FY 2018-19 & FY 2019-20 Budget Presentation Juvenile Probation Commission Meeting February 14, 2018 Juvenile Probation Department City and County of San Francisco
Mission • Identify and respond to risks and needs of each youth in the juvenile justice system • Hold youth accountable for their conduct while affording opportunities to develop pro-social skills • Engage in fiscally sound and culturally competent strategies that promote rehabilitation, strengthen families and enhance public safety 2
Organization 262 FTEs Juvenile Probation Chief Probation Officer Commission 1 FTE Executive Secretary III Secretary .5 FTE 1 FTE Administrative Assistant Chief Services 43.5 FTEs 1 FTE Probation Services Juvenile Hall Log Cabin Ranch 80 FTEs 107 FTEs 28 FTEs 3
Population Trends - Institutions Minimum Maximum Average Daily Juvenile Hall – Average Daily Population Population Count Count 1. FY 2014 (7/1/13 – 6/30/14) 60 37 85 2. FY 2015 (7/1/14 – 6/30/15) 45 29 64 3. FY 2016 (7/1/15 – 6/30/16) 42 24 61 4. FY 2017 (7/1/16 – 6/30/17) 41 22 69 5. FY 2018 year-to-date (7/1/17 – 12/31/17) 45 25 71 Average Daily Minimum Maximum Count Count Log Cabin Ranch – Average Daily Population Population 1. FY 2014 (7/1/13 – 6/30/14) 12 5 17 2. FY 2015 (7/1/14 – 6/30/15) 11 5 18 3. FY 2016 (7/1/15 – 6/30/16) 11 8 16 4. FY 2017 (7/1/16 – 6/30/17) 10 7 14 5. FY 2018 year-to-date (7/1/17 – 12/31/17) 12 9 14 NOTES 1. Data does nottable does not records sealed, which artificially reduces the actual population count. 2. Data sourse is JJIS Reports (case management system) 4
Budget Recommendations FY 2018-19 and FY 2019-20 Budget Reduction Targets Reduction Proposal 1 Reduction FTEs 3 Variance 2 Category Target $ Base Budget $ 32,583,360 $ 32,583,360 262.0 FY 2018- 19 Reduction (2-yr total $1,629,169) $ (814,584) $ (556,056) (4.0) $ (258,528) Balance $ 31,768,776 $ 32,027,304 258.0 Base Budget (adjusted for salary/benefit cost incr) $ 33,886,694 $ 33,886,694 258.0 FY 2019 - 20 Reduction (2-yr total $1,629,169) $ (814,585) $ (293,426) (2.0) $ (521,159) Balance $ 33,072,109 $ 33,593,268 256.0 1. $779,687 reduction shortfall vs $1,629,169 reduction target 2. 70.25 FTEs - Juvenile Hall Counselor positions prior to reductions (incls "as needed equivalencies" 3. 48.00 FTEs - Deputy Probation Officer positions prior to reductions (incls "as needed equivalencies" IMPACTS 1. Limits resources for programming for “ high need ” youth and complex cases. 2. Reduces staffing flexibility, increases use of Over Time, for population count changes, case composition changes and associated housing requirements. 3. Reduces staff resources necessary for program delivery of enhanced options 5 including vocational training and post-secondary education.
