grupo sura

GRUPO SURA 1 DISCLAIMER the forward-looking statements contained - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

2Q 2015 RESULTS PRESENTATION GRUPO SURA 1 DISCLAIMER the forward-looking statements contained herein are based on Managements current forecasts and outlook. . For better illustration and decision-making, figures for Suramericana, SURA Asset


  2. DISCLAIMER the forward-looking statements contained herein are based on Management’s current forecasts and outlook. . For better illustration and decision-making, figures for Suramericana, SURA Asset Management and its subsidiaries are administrative rather than accountant, and therefore may differ from those presented to entities officers. Thus, Grupo de Inversiones Suramericana assumes no obligation to update or correct the information contained in this presentation. 2



  5. ESTATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION Consolidated ASSETS INVESTMENTS IN RELATED COMPANIES dic.-14 dic.-14 47.8 17.5 0.1% -11.4% jun.-15 47.9 jun.-15 15.5 LIABILITIES EQUITY ATTIBUTABLE TO PARENT COMPANY dic.-14 22.4 dic.-14 22.1 7.1% -7.1% jun.-15 24.0 jun.-15 20.6 5 Figures in COP billion

  6. STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME Financial DEBT FINANCIAL LIABILITIES dic.-14 4.1 6.0% jun.-15 4.4 BREAKDOWN BY TYPE OF DEBT DEBT BREAKDOWN BY COMPANY Preferred dividends 4.7% Derivatives 4.4% Other subsidiaries 0.8% Suramericana 6.0% Banks and repos 22.9% Grupo SURA 44.0% SURA AM 49.2% Bonds 68.1% 6 Figures in COP billon

  7. STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME Consolidated ICONSOLIDATED REVENUES EQUITY METHOD 6.5B 8,000 8.0% jun.-14 611.6 7,000 169.4 -13.2% 548.6 133.0 6,000 960.7 1,050.4 jun.-15 530.9 5,000 849.9 950.2 4,000 895.6 NET INCOME 3,000 2,000 4,025.9 3,345.6 jun.-14 1,462.2 1,000 -42.4% - jun.-15 841.5 jun.-14 jun.-15 Seguros Administración de fondos Salud Corporativo Otros 7 Figures in COP thousand million

  8. STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME Net income 338,675 1, 600 , 00 1,462,242 1, 400 , 00 1,123,567 1, 200 , 00 101,078 942,604 1, 000 , 0 00 841,526 800 , 00 600 , 00 400 , 00 200 , 00 - 2014 Net Dividends 2014 Recurring 2015 Recurring Wealth tax 2015 Net income net income net income income Upon eliminating non recurrent items, net income decreases 16.1%. 8 figures in COP millon

  9. SHAREHOLDERS SHAREHOLDERS (COMM+PREF) SHAREHOLDERS (COMM) 10.3% 8.4% Grupo Argos and subsidiaries 3.9% 5.3% 30.3% Grupo Nutresa 36.7% 16.8% Colombian Pension Funds 17.9% International Funds Retail Investors 10.3% 21.6% Institutional Investors 25.8% 12.7% Outstanding Ord. Shares: 469,037,260 Outstanding Pref. Shares: 106,334,963 Total outstanding shares: 575,372,223 Market Cap (USD billion): 6.7 Number of Shareholders: 18,067 International Funds: 838 Source: Shareholders' Registry as of jun 30, 2015 9

  10. STOCK EVOLUTION 115 110 105 100 95 92.8 90 91.5 85 80 78.04 75 70 jun.-14 ago.-14 oct.-14 dic.-14 feb.-15 abr.-15 jun.-15 PFGRUPSURA GRUPOSURA COLCAP % Annual Var * % YTD Var.** 2014/12/31 2014/06/30 2015/06/30 GRUPOSURA (Pesos) 37,020 -7.2% -7.5% 40,000 39,900 PFGRUPSURA (Pesos 36,400 -8.5% -7.8% 39,500 39,800 COLCAP (Points) 1,331 -22.0% -12.0% 1,513 1,706 * Annual appraisal without dividends 10

