getting to design

Getting to Design Treasure, Turf and Turmoil: The Dirty Dynamics of - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Getting to Design Treasure, Turf and Turmoil: The Dirty Dynamics of Land and Natural Resource Conflict Presenter: Diane Russell June, 2011 Assessment findings Define connectors Assessment Should show links should pinpoint to indirect

  1. Getting to Design Treasure, Turf and Turmoil: The Dirty Dynamics of Land and Natural Resource Conflict Presenter: Diane Russell June, 2011

  2. Assessment findings Define connectors Assessment Should show links should pinpoint to indirect • Actors direct drivers of drivers and • Institutions (incl. LTPR institutions, laws, etc.) conflict and poor enabling • Characteristics of NRM conditions natural resources (TB, fugitive, high value)

  3. Causal model • Assessment findings used to describe sectoral and systemic connections • Causal model is a systems model • Shows how factors impact final target condition • It can be rough or refined • One tool for discussion and integration Factors Factors Factors Final target condition

  4. Mau Forest Causal Model--DIRECT Corruption and ethnic politics Fragmented Contested governance property rights and terrain Deforestation and Poor NRM

  5. Climate Change Weather variability/ LTPR drought reforms Water levels Displacement Farmer & forest user groups National and Corruption local power Loss of Forest Interethnic Customary dynamics forest Policy peace-building institutions cover Interethnic struggle LTPR systems Status of and Government Habitat loss policies institutions and Natural Improved fragmentation markets Resources Resettlement policy Inability to invest Market Private Degraded productively dynamics sector water Forest co- NGOs & resources management educational institutions Direct Stakeholder S tressors /Ena Driving factors impacts bling conditions institutions

  6. Theory of Change • Associates actors and actions with drivers in the causal model • Creates development hypothesis (if…then) If… Then…

  7. Mau Forest Causal Model Politicians If If local Corruption and displacement confidence in ethnic politics is LTPR… Contested Ethnic minimized… LTPR groups Fragmented Displaced governance NRM and EG populations and terrain Conflict will will improve be mitigated Deforestation and Poor NRM Natural Investment resource Private managers sector EG??

  8. Stakeholder and actor mapping Building on Mapping Engaging networks and stakeholders stakeholders connections 8

  9. Where do we need to work? Depict causal relations and actors on physical map showing characteristics of natural resources

  10. Results Framework • Final target condition = AO • IRs address driving factors and reflect key actions needed to achieve AO as postulated in Theory of Change • Link back on one hand to direct threats AND to enabling conditions and stressors through causal model (sustainability of result) • Needs a clear approach to engaging stakeholders

  11. PROMARA RF Ethnic groups collaborate Improved NRM in targeted areas LTPR Displacement strengthened avoided or for resource mitigated managers

  12. Summary points Use assessment findings to map system relations Define target/objective Develop theory of change Use causal map to craft Results Framework Next step: Activities and Sequencing


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