SI A GROUP FI NANCI AL RESULTS For Q1 FY2015-16 Ended 30 June 2015 197200078R SI A GROUP Q1 FY2015-16 Actuals 1
SI A GROUP SI A GROUP Q1 2015-16 Q1 2015-16 Group Ex- Group # Tiger * Q1 Q1 FY15/ 16 FY15/ 16 Total Revenue 3,733.3 3,565.0 Total Expenditure 3,621.9 3,454.0 -- Net Fuel cost 1,252.5 1,190.7 -- Non-fuel expenditure 2,369.4 2,263.3 Operating Profit 111.4 111.0 # Tiger’s results are consolidated with effect from Q3 FY14/ 15 * Group Ex-Tiger refers to Group operating results excluding Tiger’s operating results Slide 3 SI A GROUP EX-TI GER Q1 FY2015-16 Actuals 2
SI A GROUP EX-TI GER SI A GROUP EX-TI GER Q1 2015-16 Q1 2015-16 Group Revenue $M 4,000 3,840.2 3,777.4 3,682.2 3,577.6 3,565.0 3,500 Q1 FY15/ 16 vs Q1 FY14/ 15 $117.2 M 3,000 (-3.2% ) 2,500 2,000 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 FY11/ 12 FY12/ 13 FY13/ 14 FY14/ 15 FY15/ 16 Slide 5 SI A GROUP EX-TI GER SI A GROUP EX-TI GER Q1 2015-16 Q1 2015-16 Group Expenditure $M 4,000 3,758.5 3,705.4 3,642.7 3,566.6 3,454.0 3,500 Q1 FY15/ 16 vs Q1 FY14/ 15 3,000 $188.7 M (-5.2% ) 2,500 2,000 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 FY11/ 12 FY12/ 13 FY13/ 14 FY14/ 15 FY15/ 16 Slide 6 3
SI A GROUP EX-TI GER SI A GROUP EX-TI GER Q1 2015-16 Q1 2015-16 Group Operating Profit 3.1 $M % 150 3 Operating Profit 111.0 2.1 $71.5M 1.9 100 2 (+ 181.0% ) 81.7 111 72.0 Operating 1.1 50 1 39.5 Profit Margin + 2.0% pts 0.3 11.0 0 0 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 FY11/ 12 FY12/ 13 FY13/ 14 FY14/ 15 FY15/ 16 Slide 7 SI A GROUP EX-TI GER SI A GROUP EX-TI GER Q1 2015-16 Q1 2015-16 Composition of I ncrease in Operating Profit Lower $M net fuel 240 -125.8 cost Higher other -36.5 Lower 180 revenue engineering services revenue Lower 120 + 5.8 111.0 cargo + 71.5 and mail -32.3 Lower (+ 181.0% ) + 77.8 revenue flown 60 revenue 39.5 + 182.5 0 Q1 Fuel Pax flown Other Cargo & Others Q1 Engineering FY14/ 15 revenue Pax mail FY15/ 16 revenue revenue Slide 8 4
SI A GROUP EX-TI GER SI A GROUP EX-TI GER Q1 2015-16 Q1 2015-16 Group Operating Profit Q1 FY15/ 16 Q1 FY14/ 15 Better/ (Worse) ($ M) ($ M) ($ M) (% ) SI A 107.8 45.0 62.8 139.6 SI AEC 20.5 20.7 (0.2) (1.0) SilkAir 4.8 2.0 2.8 140.0 SI A Cargo (8.5) (18.2) 9.7 53.3 Scoot (19.7) (24.5) 4.8 19.6 Slide 9 SI A GROUP SI A GROUP Q1 2015-16 Q1 2015-16 Group Net Profit $M 150 121.8 Q1 FY15/ 16 vs 100 91.2 Q1 FY14/ 15 78.0 $56.4 M (+ 162.1% ) 44.7 50 34.8 0 1Q 1Q 1Q 1Q 1Q FY11/ 12 FY12/ 13 FY13/ 14 FY14/ 15 FY15/ 16 Slide 10 5
SI A GROUP SI A GROUP Q1 2015-16 Q1 2015-16 Group Profit Attributable to Owners of the Parent $M + 11.8 -17.0 120 + 71.9 -10.3 100 Lower Loss this 91.2 share of year vs Loss this losses 80 profit last year vs + 56.4 from year gain last (+ 162.1% ) Associates year 60 40 34.8 Higher 20 operating profit 0 Operating Q1 Associates JVs Disposals Q1 Profit FY14/ 15 FY15/ 16 Slide 11 PARENT AI RLI NE COMPANY Q1 FY2015-16 Actuals 6
