Reference Group Meeting 5 5 February 2019
Reference Group Agenda New member introductions Sharing Opportunity (What I have learnt, and plan to contribute) Recap – Solution Reminder/ BPOS Alignment Survey Results Presentation Wastewater Strategy Land Use Discussion Combining and Staging What does affordability look like Criteria v Option – Concept to Solution
New members Etu Araipu (Grey Power) Simon White (Otane Farmer) *Maybe* Marge Hape (Taiwhenua) JB Smith (Hapu) *Maybe* Ricky Carnie (Business/ Trade Waste – Triple NNZ Casings)
What we know and what we have learnt What I know • What is in wastewater • River discharge • Land discharge • How do we balance other views • What is the process to select an option • What are the most important considerations for me What don’t I know and want to know • What are the most important considerations for my community How do we make sure what we are doing is what the community wants
What are we trying to determine Are we looking for an option? Are we looking for a solution that has options? How do we balance what we want with what the community wants? How do we balance affordability?
Our Vision Our effluent is treated in a sustainable way that creates a resource, protects our environment and continues to do so for generations to come
Survey results - General
Survey results 1 (most important) 2 3 4 (least important) Values Social/ Recreational 5 27 25 18 Financial 23 23 13 16 Cultural 1 6 31 36 Ecological/ Environmental 45 19 6 4
Survey results
Survey results - Affordability Q21 - Considering affordability, how much would you be prepared to pay annually via a rates increase? No response 500+ 251-500 Dollars 101-250 1-100 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 No of respondents
Wastewater Strategy What’s a strategy? How does it differ from what we have done? What is its benefit?
Land Use What land use What are the considerations • Opportunities • Constraints
Land Use Grazed Harvested Food chain Non- Annual crops Forestry Amenity eg Soakage pasture pasture crops foodchain parks and Eg RIB. crops eg golf courses trenches biofuel
Grazed Harvested Food chain Non- Annual crops Forestry Amenity eg Soakage pasture pasture crops foodchain parks and Eg RIB. crops eg golf courses trenches Land Use biofuel Level of treatment Moderate Low High Low Moderate Low High Moderate to high Highest Highest Highest Highest Highest Highest Highest Year round Flow variability demand in demand in demand in demand in demand in demand in demand in summer summer summer summer summer summer summer Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Deficit Irrigation gain conditions conditions conditions conditions conditions conditions conditions Nutrient benefit High – Moderate – Low – will Moderate – Low – will High – High – NA minimal some require some require minimises minimal additional additional additional additional additional need for additional fertiliser fertiliser may nutrients fertiliser may nutrients additional fertiliser needed be needed be needed fertilisation needed Moderate Low disease High risk – Low disease Moderate Low disease High risk – Low disease Disease control risk - Need to risk – may needs to be risk, may risk risk, may needs to be risk, may manage by require managed by require depending on require managed by require treatment withholding treatment of exclusion amount of exclusion minimising exclusion and/or prior to wastewater plan contact and plan contact (sub plan withholding harvest withholding surface periods prior to discharge, harvest public exclusion areas) and treatment Mostmethod No Depends on Depends on Withstand Drip and Drip NA Method of irrigation – –
Grazed Harvested Food chain Non- Annual crops Forestry Amenity eg Soakage pasture pasture crops foodchain parks and Eg RIB. crops eg golf courses trenches Land Use biofuel Method of irrigation Most No Depends on Depends on Withstand Drip and Drip NA methods restrictions crop e.g. drip crop – most frequent fixed impact irrigation suitable – to irrigation in orchard, method cultivation, sprinklers – preferred, must method centre pivot suitable not impacted need to avoid fixed impact withstand or small by crop canopy and sprinklers animal traffic moveable height and trunk may be sprinklers for density eg suitable in field crops – centre pivot, some most method drip tape situations suitable