Green Paper on a European Strategy on Plastic Waste in the Environment Prof. Dr. jur. Helmut Maurer Europäische Kommission, DG Umwelt, Brussels 15.07.2013
Source: EEA 2010 derived from SERI GLOBAL 2000, Friends of the Earth Europe (2009)
Source: Eurostat Comext Statistics, EEA 2010, The European Environment, State and Outlook 2010 : Thematic Assessment – Material Resources and Waste
The European Framework
6th EAP Thematic Strategy on Waste Prevention and Recycling Framework Waste Framework Waste Shipment Regulation Directive 2008/98/EC Treatment Recycling Standards Landfill Directive Incineration Directive (future) WEEE & Mining PCB/ Sewage Streams Packaging Batteries Vehicles Restriction waste PCT Sludge of use In Brown : with targets
Environmental Objectives Art. 1 WFD The WFD as the “Constitution” of European waste law • Preventing and reducing the adverse impacts of the generation and management of waste • Ressource conservation • Ressource efficiency
Waste as Waste Prevention Preparing for re-use RECYCLING Recovery Disposal
EU Approach – Life Cycle Thinking Sustainable use of natural Better Resources Products Natural Resources Design Disposal Reuse, Recycling, Manufacturing To a Minimum Leaner Recovery Production Waste & Recycling Collection Distribution Use Smarter Consumption
Waste prevention – Key tool for preserving resources and avoiding marine litter • 2013: waste prevention programmes • • set objectives • determine benchmarks or targets • describe prevention measures Promotion of eco-design for products Campaigns to change consumer behaviour Supporting the reduction of industrial waste (EMAS, ISO 14001) Green public procurement • 2014: Commission to propose waste prevention and decoupling objectives by 2020, if appropriate
Give waste more value through end-of-waste criteria • End-of-waste criteria for plastic should • support recycling markets and • boost resource efficiency • JRC Report finalised, in depth discussion ongoing • Criteria should be: • Simple • Practicable • Effective and efficient
Other measures to improve resource efficiency and combat marine litter • Separate collection (Art. 11 WFD) • At least of paper, metal, plastic, glass by 2015 higher yield, better quality � � � � + Specific provisions on Batteries, WEEE, Packaging and PCB/PCT Extended producer responsibility • Soft law ("may") leaving it to Member States to set the rules • Highest potential to achieve resource efficiency a sleeping beauty �� �� �� ��
Recycling targets boost resource efficiency • By 2020 (Art. 11 WFD): • Achieve preparation for re-use, recycling of household waste including plastic to a minimum of overall” 50% by weight. • Achieve preparation for re-use, recycling and backfilling of 70% construction & demolition waste • Target review foreseen in 2014
Extended producer responsibility • MS ‘may take measures’ to ensure extended producer responsibility • of persons developing, manufacturing, selling, importing products • To strengthen prevention, re-use, recycling and recovery • including take-back schemes and financial responsibility • including eco-design • respecting the proper functioning of the internal market A sleeping beauty!
Practical Challenges
Source: Eurostat 2012 Kg per capita 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 0 CZ PL SK 2010 2004 LV Municipal Waste Production EE RO LT EL HU SI BG BE SE PT EU 27 FI FR IT UK ES DE AT NL MT LU IE CY DK
Municipal Waste and BIP- Decoupling 140 135 130 125 120 1995 = 100 115 110 105 100 95 90 85 80 Source: Eurostat 2010 MW generated Population MW generated per capita GDP MW generated per EUR (GDP) Source: Eurostat 2011
What we do with Plastic Waste
Packaging Waste/ Member State
Plastic Packaging waste dominating
Packaging Waste – where to go ?
Green Book Plastic Waste in a Nutshell � Transit to circular economy, Resource efficiency, new economic models � � End landfilling Plastic waste � Design allowing full simple and economic recycling, consumer information � � Thermal treatment must remain an exception � Capture ALL plastic waste rigorously � Extended producer responsibility in the focus � Enhanced international co-operation (ESM) � Internalisation of costs ( polluter pays ) � Full implementation and control
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