PARENT AI RLI NE COMPANY PARENT AI RLI NE COMPANY Q1 2015-16 Q1 2015-16 Q1 Q1 Change FY15/ 16 FY14/ 15 % 29,520.8 30,263.2 -2.5 Available Seat-KM (M) 22,513.6 23,499.4 -4.2 Revenue Passenger-KM (M) -1.4 pts Passenger Load Factor (% ) 76.3 77.7 Pax Yield – include fuel 10.7 10.9 -1.8 surcharge (¢/ pkm) 8.5 8.7 -2.3 Passenger Unit Cost (¢/ ask) 79.4 79.8 -0.4 pt Passenger Breakeven Load Factor (% ) -3.1 -2.1 -1.0 pt Passenger Load Factor Spread (% pts) Slide 13 PARENT AI RLI NE COMPANY PARENT AI RLI NE COMPANY Q1 2015-16 Q1 2015-16 Q1 Q1 Better/ Better/ FY15/ 16 FY14/ 15 (Worse) (Worse) ($M) ($M) ($M) % Total Revenue 2,909.4 3,008.7 (99.3) (3.3) Total Expenditure 2,801.6 2,963.7 162.1 5.5 -- Net Fuel cost 994.3 1,149.6 155.3 13.5 -- Non-fuel expenditure 1,807.3 1,814.1 6.8 0.4 Operating Profit 107.8 45.0 62.8 139.6 Operating Profit Margin (% ) 3.7 1.5 - 2.2 pts Slide 14 7
PARENT AI RLI NE COMPANY PARENT AI RLI NE COMPANY Q1 2015-16 Q1 2015-16 Operating Performance % Passenger Load Factor 90 Breakeven Load Factor 85 82.0 80.7 79.8 79.4 -4.0 -1.2 80 78.0 -2.1 79.5 -3.1 78.0 -2.4 77.7 76.9 76.3 75 75.6 70 65 60 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 FY11/ 12 FY12/ 13 FY13/ 14 FY14/ 15 FY15/ 16 Slide 15 PARENT AI RLI NE COMPANY PARENT AI RLI NE COMPANY Q1 2015-16 Q1 2015-16 Monthly Pax Yields (I ncluding Fuel Surcharge) FY13/ 14 FY14/ 15 FY15/ 16 ¢/ pkm 12 11.5 11.5 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.3 11.2 11.1 11.3 11.3 11.2 10.9 11 10.9 11.1 11.1 11.1 10.8 10.8 10.9 10.8 10.7 10.7 10.7 10.5 10 Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Slide 16 8
PARENT AI RLI NE COMPANY PARENT AI RLI NE COMPANY Q1 2015-16 Q1 2015-16 Cost Composition Others Fuel Cost Post 274.5 (+ 10.2, + 3.9% ) Passenger Costs Hedging 9.8% 164.0 (-7.6, -4.4% ) 994.3 (-155.3, -13.5% ) 5.9% LPO* Charges 35.5% 143.6 (-9.9, -6.4% ) 5.1% Handling Charges 7.8% 218.7 (-0.8, -0.4% ) 13.4% 16.1% 6.4% Staff Costs 374.9 (-10.8, -2.8% ) Aircraft Depreciation & AMO Costs Lease Rentals 179.9 451.7 (+ 16.8, + 10.3% ) (-4.7, -1.0% ) * Landing, Parking and Overflying Slide 17 PARENT AI RLI NE COMPANY PARENT AI RLI NE COMPANY Q1 2015-16 Q1 2015-16 Fuel Price Fuel Cost after hedging Fuel Price before hedging Fuel Price after hedging USD/ BBL $’M 1,800 140 127 126 124 126 124 123 121 1,600 120 124 123 122 120 121 121 103 98 102 1,400 100 77 1,200 1,236 74 80 1,206 1,194 1,174 1,182 1,157 1,150 1,000 60 1,011 994 800 40 600 20 400 0 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 FY13/ 14 FY14/ 15 FY15/ 16 Slide 18 9
PARENT AI RLI NE COMPANY PARENT AI RLI NE COMPANY Q1 2015-16 Q1 2015-16 Composition of Decrease in Fuel Cost (After Hedging) $M 1,149.6 -437.0 Hedging 1,150 loss vs -155.3 gain last (-13.5% ) + 53.6 -11.5 994.3 year Stronger US Dollar 900 + 239.6 650 Lower weighted average fuel price Q1 Price Hedging Q1 Exchange Others FY14/ 15 FY15/ 16 Slide 19 SI A GROUP EX-TI GER Hedging Update 10
SI A GROUP EX-TI GER SI A GROUP EX-TI GER Fuel Hedging Position Q2 FY15/ 16 H2 FY15/ 16 Jet Fuel Jet Fuel Brent Percentage hedged 55.4 44.4 4.2 (% ) Average hedged price 104 94 102 (USD/ BBL) Slide 21 11
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