Fusion for Energy Annual Forum Stavros Chatzipanagiotou ILO-EFLO Meeting Barcelona, 12 June 2014
FUSION FOR ENERGY FORUM The Context Many national/international events on fusion and ITER No true European event, many national events with European participation F4E is the key European player in ITER and fusion F4E is the most important funding organisation for fusion energy Many opportunities for work are still available and contracts/funding opportunities are in the horizon Important to bring together different stakeholders, with emphasis on industry and EFLs Fusion for Energy Annual Forum, ILO-EFLO Meeting, 12 June 2014 2
FUSION FOR ENERGY FORUM The Objectives Present upcoming opportunities for industry, SMEs and research organisations Promote networking, with emphasis on industry/research partnerships Highlight challenges, success stories and benefits from participation in ITER, fusion, and big science projects Present status of EU contribution to ITER and BA Fusion for Energy Annual Forum, ILO-EFLO Meeting, 12 June 2014 3
FUSION FOR ENERGY FORUM Participants Industry, SMEs, industry representatives, ILOs, FIIF Fusion research organisations, EFLs, EFLOs, research centres and universities F4E committees members and representatives from the ITER IO European and national policy-makers from the areas of research, energy and industry The media The number of participants could be in the range of 350-400 or more! Fusion for Energy Annual Forum, ILO-EFLO Meeting, 12 June 2014 4
FUSION FOR ENERGY FORUM Main Elements Participation fee: Low – € 200-300 Involvement of ILOs and other key stakeholders in the organisation (e.g. industrial exhibition, networking, key industrial speakers) Periodicity: Annual Date for first event: 10-12 June 2015 2 working days - Starting afternoon Day 1, finishing midday Day 3 Working Title: “Fusion for Energy Forum: Challenges and Opportunities for Business” Fusion for Energy Annual Forum, ILO-EFLO Meeting, 12 June 2014 5
FUSION FOR ENERGY FORUM Format Plenary sessions Status of EU contribution – Main achievements How to do business with F4E – Standard Conditions Thematic sessions on key issues, technology clustering Opportunities coming up (by main system or technology) Success stories Technology Transfer: from Research to Innovation Networking of participants, industrial exhibition Business Networking Meetings (Virtual) Exhibition – EFLs and Industry? Press Conference/Media event Fusion for Energy Annual Forum, ILO-EFLO Meeting, 12 June 2014 6
FUSION FOR ENERGY FORUM What’s in it for Industry and SMEs? Upcoming Industrial Opportunities by system and/or technological area How can industry do business with F4E – conditions, challenges and success stories Networking with other industries and EFLs: Business2Business meetings, presentation of companies, EFL exhibition, informal opportunities Fusion for Energy Annual Forum, ILO-EFLO Meeting, 12 June 2014 7
FUSION FOR ENERGY FORUM What’s in it for European Fusion Laboratories? Upcoming R&D and Industrial Opportunities by system and/or technological area How can EFLs do business with industry – conditions, challenges and success stories Networking with industries and EFLs: Business2Business meetings, presentation of companies, EFL exhibition, informal opportunities Fusion for Energy Annual Forum, ILO-EFLO Meeting, 12 June 2014 8
FUSION FOR ENERGY FORUM Novelty: promoting partnership between industry and EFLs Industry/EFLs partnership: For the manufacturing of components during the construction of ITER For the follow-up of contracts and provision of advice/expertise during manufacturing For transferring knowledge and technology generated for ITER, Fusion or other areas How to actively promote the partnership? Getting to know each other and networking: « Virtual » business cards, Free space for EFL exhibition and presentation of knowledge and know-how; Discussing the right questions – which ones? e.g. liabilities, nuclear safety environment, right conditions for partnership, conflict of interest, etc? Presenting Success Stories Fusion for Energy Annual Forum, ILO-EFLO Meeting, 12 June 2014 9
FUSION FOR ENERGY FORUM Novelty: promoting partnership between industry and EFLs F4E would be happy to provide the stage to the EFLs to facilitate partnership with industry, but: EFLs to provide input on questions, issues to be discussed, etc. Take charge of the co-organisation of some of the relevant activities Invest in presentation of acquired knowledge and know-how Invest time and effort in active participation Fusion for Energy Annual Forum, ILO-EFLO Meeting, 12 June 2014 10
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