Green Brook Board of Education 2015-2016 Preliminary Budget Kevin J. Carroll, Superintendent Gregory E. Brennan, Business Administrator
Vision A chievement. E mpowerment. I nspiration. O pportunity. U nity. For ever erY Child.
Mission Our mission, in partnership with the community and dedicated staff, is to provide a safe, student-centered environment with the highest standards of excellence and a culture of respect that values diversity. We provide every child with experiences that will inspire, empower, challenge, and foster life-long learning.
Enrollment Grade de 2013-14 14 2014-15 15 2015-16 16 Differen erence PK PK 11 13 16 3 K 87 75 88 13 1 88 98 82 -16 2 86 83 98 15 3 98 93 85 -8 4 104 101 94 -7 5 111 106 101 -5 6 122 115 108 -7 7 101 124 115 -9 8 114 99 124 25 Total al 922 907 911 4
Sections Grade 2013-14 14 Secti ons 2014-15 15 Secti ons 2015-16 16 Secti Diff. tions tions tions ons PK PK 2 2.5 2 -0.5 11 13 16 K 4 4 4 0 87 75 88 1 4 5 4 -1 88 98 82 2 4 4 5 1 86 83 98 3 5 4 4 0 98 93 85 4 5 5 5 0 104 101 94 5 5 5 5 0 111 106 101 6 5 5 5 0 122 115 108 7 5 5 5 0 101 124 115 8 5 5 5 0 114 99 124 Total al 922 922 44 44 907 44.5 911 44 44 -0.5
Goals Teaching and Learning Curriculum and Instruction To develop curriculum maps through vertical and horizontal articulation for the purpose of integrating fundamental units of instruction across the curriculum as well as spiraling such units from grade level to grade level.
Finance To explore alternates sources of revenue for the district. To reduce fixed expenses through innovative research and new methodologies.
Community Engagement Develop a stronger partnership between the community-at-large and the school district.
School Climate and Culture To develop methods to integrate improved reading comprehension and imaginative critical thinking. To develop respect for self and others, accountability for one’s actions and expected behavior and potential achievement. To help students grow and develop in a manner that is mindful of a rapidly-evolving societal landscape, distinguishing between academic, entertainment, professional, community and social cultures while thriving in each.
Priorities O Student achievement O Professional development O Technology in the hands of students/teachers O Restore music program at IEF O Increase part-time special area positions to full time at IEF O Add special area (music) to GBMS to promote choice O Restore custodial positions O No increase to the tax levy
2015-16 Preliminary Budget Reven enue Expe pendi ditures ures Transf ansfer er from m Genera eral l other er funds s $750,000 Expense pense $22,236,0 ,024 Federal eral Tax x Levy for Proje ojects cts $266,472 Current rrent Exp $19,971,1180 180 Misc & & Debt t Federal eral Servic ice $1,506,575 Sources ces $643,306 Stat ate e Aid $1,138,072 Debt t Servic vice e $1,506,575 TOTAL AL $24,009,0 ,071 TOTAL AL $24,009,0 ,071
Comparison 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 Diff. % Transf sfer er from om ot othe her r funds ds $982,263 $749,987 $750,000 $13 0.002% Tax Levy vy for Curren rent t Exp $19,998,018 $19,971,118 $19,971,118 $0 0.00% Misc & Federal ederal Sources ces $519,598 $646,191 $643,306 ($2,885) -0.45% State e Aid $1,111,172 $1,138,072 $1,138,072 $0 0.00% Debt bt Servi vice ce $1,497,294 $1,501,975 $1,506,575 $4,600 0.31% TOTAL L $24,108,345 $24,007,343 $24,009,071 $1,728 0.007%
Cur urriculu iculum/In m/Instr struction uction & PD & PD Suppo ported ed Programs grams • Writer’s Workshop • Continue K-8 integration • Continued professional development • Reader’s Workshop • Start K-5 implementation • Purchase resources and classroom libraries • Ongoing professional development • Word Study • Start K- 4 implementation to accompany Reader’s Workshop • Purchase teacher/student resources • Professional development
Curric rriculum ulum Writ itin ing • Writer's Workshop - K-8th - collaborative mapping • Reader's Workshop - K-5th - collaborative mapping, new units, phonics • Technology - K-8th - updates to address new district technologies • 21st c. skills - K-8th - updates required by the state for new standards • Language Lab - 6th - 8th - solidify units after pilot period
