Good Nutrition – Key to Healthy Children A multi-country school nutrition intervention in SEA: Malaysia experience Prof Dr Norimah A Karim On behalf of Malaysia Technical Committee of GNKHC Multi-country initiative of Implemented in Malaysia by 34 th Scientific Conference of Nutrition Society of Malaysia 3 July 2019
2 Part A: INTRODUCTION - Programme owner: SEA-PHN Network - Implementation partner: NSM - About GNKHC 2
3 About SEA-PHN Network Southeast Asia Public Health Nutrition (SEA-PHN) Network comprises of five nutrition societies in Southeast Asia (Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand dan Vietnam), and dedicated to promoting public health nutrition among the population and alleviating nutrition problems in the region. Food and Nutrition Society of Nutrition Society of Malaysia Nutrition Foundation of the Nutrition Association Vietnam Nutrition Indonesia Philippines, Inc of Thailand Association under the Patronage of Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn 3
4 Activities of SEA-PHN Network Dedicated Website Network Meetings Food-Based Dietary Guidelines of Southeast Asian Countries NPAN of SEA countries – Programme GNKHC a review 1st SEA-PHN conference 4
5 GNKHC programme A multi-country nutrition education programme for school- going children , conducted by teachers , utilising a specially designed nutrition teaching module developed by members of the SEA-PHN Network. In Malaysia , GNKHC programme is conducted by the Nutrition Society of Malaysia (NSM) in two selected schools ( SK Padang Jawa & SK Puchong ) with the permission of Ministry of Education Malaysia. 5
6 - GNKHC 6
7 Rationale of GNKHC Programme (1) • Malnutrition is a serious public health problem in Southeast Asian countries, including Malaysia. • The double burden of malnutrition: - Undernutrition (eg stunting and underweight; anaemia) - Overnutrition (eg overweight and obesity) • Malnutrion also exists amongst school children in Malaysia: o Research by NSM and other researchers showed that more than 30% of students experienced overweight and obesity: - The rates were almost similar amongst students in primary and secondary school students. o 7% of students experienced stunting and deficiencies of iron, Vitamin A and Vitamin D . 7
8 Rationale of GNKHC Programme (2) • There are many negative effects associated with undernutrition , particularly for school students, i.e. they may not be able to achieve optimum growth. • Overweight and obesity are the factors leading to nutrition-related non- communicable diseases (NCDs) such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer in the future. • Malnutrition will affect the students’ ability to learn and subsequently affect their academic performance . • The two main causes of these nutrition-related problems are unhealthy eating and sedentary lifestyles. • These two factors can be prevented through nutrition education from young, i.e. amongst primary school children. 8
9 Rationale of GNKHC Programme (3) • Thus, it is imperative to take prevention measures starting from a young age , i.e. to provide nutrition education to school children To decrease the prevalence of overweight and obesity • Implementation of the nutrition education module previously (by various parties including NSM) has been proven to be effective in improving the nutritional knowledge of students. • The SEA-PHN Network is conducting a multi-country nutrition education initiative, namely GNKHC to empower students with knowledge about healthy eating and an active lifestyle. To ensure that the growth and development, as well as the learning potential of the students are achieved 9
10 Goal of GNKHC To empower school children with appropriate nutrition knowledge to enable them to adopt healthier eating habits and be physically active. Object ctives o s of GNK GNKHC HC 1. To improve children’s knowledge, attitude & practice (KAP) on diet & physical activity. 2. To increase awareness of parents on the importance of healthy eating and active living among school children. 3. To emphasise to health and education authorities the importance of improving nutrition knowledge of school children. 4. To encourage schools and national nutrition societies to utilise the SEA- PHN Network nutrition module for future promotion to other school children. 10
