Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Ge Geor orgia gia Ch Char arter ter Schools hools Tit itle le I, , Part t A & T Tit itle le II, I, Part t A Sherri Minshew Carly Covic Ambler Georgia Department of Education Georgia Department of Education Federal Programs School Improvement Department Title I, Part A Area Specialist Title II, Part A Program Manager 770-324-1965 404-623-9599 Dr. Randy Phillips Georgia Department of Education Federal Programs Title I, Part A Program Manager 404-693-6666 (cell) 404-463-1955 (office) 01.26.2017 1
Tit itle le I, Par art t A Prog ogram am Cont Co ntact act Inf nforma ormation tion Richard Woods, Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” “Educating Georgia’s Future” Area Name Office Email Telephone 1 Robyn Planchard (404) 985-3808 2 Sherri Minshew (770) 324-1965 3 Anthony Threat (706) 615-0367 4 Anne Marie Wiseman TBA TBA 5 Judy Alger (229) 321-9305 6 Grace McElveen (912) 334-0802 7 Jabra Hardin Fuller (229) 563-6269 01.26.2017 2
Tit itle le I, Par art t A Prog ogram am Cont Co ntact act Inf nforma ormation tion Richard Woods, Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” “Educating Georgia’s Future” Area Name Office Email Telephone 8 Marijo Pitts-Sheffield (912) 269-1216 9 Kathy Pruett (706) 540-8959 10 Elaine Dawsey (478) 971-0114 11 Olufunke Osunkoya (678) 704-3557 12 Bobby Trawick (229) 246-1976 13 Clarice Howard (470) 230-1533 14 Tammy Wilkes (478) 237-2873 01.26.2017 3
Map an and Specialists ecialists Richard Woods, Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” “Educating Georgia’s Future” Carly Ambler Saralyn Barkley Sharon Brown Pam Daniels Chris Leonard Greg Petersen Terri Still Elizabeth Zipperer 01.26.2017 4
SCSC C New Cha harter ter Schools hools Ch Char arter ter Sc School hool Wai aiver ers Richard Woods, Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” “Educating Georgia’s Future” Charter schools and systems are subject to all provisions outlined in O.C.G.A. 20-2-2065(b). In particular, charter schools may not waive state laws or State Board of Education rules pertaining to health and safety, funding formulas, or accountability provisions. In addition, charter schools may not waive any aspect of Federal law. This includes the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (including Title I, Part A), the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), and all applicable civil rights legislation. 01.26.2017 5
SCSC C New Cha harter ter Schools hools Elig El igibility ibility Richard Woods, Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” “Educating Georgia’s Future” Title I, Part A Title II, Part A • Fund instructional staff • Fund teachers, based on the identified principals and other needs of students school leaders through professional learning • This may include (but and targeted not limited to) recruitment and instructional supplies, retention computer equipment • Funds may not be used and software for student materials 01.26.2017 6
SCSC C New Cha harter ter Schools hools Elig El igibility ibility Richard Woods, Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” “Educating Georgia’s Future” Title I, Part A Title II, Part A • All LEAs Eligible- • All LEAs Eligible – Allocations based on Allocations based on population and poverty population and poverty • LEA sets threshold for • Allocations may stay at school eligibility – LEA level or may be allocations are made to schools distributed to schools • Schools must begin as a Targeted Assistance Program 01.26.2017 7
Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent Targeted Assistance Program “Educating Georgia’s Future” Identify Your Academic Needs As a School Write a Title I Plan (Refer to TA Checklist) Develop Multi- Create Determine Criteria, Academic- Serve ONLY Rank Order Listing Cut-Off based Selection Identified Students of ALL Students (What $$ will allow) Process Evaluate Annually 01.26.2017 8
SC SCSC SC Ne New Ch Char arter ter Sc Schoo hools ls Availa ailability bility of of ESSA A Fu Fund nds Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” 27 Months of Availability 15 Months 12 Months State and July 1 Jan July 1 Sept 30 Jan July 1 Sept 30 Local Fiscal Year 2017 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 End of Initial Period of Grantees May Funds Availability Carry Over Become Funds Until This Completion Report Available To Time Submitted to GaDOE LEAs
SCSC C New Cha harter ter Schools hools Bas asics ics - Sup uppl plement ement Richard Woods, Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” “Educating Georgia’s Future” The amount of federal funds used for Title I and Title II programs must be supplemental to the amount of state and local funds the school receives Federal Funds General State and Local Funds 01.26.2017 10
SCSC SC SC Ne New Ch Char arter ter Sc Schoo hools ls Sup upple plement ment Not ot Sup upplant plant Richard Woods, Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” “Educating Georgia’s Future” • All federal fund expenditures or activities must be above and beyond (supplement) what is required by state or local regulation. • Ask yourself . . . Would I have to do this if federal funds were not available? If the answer is yes . . . Then using federal funds would be considered supplanting – This is not good! 01.26.2017 11
SC SCSC SC Ne New w Ch Charter ter Sc Scho hools ols The he Rol ole e of of EM EMOs Richard Woods, Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” “Educating Georgia’s Future” The charter school’s governing board has the decision making authority, NOT the educational management organization (EMO). EMO representatives cannot sit on the governing board of a charter school, as this presents a conflict of interest. REMINDER EMOs do not approve your plans or budgets! EMO intervention could violate your charter! 01.26.2017 12
SC SCSC SC Ne New Ch Char arter ter Sc Schoo hools ls Next xt Ste teps ps Richard Woods, Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” “Educating Georgia’s Future” • Required Notification for Federal Programs • A charter school that is newly opening or significantly expanding its enrollment must provide, in writing to the State educational agency (SEA) or local educational agency (LEA), by March 1 of the preceding year the charter school plans to open or significantly expand. • If the charter school does not provide this timely notice, the SEA or LEA is relieved of most of its obligation to provide the federal funds within the five month period. • Notify DOE about enrollment data & poverty determination method • Ga DOE point of contact is Dr. Randy Phillips, Title I, Part A Program Manager, 404-463-1955 , 01.26.2017 13
SCSC SC SC Ne New Ch Char arter ter Sc Schoo hools ls Next xt Ste teps ps Richard Woods, Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” “Educating Georgia’s Future” • Required Planning for Federal Programs Comprehensive Needs Assessment • Convene required stakeholders – take advantage of existing meetings • LEA Charter Schools review data from primary attendance area provided by GaDOE – LEA-Approved Charters review CCRPI data from primary attendance area found on GaDOE website • Select school needs that align with attendance area needs and school priorities • Select Interventions that will complement staffing structure and program implementation 01.26.2017 14
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