2013-204 204 2014-2015 2015-2016 Change ge from Budge get t Line (Actual) ual) (Budge get) (Propos osed) ed) 2014-2015 Curriculum Supplies and $35,154.72 $35,991 $4,000 ($31,991) Materials 11-190-100-610-060-000 Curriculum Resources $113,058.95 $99,116 $50,355 ($48,761) 11-190-100-640-060-000 Curriculum Writing $5,676.00 $11,798 $31,350 $19,552 11-190-100-106-999-030 Assessment $1,064.00 $190 $370 $180 11-190-100-610-060-628 Handbook/Calendar $2,480 $2,155 --- ($2,155) 11-190-100-610-060-638 PD - in-service --- --- $50,000 $50,000 11-000-223-320-020-000 PD - workshops --- --- $12,000 $12,000 11-000-223-320-035-018 Totals $157,433.67 $149,250 $148,075 ($1,175)
Spec ecial ial Ser ervice ices O Continu ntinuum m of services vices. The range of services which must be available to the students of a school district so that they may be served in the least restrictive environment. ( ) O O Incl clusion usion: Term used to describe services that place students with disabilities in general education classrooms with appropriate support services. Student may receive instruction from both a general education teacher and a special education teacher. ( ) O O Respons sponse e to Inter erven enti tion on (RTI) is a multi-tier approach to the early identification and support of students with learning and behavior needs. The RTI process begins with high-quality instruction and universal screening of all children in the general education classroom. ( ) O
2013-14 14 2014-15 5 2015-16 16 Account ount Ex Expende ended Bud udge geted ed Bud udge get Differenc erence Supplies $24,815 $13,386 $25,000 $11,614 Purchased Professional Services $79,288 $79,748 $80,000 $252 ESY/Summer CST $77,890 $90,307 $91,000 $693 Tuition $8,029,337 $7,942,451 $7,080,092 $(612,359) TOTAL AL $8,2 ,211,330 330 $8,12 125,8 5,892 92 $7,2 ,276,0 6,092 2 $(599, 599,800 800)
Sta taffin ing o IEF 1 FTE = Music Teacher (new position) • 1 FTE = Full Time Special Area Teacher • (art/computers/library currently part-time) GBMS o 1 FTE = Music Teacher (Spanish/music currently • combined position) DISTRI RICT CT o 1.5 FTE = Maintenance/Custodial (currently short three • staff since 2012)
Positi sition on 2013-14 14 2014-15 15 2015-16 16 Di Diff. 7 7 7 0 Administrators 82 85 88 3 Instruction (Teachers) 20 21.5 21 -0.5 Aides (Instruction & Bus) Support Direct (CST, 9 9.5 9.5 0 Guidance, OT/SLT) Support (Dept. Sups., AA, 39 39 41.5 1.5 Tech., Drivers, Cust.s) Total al 157 162 166 4
For 2013-14 14 2014-15 15 Proposed posed Expend pended ed Budge geted ed 2015-16 16 + / /- Administrative Support $3,139,777 $3,403,999 $3,541,423 $137,424 Instruction $5,173,778 $5,422,495 $5,693,081 $270,586 Stipends $168,246 $206,225 $206,225 $0 Benefits $2,538,215 $3,157,985 $3,128,481 ($29,504) TOTAL AL $11,020,016 $12,190,704 $12,569,210 $378,506
Technology What’s In ? What’s Out? Licensing Classroom sets of Microsoft Chromebooks Updated computer Spam filter labs Antivirus Upgraded Internet & Configuration web filter Document cameras tools for classrooms VMWare Google Vault e- Rosetta Stone discovery
2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 DIFF. Computer Services 52,875 82,415 54,920 54,570 (350) Computer Supplies 42,333 24,500 29,000 22,000 (7,000) New Equipment 250,719 141,000 152,295 163,300 11,005 Software 28,817 26,200 36,000 21,050 (14,950) Tech Purchased Services 81,994 79,650 98,900 119,550 20,650 Technology Services 48,300 13,000 12,500 6,900 (5,600) Wiring 0 3,000 6,000 0 (6,000) TOTAL 505,038 369,765 389,615 387,370 (2,245)
Transportation Capi pital Outla lay Proje ject cted ed Reven enue 54 Passenger O 2014-15 O Projected $83,000 School Bus O 2014-15 Fund 12 - $ 95,000 O Current $91,937 O 2015-16 O Projected $100,000
LINE ITEM ITEM 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 Increa rease/ DESCR CRIPT IPTION ION ACTUAL BUDGET ET PRO ROPOSE SED Decreas rease e SPENT 2014-15/ 2015-16 16 270-390-070 Purch Prof & Tech $3,820 $8,275 $8,275 $0 Services 270-503-070 AIL-NP $65,535 $72,000 $72,000 $0 270-513-070 SCESC Spec-Ed $58,640 $30,000 $30,000 $0 Out of District 270-610-070 Office Supplies $325 $250 $250 $0 270-615-070 Trans Supplies $177,312 $165,000 165,000 $0 Vehicle Parts/Fuel 270-593-030 Trans Misc Purch $16,904 $25,000 $25,000 $0 Services 270-515-070 Spec Ed Other $23,321 $11,930 $25,000 $13,070 Parent Contract Vehicle $70,656 $63,000 $75,000 $12,000 270-420-070 Repairs Total $416,513 $375,455 $400,525 $25,070
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