industrial leadership of EU EMIRI calls for the creation in EU of an Innovation Pillar EMIRI supports the development in EU of policies crucially needed for the market pull & • the technology push (innovation) of the low carbon energy technologies EMIRI calls for an Innovation Pillar based on a strong public private partnership • and engaging actors along the value chain The Innovation Pillar will bridge the gap • between lab & market, reduce innovation risks and accelerate innovation to reach faster and better the market The Innovation Pillar will build on 4 • components (see next slide) implementing Advanced Materials priorities selected from SET Plan Integrated Roadmap Society will benefit from reinforced presence in EU of a competitive industry • generating growth & jobs , developing innovation ecosystems, enabling Energy Union 8

  9. The 4 components of the Innovation Pillar Building on orientations supported by Industry & Research Advanced Materials as "key enablers" tackling EU Energy Challenges Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Advanced Materials for a "competitive, efficient, secure, sustainable & flexible energy system" Advanced Materials for Energy Efficiency Key Component 1 Key Component 2 Key Component 3 Key Component 4 Advanced Materials to make Advanced Materials to enable energy Advanced Materials to increase the Advanced Materials enabling the renewable electricity technologies system integration energy performance of buildings decarbonisation of power sector competitive (energy storage, grids) INNOVATION TRACKS (non-exhaustive list) Advanced Materials for the weight Advanced Materials for lower cost, high Advanced Materials for the affordable Advanced Materials for high performance & reduction of structural and functional safety, long cycle life & environmentally- implementation of carbon capture & durable coatings components in wind energy technology friendly electrochemical batteries storage Advanced Materials to improve the Advanced Materials for lower cost storage Advanced Materials & new deposition corrosion resistance of structural and of energy in the form of hydrogen, Advanced Materials for the utilization of processes for building-integrated functional components in wind energy methane, other molecules (power to gas / CO2 photovoltaics technology chemicals) Challenge-orientation Advanced Materials and processes for high Advanced Materials to facilitate the Advanced Materials for thermal energy yield, large scale manufacturing of solar integration of storage technologies in the storage In line with industrial energy harvesting systems electrical grid capabilities & needs Advanced Materials and processesfor high TRL >=4 to 7 efficiency solar energy harvesting Also provided as input to DG R&I for WP 2016-2017 9

  10. To sum up, it is the wish and intention of the Industry of Advanced Materials to now work closely with EU to ... Identify clear EU priorities for industrial growth & jobs in Advanced Materials for low carbon energy Develop a strong presence in EU of a competitive manufacturing base & its innovation ecosystem Innovate with Advanced Materials products fit to serve the growing market of low carbon energy Visit www.emiri.eu Email fabrice.stassin@emiri.eu 10


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