Gemma Roxburgh Acting Headteacher Wadhurst CE Primary School
Background: 2017-2018: • Head of School at Hamsey Community Primary, near Lewes. • Seconded by ESCC to Wadhurst CE Primary School September 2018. Wadhurst: • Headteacher on long term sick leave since February 2018. • Deputy Headteacher covered the Acting Head Role until September 2018 with the support of an Executive Head 2 days per week. • Deputy wanted to go back into the classroom from September. • Ofsted window open. 2018-2019: • Head of School secondment (initially until Christmas). • Executive Headteacher supervised school 1 day per week until Christmas. • Building works over the holidays- whole school had been cleared and had to be put back together. Children back into school on Thursday 6 th September (Reception Monday 10 th September). Ofsted call – Tuesday 11 th September!
Deputy Head in Maidstone – Peer Review training. Executive Head at Bodiam. Call – 11.30am to the Office from Inspection Support Team to inform S8 Inspection. Composed myself, loaded up the website and then called back. Gave instructions to office to get Deputy/Executive Head into school asap! 12.00 – Inspection document received from Ofsted – Confirmed Inspector details and given guidance and documents: • parent letter template and guidance letter to governors • The Call! • provider notification Informed: Governors. Cancelled FGB that evening. • County (Claire Roberts) and Diocese. • • Staff via lunchtime gathering.
12.30 – Ofsted Inspector phone call. Shared information about current structure. An up to date • website is very useful! SDP and SEF sent via Provider Portal. • Confirmed arrangements including time of arrival, allocated parking • space, room and refreshment requirements. Draft timetable received as a follow up to call. •
Preparation: • Ensured staff were feeling as good as they could! • Checked learning environments. • Went through draft SDP with SLT and then submitted a copy to Ofsted and governors. • Ensured surveys were sent out to parents/staff. • Checked diary for any meetings that needed to be rescheduled. • Class timetables collated. • Inspector requested specific data re make up of school e.g. whole school lists gender/disadvantaged/SEN/EAL. • Gathered books and prepared staff for subject leader interviews… • Document check – ensured we had evidence: T and L monitoring Behaviour records External visit reports SCR check DSL files Attendance information Governor files
On the day: Early arrival, brief meeting with Inspector and tour of school. Meet staff. Check SCR. Talk to parents on the gate. Self-evaluation meeting. Lesson drop ins and progress discussions. Behaviour, safeguarding and attendance meeting. Observing pupils at lunch time and hearing readers. KIT meetings. Work scrutiny with subject leaders. Meet governors/LA
Meeting at 5.30pm to discuss draft report. Kept up to speed Inspector, governors, LA throughout the day and Diocese via KIT meetings = representatives were no surprises! present. Sense of achievement and exhaustion! Shared with staff that we were staying with a 1 day inspection and they could go home. Treated staff to a shared lunch and bubbles the following day!
What happens next?
No chance!
Discuss and edit SEF/SDP to reflect the inspection recommendations. Complete Ofsted processes – get the report from draft to the public. Reiterate the message to staff that this is just the beginning of the next journey.
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