global agm frankfurt germany

Global AGM, Frankfurt, Germany Maxine Brock, Oct 2017 UK & - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Marketing update Global AGM, Frankfurt, Germany Maxine Brock, Oct 2017 UK & Ireland North America Europe Middle East & North Africa Latest developments Website Africa Asia Latin America Australasia UK & Ireland North

  1. Marketing update Global AGM, Frankfurt, Germany Maxine Brock, Oct 2017

  2. UK & Ireland North America Europe Middle East & North Africa Latest developments Website Africa Asia Latin America Australasia

  3. UK & Ireland North America Europe Middle East & North Africa Latest developments Branding Africa Asia Latin America Australasia

  4. Member firm marketing 2017 Vast majority actively promote & talk about membership on their firm website 2014 A third of members explain who MGI is on their firm website

  5. MGI-prefix firm branding 2017 Now almost 50% of network members do 2014 36% of members use the MGI-prefix brand as part of their firm name

  6. Rules for MGI-prefix firms & new opportunities Marketing update

  7. Why not try … . “Yes! … this is our international division”

  8. UK & Ireland North America Europe Middle East & North Africa Latest developments Communication Africa Asia Latin America Australasia

  9. There are many ways of reaching, communicating and interacting with fellow members and clients

  10. The power of positive contact Clients The more positive F e l l o w contact, the easier it m e m b e r s is to develop and f f a t s sustain relationships r u o Y and, ultimately do Potential Clients business together

  11. Case studies – we want your stories! The power of case studies - what B2B buyers value and trust most online.

  12. International webinars – get involved!

  13. Global Practice Groups – start one!

  14. UK & Ireland North America Europe Middle East & North Africa My three marketing principles Africa Asia Latin America Australasia

  15. My three guiding principles 1 . B e c o n s i s t e n t e v i t c a e B . 2 3. Be inclusive

  16. Thank You!

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