gamma ray astronomy across 6 decades of energy synergy

Gamma-ray astronomy across 6 decades of energy: synergy between - PowerPoint PPT Presentation 2017-11-18T18:27:15+00:00Z Gamma-ray astronomy across 6 decades of energy: synergy between Fermi, IACTs, and HAWC Fermi MAGIC FACT VERITAS HAWC HESS C. Michelle Hui, NASA/MSFC 7th

  1. 2017-11-18T18:27:15+00:00Z Gamma-ray astronomy across 6 decades of energy: synergy between Fermi, IACTs, and HAWC Fermi MAGIC FACT VERITAS HAWC HESS C. Michelle Hui, NASA/MSFC 7th International Fermi Symposium Oct 18, 2017

  2. Gamma-Ray Observatories Wide Field of View, Continuous Operations Simulation Satellite Detector (CORSIKA) Extensive Air Shower (EAS) Detector TeV Sensitivity Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescope (IACT) c. michelle hui synergy between fermi, iacts, and hawc 2

  3. Gamma-Ray Observatories FOV sr deg GeV TeV Energy c. michelle hui synergy between fermi, iacts, and hawc 3

  4. Gamma-Ray Observatories FOV sr deg GeV TeV Energy c. michelle hui synergy between fermi, iacts, and hawc 3

  5. Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Pulsars X-ray Binaries Supernova Remnant Pulsars Wind Nebula Galactic Extragalactic Active Galactic Nuclei Starburst Galaxies Indirect Dark Matter Gamma-Ray Burst c. michelle hui synergy between fermi, iacts, and hawc 4

  6. GeV - TeV Sky Survey Ajello et al. ApJS 2017 SNRs and PWNe BL Lacs Unc. Blazars Other GAL Unassociated FSRQs Pulsars Other EGAL Unknown Extended Fermi-LAT count map 10 GeV — 2 TeV with >1500 objects in 84 months of data. c. michelle hui synergy between fermi, iacts, and hawc 5

  7. TeV Sky Survey Abeysekara et al. ApJ 2017 • HAWC TeV skymap in 17 months of data • 39 2HWC sources: 2 blazars, 5 UID off the Galactic plane. c. michelle hui synergy between fermi, iacts, and hawc 6

  8. Gamma-ray view of our Galaxy Fermi LAT 0.1 — 2 TeV, 7 years HESS >1TeV, 10 years HAWC 0.1—100 TeV, 1.5 year c. michelle hui synergy between fermi, iacts, and hawc 7

  9. within this area (known Galactic Plane extragalactic excluded): • 150 3FGL sources • 56 3FHL sources • 30 sources in the Galactic Plane (excluding Crab, Geminga, PSR B0656+14) • 16 likely associated with known TeV sources Talk by R. López-Coto. Mon, 16 Oct • 14 unassociated Abeysekara et al. ApJ 2017 c. michelle hui synergy between fermi, iacts, and hawc 8

  10. c. michelle hui synergy between fermi, iacts, and hawc Galactic Plane HESS, ICRC 2015 9

  11. � c. michelle hui oking for point-like emission (0 MAGIC, ICRC 2017 Preliminary synergy between fermi, iacts, and hawc Galactic Plane HESS, ICRC 2015 9

  12. � c. michelle hui oking for point-like emission (0 MAGIC, ICRC 2017 Preliminary synergy between fermi, iacts, and hawc Galactic Plane VERITAS ICRC 2017 HESS, ICRC 2015 9

  13. c. michelle hui synergy between fermi, iacts, and hawc Galactic Plane VERITAS ICRC 2017 (cocoon), pass 8 data residual of Cygnus region 2HWC J2031+415 Green HAWC Contours 2HWC J2020+403 HAWC, TeVPA 2017 Fe 2011 Ca th Fi si to Fi 10

  14. c. michelle hui confirmed by VERITAS . 2HWC J1953+294 VERITAS image (Nahee Park, ICRC 2017) Light pink contours: 1.4 GHz radio White contours: HAWC 5, 6, 7 standard deviations synergy between fermi, iacts, and hawc Galactic Plane NuSTAR 3-20 keV image (BKG-subtracted) • 3 sources detected: DA 495 is • 60 ksec of NuSTAR TeV source. only likely X-ray counterpart to observations on June 8 2017. 11

  15. c. michelle hui NuSTAR 3-20 keV image (BKG-subtracted) (no detection) PSR J1928+1746 – detected Only X-ray source synergy between fermi, iacts, and hawc Galactic Plane HESS, ICRC 2017 Rubén López-Coto - IC 12

  16. L c. michelle hui − 6 ◦ +0 ◦ +6 ◦ synergy between fermi, iacts, and hawc Galactic Plane HESS, ICRC 2015 13

  17. Galactic Plane Source Distribution 30 2HWC distribution 3FHL distribution peaks at |b|<2° 25 Number of Sources 20 15 10 5 0 − 1 . 0 − 0 . 5 0 . 5 1 . 0 0 sin b Galactic latitude distribution HGPS (ATNF subset) (SNRcat subset) (1FHL) se are observed distributions, 
 Good candidates for follow-up by pointing instruments. c. michelle hui synergy between fermi, iacts, and hawc 14

  18. Galactic Plane at >50 TeV 1deg extended map at >50 TeV preliminary Abeysekara et al. ApJ 2017 MGRO J2019+37 MGRO J1908+06 HESS J1843-033 HESS J1825-137 HESS J1808-204 HAWC, TeVPA 2017 c. michelle hui synergy between fermi, iacts, and hawc 15