  11. INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO Other 0.4% Grupo Argos 16.3% Bancolombia 28.5% 24.0 Grupo Nutresa 15.5% COP BILLON* JUNE 2015 Suramericana Sura Asset 15.5% Management 23.8% Including their commercial value pursuant to accountant standards and the stakes held in Grupo de Inversiones Suramericana and affiliates NOTE: Considering Suramericana at 2x P/BV and SURA Asset Management at 1x P/BV, the valuation for Suramericana has to be 11 calculated by the different investors and analysts


  13. SURAMERICANA Consolidated figures TOTAL PREMIUMS TOTAL REVENUES jun.-14 3,020.6 jun.-14 2,269.1 15.0% 16.4% jun.-15 3,517.4 jun.-15 2,608.8 1, 50. 0 2, 00. 0 2, 50. 0 3, 00. 0 3, 50. 0 ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSE NET INCOME jun.-14 jun.-14 494.5 199.3 15.3% 4.3% jun.-15 jun.-15 570.0 207.8 24 0. 0 29 0 0. 34 0. 0 39 0. 0 44 0. 0 49 0 0. 54 0. 0 0. 59 0 84 . 0 10 4. 0 12 4. 0 14. 0 16 4. 0 4. 18 0 20 4. 0 22 4. 0 13 figures in thousand millon

  14. LIFE INSURANCE SEGMENT Main figures TOTAL PREMIUMS INVESTMENT INCOME jun.-14 jun.-14 1,454.5 214.6 13.2% 8.0% jun.-15 1,647.2 jun.-15 231.9 50. 0 70. 0 90. 0 1, 10 0. 0 1, 30 0. 0 1, 50 0 0. 1, 70 0. 0 25 . 0 75 . 0 12 5. 0 17 5. 0 22 0 5. ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSE NET INCOME jun.-14 jun.-14 234.4 238.1 8.7% 22.9% jun.-15 254.8 jun.-15 292.5 25 . 0 75 . 0 12 5. 0 17 5. 0 5. 22 0 27 5. 0 25 . 0 75 . 0 12 5. 0 17 5. 0 22 5. 0 27 5. 0 14 figures in thousand millon

  15. LIFE INSURANCE SEGMENT Premiums and claims ratio Premiums Retained Premiums Retained Claims Ratio jun-15 %Var jun-15 %Var jun-15 jun-14 Life 276,205 12.9% 232,582 10.0% 20.7% 26.3% Group Life 224,767 15.8% 220,675 16.8% 31.8% 38.1% Pension 297,382 5.5% 285,328 5.4% 91.7% 91.3% Health 344,454 15.5% 350,271 17.2% 60.7% 63.9% ARL (worker compensation) 418,836 11.8% 418,836 11.8% 51.6% 53.1% Other 85,586 39.9% 84,449 43.9% 96.9% 124.4% Total 1,647,229 13.2% 1,592,141 13.5% 55.9% 59.7% TOTAL PREMIUMS % RETAINED CLAIMS RATIO Other 5.2% Life 124.4% 16.8% ARL (worker 96.9% compensation) 91.3% 91.7% 25.4% 63.9% 59.7% 60.7% 55.9% 53.1% 51.6% Group Life 38.1% 31.8% 13.6% 26.3% 20.7% Health Vida Vida Grupo Previsionales Salud ARL Otros Total Pension 20.9% 18.1% 15 jun-15 jun-14

  16. NON-LIFE INSURANCE SEGMENT Main figures TOTAL PREMIUMS INVESTMENT INCOME jun.-14 52.4 jun.-14 826.6 18.0% 1.6% jun.-15 53.2 jun.-15 975.6 32.0 37.0 42.0 47.0 52.0 200.0 300.0 400.0 500.0 600.0 700.0 800.0 900.0 1,000.0 ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSE NET INCOME jun.-14 12.3 jun.-14 135.2 11.4% 52.8% jun.-15 18.8 jun.-15 150.7 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 15.0 35.0 55.0 75.0 95.0 115.0 135.0 155.0 175.0 16 figures in thousand millon

