geoglam global agricultural monitoring global

GEOGLAM, Global Agricultural Monitoring Global Agricultural - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

GEOGLAM, Global Agricultural Monitoring Global Agricultural Monitoring M ichel Deshayes, GEO, GEOGLAM Coordinator for the Agricultural Community of Practice GEO, Group GEO, Group on on Earth Earth Observations Observations Created in

  1. GEOGLAM, Global Agricultural Monitoring Global Agricultural Monitoring M ichel Deshayes, GEO, GEOGLAM Coordinator for the Agricultural Community of Practice

  2. GEO, Group GEO, Group on on Earth Earth Observations Observations Created in 2005, to develop a coordinated and sustained Global Earth Global Earth Observation Observation System System of System of System s s (GEOSS) to (GEOSS) to enhance decision m aking in nine Societal Benefit Areas (SBAs) GEO today: - 90 Members - 67 Participating - 67 Participating Organizations

  3. A A Global, Coordinated, Com Global, Coordinated, Com prehensive and prehensive and Sustained System of Observing System s GEOSS

  4. • Im prove and Coordinate Observation System s • Foster Increased • Foster Increased Use Use of EO of EO Data Data & & Inform Inform ation ation • Build • Build Capacity Capacity • Advance Broad Open Data Policies/Practices

  5. GEOGLAM - Global Agricultural Monitoring W W hy hy ? ?

  6. Recent volatility of Agricultural Prices (1/2) (1/2) Monthly Wheat Prices 1960 - 2011($/ Metric T on) Source: World Bank 2008 Price hikes 2008 Price hikes Droughts: Australia & Ukraine 2010/11 Price hikes 2010/11 Price hikes Drought: Russia 1971/2 ’s price hike 1971/2 ’s price hike Drought: Russia Landsat 1 Launched ( 1972 ) Nominal wheat price in US $/metric Ton

  7. The The G20 G20 Agriculture Agriculture Priority Priority (2011) (2011) G20 Final Declaration –Cannes, Novem ber 2011 • 44. We commit to im prove m arket inform ation and transparency in order to make international markets for agricultural commodities in order to make international markets for agricultural commodities m ore effective. To that end, we launched: • The "Agricultural M arket Inform ation System " (AM IS) in Rome on September 15, 2011, to to improve information on markets ...; improve information on markets ...; • The "Global Agricultural Geo -m onitoring Initiative" (GEOGLAM ) in Geneva on September 22 - 23, 2011. This initiative will coordinate satellite monitoring observation systems in different regions of the world satellite monitoring observation systems in different regions of the world in order to enhance crop production projections… 7/30

  8. 2011: The 2011: The G20 G20 Agriculture Agriculture Priority Priority GEOGLAM & AMIS • T wo initiatives to increase inform ation availability , quality and transparency : GEOGLAM : improve information on supply (GEO) GEOGLAM : improve information on supply (GEO) GEO - GLAM AMIS : improve information on markets (FAO) Supply Prices Demand Politicies Finance Finance Stocks Trade UNITED NATIONS HLTF Food Security AMIS AMIS

  9. C#1 –Crop C#1 –Crop M M onitor –AM onitor –AM IS IS countries countries

  10. Production Production & & Exports of AM Exports of AM IS IS m m em em bers bers Maize production Soybean production Wheat production 2012 – 2014 average 2012 – 2014 average 2012 – 2014 average Wheat Exports Soybean Exports Rice Exports Maize Exports 2012 – 2014 average 2012 – 2014 average 2012 – 2014 average 2012 – 2014 average

  11. GEOGLAM Activities 3 3 Pillars + Pillars + 3 3 Cross Cutting Components Cross Cutting Components Agricultural Meteorological Earth Observation Expertise Expertise Expertise (CEOS) (GEO CoP , FAO) (GEO CoP , FAO) (WMO) (WMO) Satellite / ground data / models Satellite / ground data / models 1. GLOBAL/ REGIONAL 2. NATIONAL CAPACITY 3. MONITORING COUNTRIES SYSTEM OF SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT AT RISK Main producer countries, main Main producer countries, main for agricultural monitoring for agricultural monitoring Food security assessment Food security assessment crops using Earth Observation 4. EO DATA COORDINATION 4. EO DATA COORDINATION 5. METHOD IMPROVEMENT through R&D coordination (JECAM) 6. Data, products and INFORMATION DISSEMINATION Stakeholders Governments AMIS FAO