  19. Large-scale structures e.g. Fermi Bubbles • Large scale, non-uniform structures extending above and below the Galactic center. • Edges line up with X-ray features. • Correlate with microwave excess (WMAP haze) • Both hadronic and leptonic model fit Fermi LAT data. Leptonic model can explain both gamma ray and microwave excess. NASA / DOE / Fermi LAT / D. Finkbeiner & others Credits: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center c. michelle hui synergy between fermi, iacts, and hawc 16

  20. Large-scale structures e.g. Fermi Bubbles • Hadronic model: • cosmic ray interacting with interstellar matter • hard to explain microwave haze • Leptonic model: • electron population produced by outflow from Galactic center, or reaccelerated inside the bubble • First limits in TeV, hard spectrum is highly unlikely. Abeysekara et al. ApJ 2017 Ackermann et al. ApJ (2014) c. michelle hui synergy between fermi, iacts, and hawc 17

  21. Galactic Diffuse Emission Ackermann et al. ApJ 2012 2 b [deg] Abramowski et al. 2014 1 0 -1 -420.02 -2 -284. l [deg] 60 40 20 0 -20 -40 -60 -9 10 × ] -1 20 sr -1 TeV 15 -1 10 s -2 Flux [cm 5 0 Diffuse contributions: -420 -400 -380 -360 -340 -320 -300 -9 10 × • Cosmic-ray interactions ] -1 sr 4 -1 • molecular clouds TeV 2 -1 s • interstellar gas -2 Flux [cm 0 • Inverse Compton -2 • Unresolved sources HAWC ICRC 2017 Ongoing work to model extended and multiple sources. c. michelle hui synergy between fermi, iacts, and hawc 18

  22. Extragalactic: Active Galactic Nuclei • “Blazar” Viewing down the jet h “Quasar/Seyfert 1” • • Majority (>1000) of 3FHL are associated with another galaxy Viewing at an angle to the jet rot • ~75 TeV AGNs ou • Topics: “Radio Galaxy/Seyfert 2” Viewing at 90 o from the jet Black Hole • flares Accretion Disk • extragalactic background light • intergalactic magnetic field • HAWC consistently detects and monitor Mrk 421 and Mrk 501, 
 Torus of Neutral and presented upper limits to 132 sources selected from 3FHL Gas and Dust with z<0.3 [ICRC 2017]. Radio Jet Image: Aurore Simonnet, Sonoma State University Joint monitoring with FACT example: Mrk 501 in April 2015 HAWC transient monitoring • rapid flare monitor: 2min — 10hr • fast rising flux from known blazars. • daily maps: ~6hr • flux in every point in all visible sky. c. michelle hui synergy between fermi, iacts, and hawc 19

  23. Transient Search: Gamma-Ray Bursts short GRB 160821B: M GRB 090510 Ackermann et al. ApJ 2010 MAGIC, ICRC 2017 � - Dedicated analyses, including ne Talk by S. Dichiara Tue, 17 Oct HAWC GRB 160821B • triggered GRB search: 0.2s — 300s • z=0.16 • external alerts, searching for temporal • MAGIC observed ~3 σ excess >500GeV and spatial coincidence. • exposure up to 4hr after T0. • centroid offset from nominal GRB • blind GRB-like search: 0.2s — 10s position. � • search entire FOV for burst events. • ~4 seconds online analysis latency 
 ➔ issue fast GRB and transients alerts. c. michelle hui synergy between fermi, iacts, and hawc 20

 Galactic Origin of IceCube Neutrinos? IceCube/HAWC, TeVPA 2017 s] 2 -9 2HWC Sources dN/dE [TeV / cm 10 Combined 2HWC Sources ! " -10 10 4yr IC86 discovery flux ! " 4yr IC86 sensitivity flux -11 10 2 E -12 10 -13 10 -14 10 All fluxes are ! " flux -15 Preliminary 10 -16 10 -1 2 3 4 10 10 10 10 1 10 E [TeV] ν 9 -8 10 s] 2 dN/dE [TeV / cm HAWC integral flux • PeVatrons producing pionic gamma rays up to 300 Google Earth 4 yr IceCube discovery flux -9 TeV and neutrinos up to 150 TeV. 
 10 4 yr IceCube sensitivity flux 2 -10 E 10 • Stacked analysis using 2HWC sources (excluding PWN) estimate HAWC Galactic plane emission -11 10 accounts for ~5% of IceCube all-sky flux. All fluxes are ! " flux -12 10 • Template analysis using HAWC flux map of Preliminary Galactic plane. -13 10 2 3 10 10 1 10 E [TeV] 11 ν c. michelle hui synergy between fermi, iacts, and hawc 22

  25. Fermi-GBM LIGO Follow-up Courtesy Caltech/MIT/LIGO Laboratory - < < + - < < + GCN 19156 Fermi-LAT GW151226: ´ - • 2015 Dec 26 03:38:53.6 UTC • z=0.09 +0.03 -0.04 HAWC FOV • 14.2M ⦿ + 7.5M ⦿ ➡ 20.8M ⦿ Best candidate p=0.08 post-trial Best candidate 9.98s after LIGO trigger • post-trial p-value 0.08, consistent with background. c. michelle hui synergy between fermi, iacts, and hawc 23 s < ) + ~ = ´ - - + + 2 - -

  26. Outlook Fermi MAGIC FACT Tibet AS- γ VERITAS LHAASO HAWC HESS CTA Southern Gamma-ray Observatory • The gamma-ray sky is currently well-monitored with good survey coverage. • Many instruments from different waveband/messenger (X rays, gamma rays, neutrinos, gravitational waves) available for simultaneous observations. • Both wide-field and pointing instruments in development and coming online in the next decade. c. michelle hui synergy between fermi, iacts, and hawc 24


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