  17. NON-LIFE INSURANCE SEGMENT Premiums and claims ratio Premiums Retained Premiums Retained Claims Ratio jun-15 %Var jun-15 %Var jun-15 jun-14 Auto 379,911 20.3% 363,103 20.5% 62.9% 67.9% Fire 198,662 7.6% 36,918 16.2% 29.9% 19.6% Mandatory road accident 143,467 19.2% 120,997 18.3% 52.1% 54.4% Other 253,609 23.3% 131,459 16.5% 34.9% 34.2% Total 975,649 18.0% 652,476 19.0% 53.4% 55.7% TOTAL PREMIUMS % RETAINED CLAIMS RATIO 67.9% Auto 62.9% 38.9% 55.7% 53.4% 54.4% 52.1% Other 26.0% 34.2% 34.9% 29.9% 19.6% Mandatory road accident Autos Incendio Soat Otros Total Fire 14.7% 20.4% jun-15 jun-14 17

  18. HEALTH CARE SEGMENT Main figures TOTAL PREMIUMS INVESTMENT INCOME jun.-14 28.4 jun.-14 819.1 24.3% 1.6% jun.-15 28.9 jun.-15 1,018.5 2 .0 7 .0 1 2 . 0 1 7 . 0 2 . 2 0 2 7 . 0 3 2 . 0 100.0 300.0 500.0 700.0 900.0 1,100.0 ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSE NET INCOME jun.-14 11.3 jun.-14 109.0 8.8% jun.-15 -3.2 jun.-15 118.6 (7.0) (2.0) 3.0 8.0 13. 0 15.0 35.0 55.0 75.0 95.0 115.0 135.0 18 figures in thousand millon

  19. HEALTH CARE SEGMENT Premiums and claims ratio Prestación de servicios Costo prestación de servicios Siniestralidad jun-15 %Var jun-15 %Var jun-15 jun-14 782,589 27.0% 748,347 95.6% 92.7% EPS 31.0% 150,598 17.5% 105,396 70.0% 67.9% IPS 21.1% 69.0% 71.1% Dinámica 85,318 14.3% 58,845 11.0% 89.6% 86.9% Total 1,018,504 24.3% 912,588 28.3% 19


  21. SURA ASSET MANAGEMENT Consolidated figures COMMISSION INCOME TOTAL REVENUES jun.-14 jun.-14 691.2 1,959.0 21.0% 19.7% jun.-15 jun.-15 836.4 2,344.7 0. 0 10. 0 20. 0 30. 0 40 0. 0 50 0. 0 60 0. 0 0. 70 0 80 0. 0 90 0. 0 50. 0 70. 0 90. 0 1, 10. 0 1, 30. 0 1, 50. 0 1, 70. 0 1, 90. 0 2, 10. 0 2, 30. 0 2, 50. 0 OPERATING AND ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSE NET INCOME jun.-14 501.1 jun.-14 356.0 16.7% -43.8% jun.-15 jun.-15 654.0 199.9 0. 0 10. 0 20. 0 30 0. 0 40 0. 0 50 0. 0 0. 60 0 70 0. 0 0. 0 . 0 50 10. 0 15 0. 0 20. 0 0. 25 0 30. 0 35 0. 0 40. 0 Gastos operativos y de administración: Estos gastos equivalen a la suma de gastos administrativos, otros gastos y deterioro 21 Cifras en miles de millones

  22. MANDATORY PENSION Main figures COMMISSION INCOME ENCAJE 16.6% 26.7% 17.8% 24.8% -38.9% -84.2% 44.5% 8.4% 326,630 50,988 257,855 249,579 214,112 31,133 171,298 27,743 145,368 15,024 10,398 29,714 4,374 23,803 1,767 1,630 Chile México Perú Uruguay Chile México Perú Uruguay jun-14 jun-15 %Var jun-14 jun-15 %Var OPERATING AND ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSE NET INCOME 13.7% 26.8% 10.2% 11.5% -2.9% 11.2% 34.4% 23.8% -60.3% 163,486 158,742 158,205 127,192 124,783 114,336 87,634 85,750 73,723 71,367 63,788 64,767 64,813 34,777 17,606 14,225 9,693 8,696 Chile México Perú Uruguay Colombia Chile México Perú Uruguay jun-14 jun-15 %Var jun-14 jun-15 %Var 22 Cifras en millones


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