fusion for energy annual forum

Fusion for Energy Annual Forum Stavros Chatzipanagiotou ILO-EFLO - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Fusion for Energy Annual Forum Stavros Chatzipanagiotou ILO-EFLO Meeting Barcelona, 12 June 2014 FUSION FOR ENERGY FORUM The Context Many national/international events on fusion and ITER No true European event, many national events with

  1. Fusion for Energy Annual Forum Stavros Chatzipanagiotou ILO-EFLO Meeting Barcelona, 12 June 2014

  2. FUSION FOR ENERGY FORUM The Context  Many national/international events on fusion and ITER  No true European event, many national events with European participation  F4E is the key European player in ITER and fusion  F4E is the most important funding organisation for fusion energy  Many opportunities for work are still available and contracts/funding opportunities are in the horizon  Important to bring together different stakeholders, with emphasis on industry and EFLs Fusion for Energy Annual Forum, ILO-EFLO Meeting, 12 June 2014 2

  3. FUSION FOR ENERGY FORUM The Objectives  Present upcoming opportunities for industry, SMEs and research organisations  Promote networking, with emphasis on industry/research partnerships  Highlight challenges, success stories and benefits from participation in ITER, fusion, and big science projects  Present status of EU contribution to ITER and BA Fusion for Energy Annual Forum, ILO-EFLO Meeting, 12 June 2014 3

  4. FUSION FOR ENERGY FORUM Participants  Industry, SMEs, industry representatives, ILOs, FIIF  Fusion research organisations, EFLs, EFLOs, research centres and universities  F4E committees members and representatives from the ITER IO  European and national policy-makers from the areas of research, energy and industry  The media The number of participants could be in the range of 350-400 or more! Fusion for Energy Annual Forum, ILO-EFLO Meeting, 12 June 2014 4

  5. FUSION FOR ENERGY FORUM Main Elements  Participation fee: Low – € 200-300  Involvement of ILOs and other key stakeholders in the organisation (e.g. industrial exhibition, networking, key industrial speakers)  Periodicity: Annual  Date for first event: 10-12 June 2015  2 working days - Starting afternoon Day 1, finishing midday Day 3  Working Title: “Fusion for Energy Forum: Challenges and Opportunities for Business” Fusion for Energy Annual Forum, ILO-EFLO Meeting, 12 June 2014 5

  6. FUSION FOR ENERGY FORUM Format  Plenary sessions  Status of EU contribution – Main achievements  How to do business with F4E – Standard Conditions  Thematic sessions on key issues, technology clustering  Opportunities coming up (by main system or technology)  Success stories  Technology Transfer: from Research to Innovation  Networking of participants, industrial exhibition  Business Networking Meetings  (Virtual) Exhibition – EFLs and Industry?  Press Conference/Media event Fusion for Energy Annual Forum, ILO-EFLO Meeting, 12 June 2014 6

  7. FUSION FOR ENERGY FORUM What’s in it for Industry and SMEs?  Upcoming Industrial Opportunities by system and/or technological area  How can industry do business with F4E – conditions, challenges and success stories  Networking with other industries and EFLs: Business2Business meetings, presentation of companies, EFL exhibition, informal opportunities Fusion for Energy Annual Forum, ILO-EFLO Meeting, 12 June 2014 7

  8. FUSION FOR ENERGY FORUM What’s in it for European Fusion Laboratories?  Upcoming R&D and Industrial Opportunities by system and/or technological area  How can EFLs do business with industry – conditions, challenges and success stories  Networking with industries and EFLs: Business2Business meetings, presentation of companies, EFL exhibition, informal opportunities Fusion for Energy Annual Forum, ILO-EFLO Meeting, 12 June 2014 8

  9. FUSION FOR ENERGY FORUM Novelty: promoting partnership between industry and EFLs Industry/EFLs partnership:  For the manufacturing of components during the construction of ITER  For the follow-up of contracts and provision of advice/expertise during manufacturing  For transferring knowledge and technology generated for ITER, Fusion or other areas How to actively promote the partnership?  Getting to know each other and networking: « Virtual » business cards, Free space for EFL exhibition and presentation of knowledge and know-how;  Discussing the right questions – which ones? e.g. liabilities, nuclear safety environment, right conditions for partnership, conflict of interest, etc?  Presenting Success Stories Fusion for Energy Annual Forum, ILO-EFLO Meeting, 12 June 2014 9

  10. FUSION FOR ENERGY FORUM Novelty: promoting partnership between industry and EFLs F4E would be happy to provide the stage to the EFLs to facilitate partnership with industry, but:  EFLs to provide input on questions, issues to be discussed, etc.  Take charge of the co-organisation of some of the relevant activities  Invest in presentation of acquired knowledge and know-how  Invest time and effort in active participation Fusion for Energy Annual Forum, ILO-EFLO Meeting, 12 June 2014 10

  11. Follow us on: www.f4e.europa.eu www.twitter.com/fusionforenergy www.youtube.com/fusionforenergy www.linkedin.com/company/fusion-for-energy www.flickr.com/photos/fusionforenergy


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