12 Components of GNKHC programme 2. Roll-out of 1. Training-of-Trainers nutrition education Nutrition Workshop /lessons • 2-day training session • 9 lessons • For selected teachers • For Year 3 students • Led by Nutritionists • To be completed in one appointed by NSM year • 30-45 minutes per lesson • To be conducted during physical education class 12
13 Teaching Materials of the GNKHC Nutrition Module For each school For each teacher Parents’ Consent Form Teacher’s Guidebook Student’s Workbook Gantt Chart Pre-lesson & Post-lesson KAP Survey Form Student Attendance Form Student’s Feedback Form CD (Teaching Slides and & Interactive Activity Slides of Topic 9) Parent’s Leaflet Materials for interactive activities Parent’s Feedback Form Teacher’s Feedback Form 13
14 Topics in GNKHC Nutrition Module Topic 1 The Healthy Way of Eating: From Pyramid to Plate Topic 2 Be Active, Be Healthy Topic 3 Cereals, Cereal Products & Tubers for Energy Topic 4 Veggies & Fruits for Health Topic 5 Protein Foods Make You Grow Stronger Topic 6 Limit Fats, Sugar & Salt for Health Topic 7 Choose Safe and Healthy Foods especially when Eating Out Topic 8 Use Food Labels for Healthier Food Choices Topic 9 Review: Eat Smart and Be Active 14
15 For the Teacher: 1. Teacher‘s Guidebook • There are 9 topics in teacher‘s guidebook. • Teaching materials for each topic use specific color theme. 15
16 Content in Teacher’s Guidebook Each topic consists of: Objectives, Preparations, Teaching Slides with Notes Answer Scheme Feedback Form Activities Flow, Evaluation 16
17 For the Teacher: 2. Interactive Activities Material There are interactive activities for each topic. Topi pic 1: 1: The H Health thy W Way o of Eati ting: F From Pyramid t to Plate Activity 1: Build Your Food Pyramid Activity 2: Healthy Plate Folding Card Game Cards (31 pieces) 17
18 Topi pic 3: 3: Cer ereals, C s, Cer ereal P Produ ducts s Topi pic 2: 2: Be Ac e Active, e, & Tube & T bers for E Energy Be Hea e Healthy Activity: From Farm to Table Circuit-Training Activity Jumping rope (3) Game Cards (8 pieces) Folding Card 18
19 Topi pic 4: 4: Veg eggi gies & s & Fr Frui uits f for Hea Health Activity: Veggies & Fruits Riddles Game Cards (8 pieces) Folding Card 19
20 Topi pic 5: 5: Prot otein F Food oods M Make Y You ou Grow S Stron onger Activity: Food Bingo Game Cards (5 pieces) 20
21 Topi pic 6: 6: Limit F t Fats ts, S Sugar & & Salt f t for Health th Activity: Food Investigator Game Game Cards (17 pieces) 21
22 Topi pic 7: 7: Cho hoose se S Safe a e and nd Hea Healthy F Foods es ds espe pecially w when hen Eating ng O Out Activity: My Smart Menu Choices Game Cards 22
23 Topi pic 8: 8: Use F Food ood L Labels f for or Healthier r Food ood C Choi oices Activity: Detective of Food Packaging Label Folding Card Game Cards (7 pieces) 23
24 Topi pic 9: 9: Review: E Eat S Smart a and nd B Be e Ac Active Activity: Eat Smart and Be Active Quiz Game Cards (2 pieces) Quiz Slides (saved in CD ) 24
25 For the Teacher: 3. Teaching Slide PowerPoint file for teaching slides of 9 topics will be saved in CD. 25
26 For the Student: 1. Student’s Workbook • There are 1-2 worksheets to be completed after the lesson for each topic. • Each workbook consists of: Learning Slides Worksheet 26
27 For the Parent: 1. Leaflets • 8 GNKHC nutrition leaflets will be provided to parents so that they will understand what their children have learned in school. • Teacher will distribute the leaflets for students after each lesson. 27
28 Customisation of the module The English module lessons (master version) was translated to Bahasa Malaysia, to be used in National Schools ( Sekolah Kebangsaan) 28 28
29 SUMMARY OF GNKHC Training-of-Trainers Nutrition Workshop (30 & 31 May) Roll-out of nutrition education/lessons in school (Jun – Sep) 1. Pre-lesson KAP Survey Roll-out of nutrition 1. Post-lesson KAP Survey 2. Measurement of weight lessons (9 Topics) 2. Measurement of weight and height and height Introduction Interactive Education Practice Session Session Session Session 29
30 PART C: Pictorial Report of GNKHC 2018 - Malaysia experience - 30
31 Implementation Schedule School 1: School 2: SK Padang Jawa SK Puchong TOT workshop 30 & 31 May 2018 30 & 31 May 2018 Pre-activity KAP survey 11 Jul 2018 27 Jun 2018 Roll-out of nutrition Jul – Nov 2018 Jun – Oct 2018 education/lessons in schools Post-activity KAP survey 15 Nov 2018 21 Nov 2018 31
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