Grazing with Cut and carry Frequent Variable Frequent Infrequent Frequent cut NA Method of harvest occasional with disturbance moderate clear felling and carry cut and carry occasional for annual disturbance with (greens, etc) (minimal grazing crops, significant and cut and disturbance/ (minimal minimal disturbance leave down-time) disturbance/ disturbance (roughs, etc) downtime) for orchard crops Regulatory approval Resource Resource Resource Resource Resource Resource Resource Resource consent consent consent consent consent consent consent consent required, required, required required, required, required, required, required favoured by favoured by favoured by favoured by favoured by favoured by HBRC policy HBRC policy HBRC policy HBRC policy HBRC policy HBRC policy Dairy limited Dairy limited NZFSA concerns No issues known Dairy limited Acceptable Acceptable NA Industry approval Mostly acceptable Mostly acceptable Limited acceptability Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable with Moderate – can be Social acceptability
Grazed Harvested Food chain Non- Annual crops Forestry Amenity eg Soakage pasture pasture crops foodchain parks and Eg RIB. crops eg golf courses trenches Land Use biofuel Industry approval Dairy limited Dairy limited NZFSA No issues Dairy limited Acceptable Acceptable NA concerns known Social acceptability Mostly Mostly Limited Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Moderate – acceptable acceptable acceptability with can be appropriate managed method Tangata whenua acceptability Mostly Mostly Not Likely Limited Likely Unknown Moderate – acceptable acceptable accepted? acceptable acceptability acceptable can be managed What’s your preference?
Combined solutions Which? Waipukurau and Considerations Costs Do we pursue? Waipawa Distance Waipawa and Access to prime Otane land Waipukurau and River crossings Otane Versatility, future Waipawa, options Waipukurau and ? Otane
Affordability How much are you prepared to pay? Assuming: • Connections • Waipawa 1,500 • Waipukurau 2,700 • Otane 270 • Total 4,470 • 30 year loan • 6.5 % interest $10 million = annual repayment of $ 170/year/connection
Affordability How much are you prepared to pay? Assuming: • Connections • Waipawa 1,500 • Waipukurau 2,700 • Otane 270 • Total 4,470 • 30 year loan • 6.5 % interest $10 million = annual repayment of $ 170/year/connection
Annuall Summary 20 years 30 years 40 years $ 5,000,000 $ 100 $ 85 $ 79 $ 10,000,000 $ 201 $ 170 $ 157 Affordability $ 20,000,000 $ 401 $ 340 $ 315 $ 50,000,000 $ 1,003 $ 850 $ 787 20 years 30 years 40 years $1,000 $900 $800 Annual rate Increase ($) $700 $600 $500 $400 $300 $200 $100 $- $5,000,000 $10,000,000 $20,000,000 $50,000,000 Loan Amount
What are our discharge options? 100 % Water 100 % Land Overland - Rock trench Irrigation - Non-deficit Irrigation - High-rate Overland - Wetland Irrigation - Deficit Cultural Preference Rapid Infiltration Pipe to Water Financial Preference Environmental Preference Recreational Preference
What are our discharge options concepts? Current treatment 100 % surface water Additional treatment Surface water/Land disposal Combinations Discharge Surface water/Land treatment Land disposal Land 100 % Land disposal/land treatment Land treatment
What are our discharge options concepts? Current treatment 100 % surface water Additional treatment Surface water/Land disposal Combinations Discharge Surface water/Land treatment Land disposal Land 100 % Land disposal/land treatment Land treatment
What are our discharge options concepts? Current treatment 100 % surface water Additional treatment Surface water/Land disposal Combinations Discharge Surface water/Land treatment Land disposal Land 100 % Land disposal/land treatment Land treatment
What are our discharge options concepts? Current treatment 100 % surface water Additional treatment What's Surface water/Land disposal missing? Combinations Discharge Surface water/Land treatment Land disposal Land 100 % Land disposal/land treatment Land treatment
What do these systems look like - relative? Additional Storage Reticulation River Land area Cost (m 3 ) treat (km) discharge (ha) ($M) Current treatment 100 % River Additional treatment Combination Surface water/Land disposal Surface water/ Land treatment Land disposal 100 % land Land disposal/Land treatment Land treatment
More recommend