  12. GEOGLAM Com ponent #1 Global Agricultural Monitoring Global Agricultural Monitoring

  13. GEOGLAM Activities • Main Pillar #1 activities – Crop Monitor: Coordinated Global Crop Assessments (4 main crops, ~30 main producers) • Monthly operational report to AMIS (G - 20 Agricultural Market Information System, with • Monthly operational report to AMIS (G - 20 Agricultural Market Information System, with secretariat hosted at FAO ) • Synthesizes monitoring activities and provides consensus global crop assessments (Coordinated by UMD (Coordinated by UMD with NASA support) with NASA support) • Participating Agencies include: – USDA NASS ( National Agricultural Statistics Service ) & FAS ( Foreign Agricultural Service ) – EC - JRC MARS ( Monitoring Agricultural Resources ) & Agri4Cast ( Agricultural Forecasts ) – China: RADI - CAS CropWatch – Russia IKI - VEGA ( Satellite based service for vegetation monitoring ) – India: NCFC - FASAL ( Forecasting Agriculture using Space, Agro - met. & Land based observations ) & NADAMS ( National Agricultural Drought Assessment & Monitoring System ) & NADAMS ( National Agricultural Drought Assessment & Monitoring System ) – Canada: NCMS ( National Crop Monitoring System )… – Brazil: CONAB GeoSafras – Japan + ASEAN + China + India : ASIA - RiCE project – Japan + ASEAN + China + India : ASIA - RiCE project – Other countries: Australia, Mexico, Argentina, South Africa…

  14. Exam Exam ple ple of Crop of Crop Crisis Crisis Situation: 2012 Situation: 2012 (1/4) (1/4) 2012 Northern Hemisphere Crop NDVI Anomalies (UMD) NDVI Non Cropland Non Cropland Worse than Worse than Not shown on - going Average average situation year normal year 14 /

  15. Exam Exam ple ple of Crop of Crop Crisis Crisis Situation: 2012 Situation: 2012 (3/4) (3/4) Northern Hemisphere Crop NDVI Anomalies - August 13th 2012 Canada Canada Russia Ukraine Kazakhstan USA China China India Non Cropland Not shown Spring Wheat Spring Wheat Spring Wheat Winter Wheat/ Corn Corn/ anomaly Soy Average anomaly normal year anomaly anomaly anomaly anomaly on - going year Current season crop development (2012) Average season development (2000 - 2011) 15

  16. GEOGLAM GEOGLAM Crop Crop Monitor Assessm Monitor Assessm ent Interface ent Interface Enables comparison among relevant datasets (global, regional and national), by crop type and accounting for crop calendars; enables crop condition labeling and commenting to reflect national expert assessments 16

  17. Asia-RiCE Asia-RiCE –Asian –Asian Rice M Rice M onitoring onitoring • A multi - national project led by Japan (JAXA), • A multi - national project led by Japan (JAXA), with collaborations in ASEAN+3 countries and India • A regional view using agro - meteorological data derived from low resolution optical satellite imagery derived from low resolution optical satellite imagery (MODIS, GCOM - W, TRMM and others) • A local view to estimate rice crop area and production using rice crop area and production using available radar and other satellite data with ground observation data and statistical information (test - sites in Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam) 17

  18. GEOGLAM GEOGLAM Crop Crop M M onitor in onitor in AM AM IS IS M M arket M arket M onitor onitor September October November December Operational GEOGLAM Global Crop Condition Assessments published monthly within the Assessments published monthly within the G- 20 AMIS Market Monitor Bulletin

  19. GEOGLAM GEOGLAM activities activities • Main Pillar #2 – Capacity Building – On - going national projects – On - going national projects • Argentina (INTA - UMD - NASA) • Pakistan (CRS – SUPARCO – FAO - UMD – NASA) • Ukraine (IKD – HydroMet - EC) • South Africa (NEOSS – ARS)… • Main Pillar #3 – Countries at Risk – On - going international monitoring Projects • FAO GIEWS ( Global Information & Early Warning System ) • US FEWSNET ( Famine Early Warning System ) • EC MARS Food Security Bulletins • China CropWatch Drought & Food security activities… • China CropWatch Drought & Food security activities… • Cross Cutting Com ponent R&D – JECAM – Objective: to reach a convergence of approaches , develop monitoring & reporting protocols and best practices for a variety of global agricultural systems and best practices for a variety of global agricultural systems – About 40 test - sites on all continents!

  20. GEOGLAM Com ponent #2 Capacities Capacities Building Building

  21. Com ponent#2-Capacity Building ex. Pakistan: Strengthening Provincial Capacity (collaboration (collaboration between USDA, FAO, SUPARCO, CRS between USDA, FAO, SUPARCO, CRS Pakistan, & Pakistan, & UM UM D) D) Training Workshops

  22. GEOGLAM Com ponent #3 Countries Countries at risk at risk

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