Overtime Utilization Over Time Utilization Probation Services Period Administration Juvenile Hall Log Cabin Ranch TOTAL FY 2017 $ 37,793.40 $ 847,068.50 $ 487,683.83 $ 108,741.21 $ 1,481,286.94 FY 2018 ytd $ 39,661.36 $ 599,204.57 $ 190,997.04 $ 147,484.13 $ 977,347.10 (13 PPs) FY 2018 YE Projection $ 79,322.72 $ 1,198,409.14 $ 381,994.08 $ 294,968.26 $ 1,954,694.20 IMPACTS 1. Coverage for mandatory training for Peace Officers 2. Coverage for vacations, medical leaves, workers compensation, etc. 3. Coverage for vacancies, special assignments, retirements, resignations, transfers, hospital detail, transport, etc.) 6
Juvenile Hall Staffing 1. Number of counselors “generally assigned” to each unit, and shift and/or unit scheduling process (i.e. school, sleeping, etc.). • Unit 1 - 2 staff 7-3 and 3-11 shifts • Unit 5 - 3 staff 7-3 and 2 or 3 3-11 depending on the count • Unit 6 - 3 staff 7-3 and 3-11 shift (currently 2 staff due to low count) • Unit 7 - 3 staff 7-3 and 3-11 shifts (currently one extra staff on Constant Watch youth) 2. Staffing ratio for each unit/major program area • 1 to 4 On Living Units and Gyms (with average count of 40 youth) • 2 to 5 + visitors in Visiting (MPR) • 1 to 2 in Medical • 2 to 5 in Unit 8 (school) • Transportation outside of facility averages twice per week 1 x 2 • SFGH Hospital coverage 1 x 2 • Central control 1 staff • Security Kiosk 1x staff 7
Budget Recommendations Budget Requests - Program Enhancements 1. Recognize $327,000 ongoing “restricted” Reentry Realignment revenue/expenditure appropriation ➢ Weekend Academies, Resource Center, Juvenile Hall - Post-Secondary Education Courses - Online Education options - Trade and Vocational Seminars - Vocational Certification Programs - Paid Internships and Employment Preparedness ➢ Tech Café (computer labs), Log Cabin Ranch - Post-Secondary Education Courses - Education and Homework Research - Vocational Training and Certification Programs ➢ Resource Family Program Enhancements - Online Face Time Services Use technology to increase and enhance family reunification, Child/Family team meetings, case planning, and parental engagement and involvement 8
Budget Recommendations Budget Requests - Automation 2. Recognize $72,500 “one - time restricted” Title IV -E Waiver Reinvestment revenue and expenditure appropriation ➢ Time Capture and Cost Allocation Automated Tool Automate JPD process to comply with federal and state requirements to capture time on eligible activities (in 15 minute increments) and associated staff cost, and allocated share of administration and overhead cost distributed to each program category: - Title IV-E programs - Foster Care related programs (Group Home Monthly Visits, Child Welfare Services Outcome Improvement) - Foster Parent Recruitment, Retention, and Support 9
Capital Requests FY 2018-2019 BUDGET CAPITAL REQUEST AND PRIORITIES Funding Principle Title Project Type Description Justification Priority Funding Principle FY 1 FY 2 Actual JUV Security One-Time Project Request to upgrade E - Enhancement $0.00 $0.00 1 Cameras exisiting security camera system in the Juvinile Justice Center. Project would result in newer, higher resolution, Internet Protocol (IP) cameras, which have the ability to record and store up to 13 months worth of video. Windows One-Time Project "The Juvenile Justice 12 ft glass window sheet are shattered and pose safety to R - Facility Renewal 2. Protects Life Safety $125,000.00 $0.00 2 Replacement at JJC Center, multi-purpose youth and staff who use the area of the multipurpose and Enhances room, has windows room on a regular basis. Resilience which need to be replaced. " 10
Capital Requests FY 2018-2019 BUDGET CAPITAL REQUEST AND PRIORITIES Funding Principle Title Project Type Description Justification Priority Funding Principle FY 1 FY 2 Actual Waste Water Plant One-Time Project Waste Water Plant and Potential safety hazard R - Facility Renewal 1. Addresses Legal or $175,000.00 $0.00 3 Motor and Me Mechanical System will Regulatory Mandate be upgraded at Log Cabin Ranch. JUV - Facilities Recurring Program "Annual facility The YGC Administration Building, YGC Service Building, 4 M - Maintenance 2. Protects Life Safety $490,500.00 $506,000.00 Maintenance maintenance and the various buildings at Log Cabin Ranch are very (Staff Use Only) and Enhances appropriation for the mature facilities and in serious need of repairs. The JPD Resilience JUV. Building Maintenance budget has not been increased or adjusted annually for the: • COLA increases passed on to JPD through Work Orders with DPW and PUC • Cost increases for contract services with external contractors and vendors (roof repairs, window replacements, security door repairs, etc.) • Cost increases for parts for industrial equipment (i.e. washers, dryers, refrigerators, boilers, fans, compressors, etc.) Unfunded needs for FY 2019 include: 1.� replacing the majority of door frames at LCR are rotted and in serious need of repair to ensure the safety and security of the youth in our custody and staff’ 2.� broken fire line at the JUV, 3 security door installation at the IT room 4. replacement of rotted doors at the LCR 5. roof pitch repair to stop water inflow of rain into the JJC facility 11
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